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DS/DSi General Discussion


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Not sure what to think. Looks cool but I don't think it is necessary for me to have it like with the DS Lite. Though last time I didn't think it was necessary for me to get the DS Lite so somewhere down the line I may get this. The upgrades are sufficent enough to have me interested. :D


Though Nintedo DSi I'm unsure of the name too much trying to be like Apple me thinks. :)

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will the dsi be region free like the ds lite and will it use the same charger as the ds lite because i might import it.


Since the cartridge games are the same, it will be region free for that, since the cards don't have any encoding on them. No idea about the online though. I'd just wait to be safe.

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Aha, we get this in the Spring, whereas America get it in late 2009. :D The new user interface on the menu looks really nice, there's a few videos and screens floating around of it.


I'm also thinking that Nintendo will release some sort of SD add-on to allow for the downloading of DSWare games on Lites and Phats.

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Why would they do that? And also how?


The DSi must have a bit more power under the hood so I doubt just an SD add-on would suffice.


Day 1 for me though, I've still got my original blue DS which is needing a replacement. I want to get a micro though.

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How are play-asia with import tax? I need a replacement for my poor DS phat.


I got my Navy Blue DS lite from play-asia. EMS speedpost service and no tax!! I lucky though as never get taxed when using EMS or normal airmal. Other people have been stung!

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Guest Stefkov

I'm guessing nintendo thought 'Oh cameras, i - eye. Yeah we're awesome'.

Everyone else just tries to throw it in so people think omg ipod, this also has an i in it.

This looks awesome though. I want a silver one.

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