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I did find this game a little bit short, and ultimately there were no surprise villain appearances beyond the ones that we all saw in trailers etc. - considering we're right in the heart of Batman's villains' domain, you'd think there'd be more than 4 or 5 of his big name baddies. But it was a very good game despite this, well deserving of its scores and definitely the best superhero game I've played since Spider-Man 2.

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Im going crazy in the Mansion now, ive been in every single room and I cant find the last 3 chattering teeth!


EDIT: Just finished the Spirit of Arkham aswell


The room where you hit Zasz with the Batarang. As soon as you eneter the room, look up. You can grapple up to another floor.

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Thanks, i'll take a look.


Also, in the caves when you climb all the way up to the pressure control rooms:


In the story all the door shields get powered up and a Titan guy comes down an elevator shaft I think. Where is the other entrance that you escaped from after that fight? Im on the wrong side of the shields at the moment and my one remaining clue is in there.


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