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Killzone 2


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Well, I've completed the campaign on Trooper (Normal) and it took around 6 hours. It's a decent enough shooter that doesn't outstay its welcome; 7/10 material. It suffers from a few bizarre design decisions, notably the decision to make your default sidearm a magnum that's slow and inaccurate rather than the far more useful Helghan pistol that's semi-automatic and much more precise. Also I'm still not a fan of the stick calibration as there's a certain unwelcome momentum to it that made me constantly aware that I was wrestling to aim rather than just aiming.


That last part is incredibly bizarre as I just tried the multiplayer and... the aiming is loads better! I'm sure it can't be psychological as the difference was immediately noticeable; there doesn't seem to be the same annoying follow-through as in singleplayer. Anyway I haven't played many matches yet, but things have definitely improved since the Beta — aiming, netcode, overall polish — and I can easily see this becoming the de facto PS3 exclusive online shooter.

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You are just getting warmed up. Also Magnum >>>>>>> Pistol. Interms of effectiveness. How would you compare the single player so far to COD4?


Got my pre-order code for the Killzone theme from Play, it looks alright, doubt I'll use it. Can you 'share' themes from PSN like the PSN games? Be happy to share if anyone wants the theme and didn't order from Play.


me me me please. :p


edit: Online stability good so far. Bug for scrolling servers though. But i dont mind the downtime ;)

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Also Magnum >>>>>>> Pistol. Interms of effectiveness.

Perhaps, but the Helghan pistol is a far more useful sidearm given that you can only carry one primary weapon. If you run out of ammo or are carrying a rocket launcher it's annoying having a backup weapon that's slow firing and inaccurate, as it isn't nearly as versatile as the other pistol. If they swapped the two around I'm sure you'd be hearing far fewer complaints about only being able to carry one main weapon at a time.


How would you compare the single player so far to COD4?

I'd say they're about level with each other, although personally I'd give the edge to Guerilla's game. There's a lot less 'move forward to stop the infinite spawn' in Killzone 2, much to my relief, but they're both very by-the-numbers games. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just don't expect some kind of revolutionary shooter as this isn't it.

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Hehe just made a Note that I stuck on my front door with cellotape asking my postman if he could sign the package himself if we are away. One A4 sheet with the polite message and on A4 alerting him to the message.


Hope this works :) (shows how desperate I am for the game)

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I now have the same problem as Dwarf. No one may be in to sign. I am busy in the daytime :(


Perhaps, but the Helghan pistol is a far more useful sidearm given that you can only carry one primary weapon. If you run out of ammo or are carrying a rocket launcher it's annoying having a backup weapon that's slow firing and inaccurate, as it isn't nearly as versatile as the other pistol. If they swapped the two around I'm sure you'd be hearing far fewer complaints about only being able to carry one main weapon at a time.


In the beta/multiplayer the magnum is unlockable. It was definately preffered to the standard pistol which has more ammo, is faster but does not hit hard.



I'd say they're about level with each other, although personally I'd give the edge to Guerilla's game. There's a lot less 'move forward to stop the infinite spawn' in Killzone 2, much to my relief, but they're both very by-the-numbers games. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just don't expect some kind of revolutionary shooter as this isn't it.


Well Cod4 for many is the best so thats good. The spawning thing sounds good it drove me mad at times in COD games.


Another cool thing from the beta is that they can make changes server side instead of only using patches. Much like the browsing issue. :)

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I just created the clan N-E Elites. PM me for invite.

my PSN is DiemetriX.


I think the most active user can be leader, you up for the job Choze?


I'll add you when i'm next on. I wouldn't mind joining the clan.


I want to finish the campain mode first though.


What difficulty is everyone gonna play on, i'm currently playing on veteran?


Need to learn to be skillful for online.


I have died a lot though.

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I am work but I have the game here with me, thanks to my postman shoving it through my letter box without even wanting a signature just before I left for work. I am not complaining though. Well I am in that I am personally taunting myself with it sitting here and me not being able to play it for a good 4 and a half hrs. Ah well.

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What difficulty is everyone doing this on?


I'm doing the hardest one available when you start. I think it's called 'Veteran'.


So far it isn't too hard but not too easy. Pretty spot on actually.


Played a bot match, don't seem to be able to connect online for some reason, and that was a lot of fun. Love the bots.

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What difficulty is everyone doing this on?


I'm doing the hardest one available when you start. I think it's called 'Veteran'.


So far it isn't too hard but not too easy. Pretty spot on actually.


Played a bot match, don't seem to be able to connect online for some reason, and that was a lot of fun. Love the bots.


Yeah the servers are down at the moment. Probably due to the sheer volume of people going online. I also had a go with bots, the map we played (forgot what it was called) was like a huge desert shanty town.....incredible. Still trying to get my head around the controls though.

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Yeah the servers are down at the moment. Probably due to the sheer volume of people going online. I also had a go with bots, the map we played (forgot what it was called) was like a huge desert shanty town.....incredible. Still trying to get my head around the controls though.


Cool, I thought that might be that case.


Yeah I think that's Pyrrus Rise. That's the one I did. The wind and the dust look amazing.


I'm sorted with the basic controls. Still not sure how you use abilities and stuff in mutliplayer but I suspect that's because I don't have any. :heh:

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Looks like the servers are ok now, just had a go online.


I will have another go later, but I can already see that, for me, its not gonna work. I don't like the control.....at all, no matter what sensitivity I put it on.


I am enjoying the single player, and the graphics truly are a sight to behold in some places, but the second coming this game aint. If they had just implemented Resistance 2 control, then this game would be an incredible experience for me. As it stands, its a 'comlete the game then trade it in'.

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Just finished the 2nd level of the game... Is it just me or does the entire experience just feel "unresponsive."


Like... stuff doesn't blow up like it should or the controls are just so loose at times. And the level design is all over the place at points.


And maybe an odd complaint, but the POV seems too close. You can't see what's around you too easily.


Its a mediocre FPS at best at the moment... Its not like i went into this wanting to hate it, otherwise i wouldn't have bought it. But this isn't the next big FPS like the entire review community are making it out to be. This doesn't come close to Call of Duty, Halo or many other console FPS in the last few years.


I haven't touched the MP yet, so i'll have to reserve judgement there. But so far, totally agree with the Edge review.

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