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Sonic and the Black Knight


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If they have a multiplayer mode similar to Sonic Fighters I'll be quite happy :D


you mean the arcade game? holy god no!


Looks great! Can't wait for this now.


does this happen every single time a sonic game is released or what ...


why oh why do we never learn.. sonic games are always going to be mediocre.. seriously unleashed wasnt that great and that was the best on wii thus far.. secret rings stands with super monkey ball wii has the biggest overly-rated titles on wii.. in my opinion


I am no sonic hater but i'm just warning you this game looks set to fall in every trap AGAIN


music: annoying

characters: more humans so probably not on mobius again..

gimmick this time?: a sword


and this is just from the trailer.. I also think this is practically a sequel to SATSR which personally I didnt like but some of you did.


the only thing this seems to do right is that sonic didnt say a word but you know he will :)


you're just better off being pesimistic with these games.. for every 10 sonic games released 6 are going to be god awful and the rest average .

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MCJ the games have never officially been on Mobius in the canon. It was something made up for the Western marketing (comics, cartoons, etc).


As far as the Japanese "canon" goes though he was always considered to be on Earth.


That doesn't mean I like this fact though, I was a big fan of the comics and what not but yeah you can't complain when they don't make a game "On Mobius" as officially none of the main games ever were (not sure if crap like Mean Bean Machine mightve mentioned it since it used art from the cartoons), just some bizzaro version of Earth or something. They scrapped using the name Mobius in anything many a year ago.

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Good rant mcj, I find it amusing all the Sonic fanboys hyping up every possible game in the hope that it'll be good. It's like what? 4 months since Unleashed came out, and that was yet another complete let down.


I just don't get how SEGA get away with it like this, if Activision made one bad Call of Duty or Capcom one bad Resident Evil they'd have their market eaten up by all the other publishers and the series would be null and void. Sonic Team can just keep releasing poor game after poor game and the fanbase keep coming back to swallow it up 0_o.

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Sonic is a franchise that most people genuinely wish would get back on track and although it fades more and more by the year, some fans still like to have SOME optimism about coming titles.


I greatly enjoyed semi-recent titles like Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure. I also liked Secret Rings a lot as I was one of those few people who could get past the issues of the control scheme (which greatly improves as you upgrade your character, even the turning speed, etc) and appreciate the sheer amount of depth the game had in replayability and unlockables.


In terms of the main entries I tend to always have a negative outlook unless proven wrong (Sonic The Hedgehog 2k6, Unleashed, etc) but I still tend to be positive about the spin offs and minor titles more.


For this game specifically I'm cautiously optimistic as I think the concept but I'm worried the environments could end up very bland and un-Sonic like as a lot of the castle ones seem that way so far.

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ONM Preview:


When a gaming hero is given a new weapon or skill it's usually seen as a positive thing. Yet give Sonic a sword and you'll immediately hear a chorus of veteran gamers groaning. You see, older Sonic fans don't seem to like change and they'd prefer it if he was frozen in time around the early '90s, endlessly sprinting around 2D loops. Yet, considering Sega has sent Sonic back in time to fight Arthurian knights it would be a bit harsh if he had to fight these heavily armed warriors with just his bare hands.


Also, considering this is coming so soon after Sonic Unleashed, the hedgehog has to do something a bit different so, like the idea or not, he's been given a blade and, as we discovered from our playtest, it works surprisingly well. You don't need to worry because it's still Sonic and he can still run through the levels at quite a pace, only now he'll have to take out his opponents not with spins and jumps but agile sword slashes.


King Of The Castle

The level we played was set in the grounds of a medieval castle, like the one you may have seen in the debut trailer that's now showing on our website. As in Sonic And The Secret Rings, this is all about momentum and Sonic will initially seem a bit slow - as if he'd had a few ales the night before training perhaps - but he soon picks up the pace and races along the stone paths at top speed. Thankfully, this time Sega has realised that you don't absolutely have to make use of the Wii Remote's motion capabilities at every opportunity so you don't have the situation where you're holding the Remote on its side and moving the hedgehog around as if he were a 4x4 in Excite Truck.


This time you move Sonic with the analogue stick and soon the make or break moment arrives as you approach an enemy and wield your sword. It's quite simple to use - you swish your Remote to take out an enemy but you will have to slow down to do the powerful attacks. Still, you can't argue that it doesn't look stylish as Sonic speeds towards an enemy at full pelt and launches a somersaulting sword swipe attack in the direction of a knight's helmet.


