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Wii Sports Resort


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We should call the Mainstream media up and tip them off that Nintendo is giving away condoms with their controllers.

Haha, that'll teach 'em!


Actually the next parental complaint against Nintendo will probably be from an angry mum whose daughter got pregnant using the Wii-dom for protection! So it'll come back and bite them soon enough!

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Apparently, since Wii's upgraded wrist strap and condom, Miyamoto is personally visiting houses to trash their TV's.



How much?!


Is the country so fooked our carefree, all expenses paid leaders are happy for us to be gang raped by the Japanese?

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That better not be fucking true. That's the type of price I was expecting them to pull in a worst case scenario but that was BEFORE the US price was revealed. When $20 was announced I assumed we'd at least get £20.


This would be a fucking insult to the fans beyond measure and it would not at all surprise me after the DSi's pricing.

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That better not be fucking true. That's the type of price I was expecting them to pull in a worst case scenario but that was BEFORE the US price was revealed. When $20 was announced I assumed we'd at least get £20.


This would be a fucking insult to the fans beyond measure and it would not at all surprise me after the DSi's pricing.

The DSi's pricing is identical to the US one when you convert and add on VAT

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Really? I swear I remember hearing that it was £150 here and less than that in dollars or something but I haven't really checked since the price details were released.


The joke to me was the fact it was £50 more than a Lite for additional features that surely can't even close to warrant the price rise, even if it has "free" Nintendo points.

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enough about the price there is nothing you can do about it, but i found some intresting picture: 3270664_343x342.jpg

this picture suggest that the wiimotion plus will be coming in the skin BUT you can remove it if you want. (i think nintendo did this because some casual gamers are really stupid :P)


Also i hope that wii sports resort contains more games than wii sports, and i also hope for a beach tennis and this time lets us have an option to control your character. Also hoping for some sort of online.

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