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The Official Fire Emblem Thread


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I'm so unsure whether to get it or not!

I'm just not sure whether its for me or not, argh. I'm not getting it straight away anyway, but I'm not sure if i'll ever get it either. Hmm..

You like Advance Wars and RPGs. Fire Emblem is an Strategy RPG type game. You will LOVE this gae. Buy it, or forever be tormented by the fact that you don't have a great game in your possession.

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Guest Ray Falling

I've almost finished it now I think. Its so freaking amazing. ;_; Its now one of my new favourite games n_n.


Its alot harder than the gba one, which is goog, and it seems alot longer too which is even better. The gba one had 20 chapters, while this one has past 25 n_n.


I'm very very pleased with what they've come up with this game is truely amazing, get it as soon as you can.




EDIT: I just finished it!!! ;_; wow its been a while since a game had this sort of impact on me n_n; I love it so much.


Some parts were confusing, so I have to play the game again and do it right this time n_n. But it was great...ARGH


And when you finish it, you get to see the FMV's whenever you want to ;_; *drool*

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i´ll propaly get it when i get my hands on some cash.

I´ve only played number 7 (with eliwood and hector and all that) and i loved but i haven´t finished it because the idiot of a brother of mine lost it :weep:


When i bought FE 7 i almost didn´t get it because i was trying to decide between FE or Shining Force on GBA and i choose right ;P

even though Shining Force are kick-ass games

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i´ll propaly get it when i get my hands on some cash.

I´ve only played number 7 (with eliwood and hector and all that) and i loved but i haven´t finished it because the idiot of a brother of mine lost it :weep:


When i bought FE 7 i almost didn´t get it because i was trying to decide between FE or Shining Force on GBA and i choose right ;P

even though Shining Force are kick-ass games


I only played ( and still own ) Shining Force 3 on the saturn and yes it is awesome.

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Guest Ray Falling

Yet it has alot of nice new feautres too. And the levels are alot more exciting n_n.


I love the fact that you can make custom weapons 0_0 that saved me in many occasions

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Great thread this one. I'm joining in with the fun :)


Intelligent Systems definately is one of my fave developers. In the NES/SNES era I always wondered what the fuss was all about the Famicom Wars and Fire Emblem games. I remember when the N64 was doing the business a new SNES game was announced. That game was Fire Emblem 5: Thracia 776. "That's just crazy" I thought.


With the arrival of the GBA I finally could get my hands on the Advance Wars and Fire Emblem games. They're just freaking awesome! They even rival Zelda as my favourite game franchise.


Anyway, I just love 'm! Shame we Fire Emblem 6 was never localized, but they made that up by releasing Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance yesterday :)


Got my hands on Path of Radiance yesterday, will get Sacred Stones as soon as possible. Though Advance Wars DS has got my hands full already...

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Well once again I get screwed out of playing a game straight away. My Nintendogs got lost in the post so I decided to not use Gameplay for this and just get it at my local games shop instead. I went to get it yesterday and they said it would be in today. I then went up today and still no game as their Nintendo shipment has been delayed. I clearly have the worst luck when buying games. This better not happen when I get Mario Kart or there will be hell to pay. Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow........

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Guest Ray Falling
If you look on gamefaqs it says you have to finish it 15 times to get a character!!!!!!!


true, but you can get many characters. Theres also one for if you finish it 3 times and then some other random numbers, but they can only be used in special maps. But you cant level up in these special maps so its hardly anything to keep you busy.


The main game is awesome enough and the extras are just a bonus. But the main game should keep you busy for enough.

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I went shopping in Bedford yesterday I saw it in one shop, and that was an indepedant retailer, not even GAME or Gamestation had it, which leaves me to believe there might have been a problem or delay.


Unfortunately for me I didn't have enough money for it. :(

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http://www.planetgamecube.com have their review up and have given it 9.5/10!!!


They even go so far as to say;

"Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is a game that definitely should have been released at the beginning of the GameCube’s life; it could have easily become a killer application of Final Fantasy VII proportions had it only been given launch-window recognition. Really, it’s that good. Go out and buy it, folks, this could very well be the GameCube's Game of the Year."


full review here; http://www.planetgamecube.com/reviews.cfm?action=profile&id=688




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http://www.planetgamecube.com have their review up and have given it 9.5/10!!!


They even go so far as to say;

"Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is a game that definitely should have been released at the beginning of the GameCube’s life; it could have easily become a killer application of Final Fantasy VII proportions had it only been given launch-window recognition. Really, it’s that good. Go out and buy it, folks, this could very well be the GameCube's Game of the Year."


full review here; http://www.planetgamecube.com/reviews.cfm?action=profile&id=688





GRRRRRRR I want this game even more now. Why does the world mock me so?

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Guest Ray Falling
I'm considering getting this and battalion wars this year. What do you guys reckon? Should I go for it?


Depends on if you like this type of game...but since yer also getting battalion wars id say you do.


Its a really great game and I can totally recommend it. Its a really unique game and has a great story to go with that. The strategy part is really well executed and has plenty of new features.


Id say if yer not sure, rent or borrow it first, but in my opinion this is a title you really dont want to miss n_n


It got a comfy place in my top favourite games of all times n_n

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This is my fire Fire Emblem game and WOW it is bloody fantastic and I mean it, this isn't an hyperbole.


The characters, they way the develop, mature. Not long ago rolf was a weak little boy, now he is one of my best.


I'm 12 and a half hours into the game - chapter 15 and I'm loving it. Surely my favourite game on the cube so far.


~Possible Spoilers~


Oscar, Titania, Ike, Boyed totally cool characters. This game, I don't what it is but you really feel as if they are real. Such as when they all support Ike as commander, the music hits in and they words of encouragement surely will boost anyone's morale, well mines at least.


Even when some of your forces, Gatrie for example, leave your crew because they can't accrept you as commander you kinda think "Ah well, as long as the rest stick with me" but then, when you later catch up with him and his new employee you are kinda pissed off at him. Hahah I know, I know, its only a game but still.

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I started again seems that I missed one character and I can't be bothered to play it after I'm done :p

I was up to chapter 10 I want to do it right to get some bonus exp but I need that character but I clocked up my hours cos I left my cube on for a few hours to cook.. currently on chapter 7 on my new game.

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