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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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Resident Evil 5


Love, love, LOVE IT!!!!! It's so awesome and the graphics are fantastic.




I really want to play Prototype and CoDWaW. I love Nazi Zombies on it, I'm getting it for my birthday so I can't wait :p


I also can't wait for SAW and Harry Potter (yes, I'm a big fan) to come out as well.

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I quite liked the platforming in Uncharted. Scaling a castle wall was quite fun.


Last game I played - Pokemon Sapphire (dam im cool) 8/10


After revisiting this, I have decided it is quite a bit better than Crystal. There are a lot of advacements really, nothing revolutionary but everything is just tweaked and tweaked to a higher standard than before. The addition of weather made up for the lack of day/night on reflection and i think the story is even a bit better. Not saying much that, but still. Plus it has better legendaries :P

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Thing is, it's what makes it Uncharted. Anyone can beat the game, it's just about the experience you from it.


Don't go there. That's Ico. Uncharted is uber-shallow. Don't try and dress it up as an "experience". It's fun entertainment. Period. You want experiences, this generation? That's pretty much either Fallout or Bioshock, for now.

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I really liked Bioshock, took me a while to get into as the controls annoyed at first, but the whole game has so much atmosphere and is so consistently stylized. I loved the story and thought the whole thing was almost like the ultimate right wing dystopia.

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Don't go there. That's Ico. Uncharted is uber-shallow. Don't try and dress it up as an "experience". It's fun entertainment. Period. You want experiences, this generation? That's pretty much either Fallout or Bioshock, for now.

Fallout was a brilliant game, one of the best this generation but I think you mis-understood me. The platforming isn't a different experience, I think the whole game is a good one. Not sure what the difference is between an experience and fun entertainment. Fun entertainment is an experience no?

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Fallout was a brilliant game, one of the best this generation but I think you mis-understood me. The platforming isn't a different experience, I think the whole game is a good one. Not sure what the difference is between an experience and fun entertainment. Fun entertainment is an experience no?


Everything is an experience. But Uncharted, as an experience, is a non-event. It's brainless entertainment. So is GoW, mind. But it's important we draw that line! Fun entertainment is pretty much just that, it's fun and it keeps you busy. It doesn't have that immersive atmosphere it really need in order for it to be "about the experience", because the experience is as touching as peanuts.

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I'd like to add that peanuts are fucking awesome.




Burnout Paradise

My friend finally bought this- cue a return to Paradise for yours truly, a bunch of dumbass challenges and a general lark around. Absolutely amazing game this- I think it's the absolute bleeding edge of multiplayer, community support and design this gen. Other developers should look upon this game with nothing short of fear and awe.

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I feel like I've missed out on that game, probably too late to be worth picking up as well, even if the DLC has only just hit. I wasn't impressed by the demo though.


And peanuts are awesome. Dry roasted.

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Hmmm ok but what makes Fallout more of an experience? Or did you not claim that? :wtf:


I think if you're talking about videogame experiences then Metroid Prime would be a good place to start.


I did make that claim. What makes it more of an experience? The vividness of the atmosphere, the immersion of the themes, the seamless blending of realities, the gripping world it creates, the whole package. It's about as good as a game can get, experience-wise.


Ah, I'm glad you mentioned that. The only reason I didn't mention Prime 3 is because it breaks the atmosphere 1 and 2 created so flawlessly. It's, ironically, corrupted, by some minor niggles. Doesn't make bad, but with the New Play versions of 1 and 2 coming out, it just became the worst of the trilogy. Still fantastic gaming, mind. But as far as previous gen goes, Shadow of the Colossus takes the trophy on "experience" of the generation.

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Hmm looking back now I pretty much agree with you on Prime 3... I enjoyed all three games immensely though but the original is still the best, will be picking up the new control scheme ones just because I enjoyed playing them so much back in the day but... it is good that the series is now taking a different direction / approach with Team Ninja on-board as well.

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ok, after bagging the platinum, i'll give my thoughts yet again on fallout 3.


the fact ive put in close to 200 hours worth of gameplay, and yet im still finding new stuff is simply unreal.


going back to my origional profile, its clear how much more i appreciate the game now, my neutral, and latest, character is practicaly unstoppable, i understand the leveling up and made a hugly efficent character, totaly ignoring stats i dont use.


id say the game world itself is one of the best ive been in, its erily beautiful, hugly impressive and HUGE.


cant wait to start the dlc!

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I did make that claim. What makes it more of an experience? The vividness of the atmosphere, the immersion of the themes, the seamless blending of realities, the gripping world it creates, the whole package. It's about as good as a game can get, experience-wise.


