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Has Nintendo really lost it?

Chris the great

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I've defended nintendo alot in recent years, always knowing they would have great games in the future, but this E3 has left me speachless. They have shown practicaly nothing that made me go wow. Ok, the motion plus is pretty cool, but what about, ya know, decent games? kid iccarus, pikmin 3, zelda and mario games all reportedly in development, but with no video, let alone demos available, its leaving me un easy. how long before then next in house nintendo game worth playing? animal crossing isn't exactly the type of game you can get to hyped over, yeah its a nice idea, but having it as your flag ship title is stupid. wii music, again, looks ok, but its hardly a system seller is it?


thank god mad world is coming out or there would have been literaly nothing good shown for the wii this year.


i pray nintendo sort it out.

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I agree this E3 was lacking beyond words, but I think they've got a few cards up their sleeves which we'll see before the years out.


I was never expecting a new Mario or Zelda to be shown, I honestly don't know how anyone could, so I wasn't dissapointed on that front.

I was however incredibly surprised to not see even ONE of their other franchises... Starfox, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, 1080, Waverace, F-Zero etc...

and I think that's what shocked me the most!


The thing for me is, I've grown up with the staple Nintendo games, the classic characters and series that I've always loved, the reason I buy Nintendo's consoles etc... and atm I'm feeling a bit lost with Nintendo because of their absence!


No they havn't lost it, yes their focus seems to have shifted away from us fans and we may have to accept that, but I hope to see something soon!

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I've said this before, and I'll say it again. These days, e3 basically exists to keep stockholders happy with their powerpoint presentations and games for an amplified audience. The more hardcore games tend to be announced out of the blue, for example, Fatal Frame 4, The Conduit, Rune Factory Frontier, Dead Rising and more, or at Japanese gaming conventions, for example, Monster Hunter 3 and Tenchu 4.


Sure, the games this year weren't exactly brilliant, but ffs there's no need to lose faith in Nintendo. I'd only lose faith in them if they started making only casual titles, and stopped publishers and developers from making hardcore titles. Only then would I sell my soul to Microsoft.

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Also to the original poster, I dont want to make things worse, but Mad World is out Spring 2009 in US, so prob even later for us Europeans.


This E3 was a bit depressing, he words from Reggie afterward made things worse, Miyamoto made things a bit better; but if you dont want or like Animal Crossing (though that may not even come out here) than you have to look to 3rd partys for Wii games!! It's really gutting, especialy as Nintendo is in complete control, and they could have really pushed on with the market, for me they HAVE the casual market, its in the bag, they need to concentrate on the gamers now, bring out more games to convince them its a console the need - instead they have gone after the market they already have and convinced the already unsure gamers that the Wii DEFINITELY isn't for them. Very frustrating, very surprisingly, and I imagine Nintendo will have truly fucked this one up.

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Quote from Iwata on BBC:


But there were no details of any new Mario or Zelda titles given at the recent press conference held by Nintendo to highlight its plans for the months ahead.


"At this E3 we had to focus on software for the mass audience and software that will be sold in this year or next.


"This one of the rare opportunities to reach out to mass audiences around the world.


"In order for us to create a new Super Mario game or Legend of Zelda game that can cater to the strong demands of core gamers around the world it takes two to three years."


Explains a bit.


Nintendo sees E3 as a massive expo for EVEYRONE to hear about gaming... not just the "Gamers".

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Miyamoto said it himself, the E3 conference was aimed for the mainstream audience.


I'm sure they will have a Fall Conference aimed for the more hardcore like last year (when they announced WiiWare). I'm expecting to see Disaster: Day of Crisis, Kirby Wii, Kid Icarus and a new Intelligent Systems game.

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Miyamoto said it himself, the E3 conference was aimed for the mainstream audience.


I'm sure they will have a Fall Conference aimed for the more hardcore like last year (where they announced WiiWare). I'm expecting to see Disaster: Day of Crisis, Kirby Wii, Kid Icarus and a new Intelligent Systems game.


Yeah Miyamoto said "I think that there’s probably one other element to it, and that’s that our view of how we use E3 has changed. For a very long time, E3 was an event where — and certainly Nintendo included — catered specifically to the core gamer. Now we look at more … an opportunity for us to introduce new concepts and new types of play that we intend to bring to the broader audience, particularly because of the media that gathers at E3 now.


So while attending an E3 event like this, they might be given the impression that Nintendo is no longer focusing on the games that appeal to the core gamer, in fact we’re still working on many of those titles, but it’s just not the type of event where we’ll be showcasing that anymore."


He is right about E3 event losing it appear to core gamers. :sad:

These days it about showning games online and giving demos to appear to core gamers

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Im sorry but the only thing that I was disappointed about for this e3 was the lack of monster hunter 3 info. Haven't heard anything about this game in a looooong while and even going to capcom's website yields no results. Have to many fun games to play at the moment, and then now that I am done with uni, I have a life to make the most of so gaming is low on my list of prorities :D

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To be honest, the thoughts that come to mind now are "Mother f&%$ Nintendo and the Wii". My faith was already waining and E3 was the annual opportunity to revamp the hope. Now, the PS3 and X360 look ever more interesting.


I hate the vague way those Nintendo execs were giving out information. It just stinks of bastards who've had an income spurt from the Wii gravy train, and could careless about us lowly fans.

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Quote from Iwata on BBC:




Explains a bit.


Nintendo sees E3 as a massive expo for EVEYRONE to hear about gaming... not just the "Gamers".


