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The Dark Knight Discussion (Spoilers)


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I think Nolans Batman series is really overrated. Not saying I don't like it, I like Batman Begins (Like, not love, I think this film alone is SERIOUSLY overrated), but I loved the Dark Knight.


And you really can't say what Joker is better, because they are both 2 completely different versions. They are both great in their own right.


The magic trick is amazing.

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The magic trick is amazing.


Oh man I can't believe I forgot that in my previous post, when that happened everyone in the cinema started laughing, then there was a sudden silenced as everyone realised...holy shit he killed someone with a pencil, fracking HARDCORE.


What I really want is for the next Superman film to be on the same level of quality as this....


They should have restarted that series too, Superman Returns was "alright", then totally ruined when he lifts an island of kryptonite...like WTF?? One pepple of the stuff can "nearly" kill him.... that much should have had him melting like a witch who just had water tossed on her :heh:

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The Kryptonite island is one thing. The fucking kid, the 70s style mad scientist Lex Luthor without an empire and the strangely pitched and empty voice of Brandon Routh are a few more points of note.


I think Nolans Batman series is really overrated. Not saying I don't like it, I like Batman Begins (Like, not love, I think this film alone is SERIOUSLY overrated), but I loved the Dark Knight.


And you really can't say what Joker is better, because they are both 2 completely different versions. They are both great in their own right.


The magic trick is amazing.


Overrated... well I suppose in some ways it is. But I think the rating everyone here has given it is perfectly accurate. Whether it deserves millions of US votes on IMDb propelling it past the longstand Godfather based half on hype, I'm not sure of.


Regarding Joker, why can't you say which is better? Oranges and Apples are completely different but you can still pick a favourite. And they're not really different are they? They both have the character and comic book to draw comparison to, and you can decide which better displayed the twisted darkness within. I loved Nicholson's Joker, still do, but I think this one felt liker something weaved by the great comic book minds, like Miller or Alan Moore. Nicholson's Joker reminded me more of the old one from the Adam West days.

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Here's a question.


If they made another.... would you like Robin to be in it?


Of course if done right it could be great, but to me the addition of Robin to the previous Batman film series was what helped destroy it.


I read someone somewhere suggest if they did it might be better to skip Dick Grayson and the 2nd Robin (can't remember name) and go straight to Tom Drake

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It's Tim Drake and the second Robin was called Jason Todd :heh: not sure if you could really skip to Tim (yknow, with what happens to Jason and all).


I was thinking about this, and it might be really, really difficult to insert Robin into the Gotham/Batman world that Nolan has created. How could Bale's Batman justify training a child, to Jim, to Alfred? Would Robin look stupid? Could a kid pull it off (he's meant to be early teens), or would they have to go much older like they did in Forever? I think it would be very, very tricky to pull it off well. And tied in with the curse-of-the-second-superhero sequel that seems to exist (Batman Forever, Spider-Man 3, X3, Superman III etc) it could ruin the series, so I'm not sure anyone would want to take the chance.


They might be better going with Batgirl, since we've already Gordon's daughter, sort of ;)

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It's Tim Drake and the second Robin was called Jason Todd :heh: not sure if you could really skip to Tim (yknow, with what happens to Jason and all).


I was thinking about this, and it might be really, really difficult to insert Robin into the Gotham/Batman world that Nolan has created. How could Bale's Batman justify training a child, to Jim, to Alfred? Would Robin look stupid? Could a kid pull it off (he's meant to be early teens), or would they have to go much older like they did in Forever? I think it would be very, very tricky to pull it off well. And tied in with the curse-of-the-second-superhero sequel that seems to exist (Batman Forever, Spider-Man 3, X3, Superman III etc) it could ruin the series, so I'm not sure anyone would want to take the chance.


They might be better going with Batgirl, since we've already Gordon's daughter, sort of ;)



Tim, Tom...meh.... it's late :indeed:


Yeah i guess your right on the Gordon and Alfred part... Fox also, assuming he comes back would certainly not like it.


But again the same could be said for Batgirl.


And as for not skipping to Drake because of Todd.... in Spiderman they skipped Gwen and went straight to MJ and it worked quite well (till it's eventual ruin with part 3 of course :shakehead )


I was thinking maybe going right to Nightwing also? But then again that would still be the same as Robin.... in fact Robin's suit in "Forever" and "Batman & Robin" was based more on the Nightwing suit afterall... so technically already be tried and of course FAILED

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Here's a question.


If they made another.... would you like Robin to be in it?


Of course if done right it could be great, but to me the addition of Robin to the previous Batman film series was what helped destroy it.


I read someone somewhere suggest if they did it might be better to skip Dick Grayson and the 2nd Robin (can't remember name) and go straight to Tom Drake


Curiously me and OW were discussing this after the movie. To be straight? No. While Jason's death provided some depth to Batman's fucked up head, the creation of Batman and his shitty friends was a crappy move that turned batman into something he wasn't.


TDK, damn, it's one of those movies where you can't point out any flaws, or at least without being anal, it's beautifully directed the actors are amazing, the plot is great, the action is brutal and the soundtrack is jawesome. Who would say a comic book movie would turn out this good some years ago?

Heath Ledger's performance was one of the best I've ever seen, simply brutal.