He may have a sword but but the heavy steel doesn't affect Sonic's movement. This hog is as agile as ever as he skids along a rope or slides down the castle walls, Prince Of Persia-style. Yet despite this, one of our favourite moments so far is slowing the hedgehog down to a stop and taking a step backwards. That might sound odd but it's such a relief to have full control over Sonic's movement after being forced along a set path in Sonic And The Secret Rings.



So far, so good, then? Yes, but after the disappointment of the werewolf levels in last month's Sonic Unleashed, you'll forgive us if we don't get overly excited about Sonic And The Black Knight just yet. Sure, what we've seen so far is reasonably promising but all too often with recent Sonic games, the finished game hasn't quite lived up to the hype. So let's not get carried away and shout about a return to form for the hedgehog (how many of those has he had?). At this stage, we can just be happy that teaching an old hog new tricks doesn't seem to be a terrible idea. Next move, Sonic...

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Good trailer!


As in Sonic And The Secret Rings, this is all about momentum and Sonic will initially seem a bit slow - as if he'd had a few ales the night before training perhaps


Yet despite this, one of our favourite moments so far is slowing the hedgehog down to a stop and taking a step backwards.

I really didn't like the 'momentum' & levelling up aspect of SatSR, so bit of a shame to hear it's still the same here.


And I hope it's not the same awkward back steps as in SatSR, and you can actually turn around and walk back.

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you mean the arcade game? holy god no!




does this happen every single time a sonic game is released or what ...


why oh why do we never learn.. sonic games are always going to be mediocre.. seriously unleashed wasnt that great and that was the best on wii thus far.. secret rings stands with super monkey ball wii has the biggest overly-rated titles on wii.. in my opinion


I am no sonic hater but i'm just warning you this game looks set to fall in every trap AGAIN


music: annoying

characters: more humans so probably not on mobius again..

gimmick this time?: a sword


and this is just from the trailer.. I also think this is practically a sequel to SATSR which personally I didnt like but some of you did.


the only thing this seems to do right is that sonic didnt say a word but you know he will :)


you're just better off being pesimistic with these games.. for every 10 sonic games released 6 are going to be god awful and the rest average .


Well I'm sorry for looking forward to a Sonic game, but I enjoyed Secret Rings and Black Knight is also looking good. I am aware of Sonic's current track record, but what I saw in the trailer looked good.


The game will be good unless proven otherwise and after the game is released.

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So far, so good, then? Yes, but after the disappointment of the werewolf levels in last month's Sonic Unleashed, you'll forgive us if we don't get overly excited about Sonic And The Black Knight just yet. Sure, what we've seen so far is reasonably promising but all too often with recent Sonic games, the finished game hasn't quite lived up to the hype. So let's not get carried away and shout about a return to form for the hedgehog (how many of those has he had?). ..

pretty much exactly what I was saying. DOn't get excited yet


Well I'm sorry for looking forward to a Sonic game, but I enjoyed Secret Rings and Black Knight is also looking good. I am aware of Sonic's current track record, but what I saw in the trailer looked good.


The game will be good unless proven otherwise and after the game is released.


Wasn't directed at you... my point is so far this is looking good but ever single time a new sonic game is released everyone hopes for a return to form... I gave up at the sonic heroes stage to be honest.

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pretty much exactly what I was saying. DOn't get excited yet




Wasn't directed at you... my point is so far this is looking good but ever single time a new sonic game is released everyone hopes for a return to form... I gave up at the sonic heroes stage to be honest.


I know it wasn't aimed at me, and I do get your point. I used to be a huge Sonic fan, but not any more. I am looking forward to Black Knight though.

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I played Sonic and the Secret Rings over Christmas. What a mess of a game! The idea was great, especially having Sonic running forward constantly, but the jump mechani wasn't nearly as responsive as it should have been and doing a long jump was a pain in the arse. It had all the ingredients of a great game, but I felt it was just let down by several appalling design choices - most notably where you had to 'reverse' and the jumping sections that required you to skid to a halt before you jumped ratehr than just a simple responsive button tap.


I have also played a little of Sonic Unleashed - again, another attempt at bringing Sonic into 3D. I didn't think much to it either. I really fail to see why this game would be anything other than another medicore entry in the long and ever worsening catalogure of Sonic games.

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