Ah, I'm glad you mentioned that. The only reason I didn't mention Prime 3 is because it breaks the atmosphere 1 and 2 created so flawlessly. It's, ironically, corrupted, by some minor niggles. Doesn't make bad, but with the New Play versions of 1 and 2 coming out, it just became the worst of the trilogy. Still fantastic gaming, mind. But as far as previous gen goes, Shadow of the Colossus takes the trophy on "experience" of the generation.


Hmm looking back now I pretty much agree with you on Prime 3... I enjoyed all three games immensely though but the original is still the best, will be picking up the new control scheme ones just because I enjoyed playing them so much back in the day but... it is good that the series is now taking a different direction / approach with Team Ninja on-board as well.


I've been saying that the first Prime was the best for ages! Even before controls the first is just better in every other aspect, therefore better overall by miles. Echoes was also great, I don't think I've ever anticipated a game as much as it and for me it delivered. Corruption is still a decent game but in terms of the trilogy, it's not up to scratch.


Fallout 3... There are a few flaws in the experience that sort of put you out of the virtual realm, characters being a main concern, but it's such a goddamn good game that you can't really complain. Prime is better though, there's just so many good things about it, later in the game especially. Music is sublime too.

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Rock Band


Just feels like a cheap Guitar Hero. It just doesn't feel like you're actually playing the song with some of the tracks, it feels more like your just pressing buttons. It's not a massive difference from GH, but just doesn't quite feel as good.


I haven't been able to try the DLC yet though, which was the main reason I wanted it. It seems to be better supported that GH. My Live is throwing its toys out of its pram at the minute.



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Rock Band


Just feels like a cheap Guitar Hero. It just doesn't feel like you're actually playing the song with some of the tracks, it feels more like your just pressing buttons. It's not a massive difference from GH, but just doesn't quite feel as good.


I haven't been able to try the DLC yet though, which was the main reason I wanted it. It seems to be better supported that GH. My Live is throwing its toys out of its pram at the minute.




I'm glad there's someone else out there who just can't get into Rockband. I tried it over a friend's house, and I did enjoy, but I didn't feel as immersed as I did with Guitar Hero.


You got it spot on, it didn't feel like I was playing the song. It just didn't work for me.

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Started off well. Then got really fun. Now it's just a bit dull. It's pretty repetitive and the city, New York, is amazingly bland. There are nice touches, like how the story is told but the whole thing just runs out of steam.



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I´ve only played Rock Band 2 at a friends place (he has all the songs from RB 1 added too) and I really like but I understand the above complaints, it just does not have the same mood as the earlier Guitar Heroes.


Also is it me or are these games getting progressively easier?

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I´ve only played Rock Band 2 at a friends place (he has all the songs from RB 1 added too) and I really like but I understand the above complaints, it just does not have the same mood as the earlier Guitar Heroes.


Also is it me or are these games getting progressively easier?


It could just be that you're getting progressively better.


If you play guitar hero 1 and 2, surely when 3 comes around you're going to be pretty decent at it? That's a point I think many people overlook when they try new games (any games) and pass them off as "easy." Ya, easy for yooou.

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Burnout Paradise

My friend finally bought this- cue a return to Paradise for yours truly, a bunch of dumbass challenges and a general lark around. Absolutely amazing game this- I think it's the absolute bleeding edge of multiplayer, community support and design this gen. Other developers should look upon this game with nothing short of fear and awe.


Nice one. The new island is awesome and you are spot on about the multiplayer. It is so easy to drop in and personally I'm not always that keep playing online but it is so easy and seamless in Paradise I'm online almost every time I play.


I feel like I've missed out on that game, probably too late to be worth picking up as well, even if the DLC has only just hit. I wasn't impressed by the demo though.


I hated the demo. In fact the only reason I had the game is because it came in a bundle with my PS3 and even then the game didn't click, I kept trying it but just was not fazed, until about 2 months after I got it. Now I've completed it twice and clocked in around 70 hours into it. Absolutely insane. I'm still playing it well over a year after it came out. Very possibly my top game of this generation.

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Well there is that.

I just miss the feeling of finally overcoming a really hard song after being stuck on it for hours.

I guess that would ruin the mood a bit when your playing something like Rock Band where not everyone has the patience to try the same song over and over again.

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Well there is that.

I just miss the feeling of finally overcoming a really hard song after being stuck on it for hours.

I guess that would ruin the mood a bit when your playing something like Rock Band where not everyone has the patience to try the same song over and over again.


I love that feeling. God, over the past few years, people have heard my screams of joy after finally finishing a song after endless tries.


"Give it up, Jim."



Haha, I never actually thought of that with Rock Band. It would surely drive people mad, especially because a lot of people just lack that ability to sit down for hours and hammer something until they get it right. Maybe that's Gamer's Compulsive Disorder or something.

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It happened when I played recently, after failing the same song the third time in a row the bass player just said "fuck this song let´s play another song"

At the time it sounded fair but looking back I still call him a wuss for asking us to skip this song

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