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The Dark Knight

Nowhere near as taut, visceral, claustrophobic or as terrifying as Batman Begins, they ironed out a few kinks, but gave the film a lot more creases because of it.


First of the film is too long, and they have way too much packed into it. A lot of it works, some of it doesn't. It's been seemingly wrongly hailed by critics as having a complicated structure, but in my eyes the film is convulted and complicated simply because they've put too much into it.


When it works though, it is sublime. The opening of the film, which with sequels is always a difficult task, was handled perfectly. Heath Ledger surpases all the hype as a fantastically sadistic Joker, though it was disappointing that the atmosphere was broken by morons laughing, all the fault of the theatre patrons though and nothing to do with the movie.


Overall it was slightly disappointing, it was unconventional in places I hadn't expected it to be but it was far too formulaic in others. The whole Sonar thing was completely unnessecary, it looked ugly and served no real purpose, they could have utilised other methods in order to serve the plot better.


It may open up to me more on a second viewing, which I will definately undertake this weekend, but on first impressions it does not quite match up to Batman Begins. Now don't jot this down to me being over hyped, I really wasn't. I avoided all TV spots, haven't seen the trailer in months and read none of the reviews. Will just have to see if it picks up with a second viewing.



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First, Im glad Im not the only one. I definitely need to go see it again though.


though it was disappointing that the atmosphere was broken by morons laughing, all the fault of the theatre patrons though and nothing to do with the movie.


TELL ME ABOUT IT! GOD IT WAS MAKING ME FURIOUS! Everyone was laughing at about 75% of the Joker psychopath scenes, and I was just sitting there thinking..."You know hes not a clown, hes a mentally disabled murdering psychopath and he just made a joke about killing hundreds, and you're laughing!" they just didnt fucking get it, more proof that this county is full of idiots.


PS. Nolan said if he does do a sequel, he definitely isnt doing Robin.

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Can't believe that nobody has mentioned how great the


[spoiler=]Joker in a nurse's uniform and his mannerisms when blowing up the hospital were



That was fuckin amazing man! I forgot about that...still like the joke he played when killing that mob guy with a pencil! Amazing. :smile:

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saw this yesterday and it definately lived up to the hype, it was fantastic!

My only complaint was that at the end of the movie you couldn't hear what the characters were saying because of the music was SO loud! A few others agreed with me too, was annoying.


Oh and heath was great, the joker actually scared the crap out of me.

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saw this yesterday and it definately lived up to the hype, it was fantastic!

My only complaint was that at the end of the movie you couldn't hear what the characters were saying because of the music was SO loud! A few others agreed with me too, was annoying.


Oh and heath was great, the joker actually scared the crap out of me.


Subtitles FTW! I never have to worry about not hearing what is being said. =P


Anyway, I thought the Joker was scary, for real. He gave me shivers, and that pencil trick made me and my sisters go D:

I guess I'm glad our cinema wasn't packed with idiot people; the nerds only laughed at the parts worth laughing about, sort of. =P


Loved the movie, and Heath Ledger is definitely the star of the movie. Just a great performance. =D

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I gotta say that the cinema I saw it, was full of people who laughed at inappropriate times....I was one of them (sometimes).


Its a bad habit of mine...but come on, he is the "joker"! I know he's meant to be a violent and disturbing psychopath but he has to be a little funny in doing it!

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I gotta say that the cinema I saw it, was full of people who laughed at inappropriate times....I was one of them (sometimes).


Its a bad habit of mine...but come on, he is the "joker"! I know he's meant to be a violent and disturbing psychopath but he has to be a little funny in doing it!


Yes, and some of the stuff he said was funny - of course. But the things he says about killing people, arent meant to be funny blah blah blah.


I really really need to see this again to have a legitimate opinion of it.

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Wait, Barbara Gordon/Batgirl was in this? I thought she was the wife of the comissioner in the Nolan series?
Yeah sorry some confusion: in this, Barbara Gordon is not Batgirl, obv, but Gordon's first wife (well, in comics continuity its his first wife, at the moment it's his only wife :heh:) but you also spot a daughter, who isn't named even in the cast list.


Original Batgirl was Barbara Gordon, Jim's daughter. But in current canon, it's his neice who he adopts. Jim having a daughter in this movie was what confused/surprised me.


Ugh, can't seem to make very succinct posts today, nevermind >.>

Hmmm... interesting... Depp and Day-Lewis have both expressed interest in portraying the Joker on possible sequels... Well, that's just perfect!!! My favourite actor (Day Lewis) and one of the best actors alive... GREAT!
That's pretty cool actually. I was wondering what they would do with the Joker in the future. It would be possible to just leave him out of Nolan's Batman films, permanently, but since he taunted Batman at the end of TDK, saying that they would have this battle forever (or something to that effect) made me think he ought to return. On the other hand, it would be so difficult to fill Ledger's boots, not just because of his great performance, but because of the pressure and everyone's expectations.


Buuut... guys like Depp and Day-Lewis could probably pull it off. Although I can't really picture Depp laughing maniacally.

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Watched this last night. AMAZING FILM. It feel long but i was sitting in the screen half n hour before even the adverts started.... (and they go on for half n hour!!!)


Loved the joker very creepy, i was bit suprised about Rachels death (expecting batman to save her but of course was given wrong location) and i thought they might leave two-face alive for a possible sequel but all n all EXCELLENT FILM!!!!!!!!!!

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