Which is just plain retarded because the casual dude doesent know what E3, and will in no way in hell find out what they showed since:

A) Casual gamers don't buy game mags or visit games pages.

B) Mainstream media don't really give a shit about the games industry, apart from when they want to shift copies by painting out games as "killing training".


It's pretty much like making a car tuner expo for non-car enthusiasts. Or making an art expo for philistines. Or a cooking expo, and focus it on anorectics and people whom only eat noodles and fastfood.

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To be honest, the thoughts that come to mind now are "Mother f&%$ Nintendo and the Wii". My faith was already waining and E3 was the annual opportunity to revamp the hope. Now, the PS3 and X360 look ever more interesting.


I hate the vague way those Nintendo execs were giving out information. It just stinks of bastards who've had an income spurt from the Wii gravy train, and could careless about us lowly fans.



That describes my feeling pretty well too.

It seems all Nintendo cares about is casual gaming because that's where the money's at and they should actually not be blamed for it, they are a company after all.

However, I'm really pissed off about their recent trend of not only concentrating on casual games but almost completely ignoring the core gamers.

I didn't even bother watching the press conference or get excited and that come from a fan who eagerly awaited the Wii and thought Nintendo shits pure gold.

I'm not even happy with their top franchises anymore, everything feels a bit too simplified.

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Which is just plain retarded because the casual dude doesent know what E3, and will in no way in hell find out what they showed since:

A) Casual gamers don't buy game mags or visit games pages.

B) Mainstream media don't really give a shit about the games industry, apart from when they want to shift copies by painting out games as "killing training".


It's pretty much like making a car tuner expo for non-car enthusiasts. Or making an art expo for philistines. Or a cooking expo, and focus it on anorectics and people whom only eat noodles and fastfood.


No, that quote was from BBC's website... i.e. a non-gaming site.


It's where a lot of media outlets get their Gaming fix for the year...

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E3 is for everyone - sure it's aimed at gamers but all the local newspapers etc. report on it (even if it's via the web) and it does get into the mainstream media. I can see why they want to give off this casual scent - it attracts the dough. Not saying it's what I'd have preferred but I understand why it's like that.

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Which is just plain retarded because the casual dude doesent know what E3, and will in no way in hell find out what they showed since:

A) Casual gamers don't buy game mags or visit games pages.

B) Mainstream media don't really give a shit about the games industry, apart from when they want to shift copies by painting out games as "killing training".


It's pretty much like making a car tuner expo for non-car enthusiasts. Or making an art expo for philistines. Or a cooking expo, and focus it on anorectics and people whom only eat noodles and fastfood.

I heard some E3 coverage on Radio 4 whilst driving to work yesterday, the thrust of which was that Nintendo were leading the charge by making games for everyone to enjoy and creating new markets in the process.


E3 is the games industry's chance to speak to the world which is why it picks its words carefully. Nintendo, or any other developer, can announce games that dedicated gamers will be interested in at any point in the year and they will garner just as much attention, if not more, than if they were announced during a convention. Windows of opportunity when it comes to getting the attention of the general press are few and far between by comparison.

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E3 is for everyone - sure it's aimed at gamers but all the local newspapers etc. report on it (even if it's via the web) and it does get into the mainstream media. I can see why they want to give off this casual scent - it attracts the dough. Not saying it's what I'd have preferred but I understand why it's like that.


Your right...But then that is a legitimate reason to cancel any form of fan loyalty one might have. They're just selling out.

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Short answer made short: no.


Following on that, it was a risk to come out with a console that deliberately didn’t court hardcore gamers, and with such a different control scheme — particularly after the GameCube (which enjoyed only moderate success). At what point did you know that the risk had paid off?


Miyamoto: The first that I’d want to clarify is that the concept that Wii intentionally does not cater to core gamers is probably a misconception, and perhaps one that’s almost a PR tactic used by some of the other companies to paint us as a company that’s not targeting core gamers. But in fact, while we may not be focusing on the high-end graphics and technology that core gamers would typically be drawn to, the types of games we create, and continue to create, are certainly games that people who play games would certainly want to continue playing.

I think that there’s probably one other element to it, and that’s that our view of how we use E3 has changed. For a very long time, E3 was an event where — and certainly Nintendo included — catered specifically to the core gamer. Now we look at more …an opportunity for us to introduce new concepts and new types of play that we intend to bring to the broader audience, particularly because of the media that gathers at E3 now.

So while attending an E3 event like this, they might be given the impression that Nintendo is no longer focusing on the games that appeal to the core gamer, in fact we’re still working on many of those titles, but it’s just not the type of event where we’ll be showcasing that anymore.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25710005/page/2/


E3 in a nutshell, before it was a event only for games media, now? it's a gathering place for analysts and journal writers.

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"In order for us to create a new Super Mario game or Legend of Zelda game that can cater to the strong demands of core gamers around the world it takes two to three years."


I think people who think they've 'lost it' should read that so many times that it sticks in their minds personally. Cast your mind back to the last generation, how many Mario games did we get? ONE how many Zelda games did we get? ONE! Just because Zelda was a launch title doesn't mean they'd release another one so soon, did we get a follow-up to Mario 64 on the N64? No. Animal Crossing maybe a game that some Ninty fans don't like but at least we've got one of our the big franchises out for christmas. Nintendo haven't lost it and they'll prove it to us all with some extra awesome games WHEN THEY'RE READY I'm sure of it! For any doubters I give you one of Miyamoto's most famous quotes! : peace:


A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever
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