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Call of Duty: World At War


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Well... I believe IGN stated that CoD:WoW's graphics were not as tecnhically endowed as The Conduit's Quantum 3 shenannigans. Then again, we must consider:


a) Call of Duty may well have more going on on-screen for more of the time.

b) Many people are making it their mission in life to hate The Conduit's general visual style.

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Well... I believe IGN stated that CoD:WoW's graphics were not as tecnhically endowed as The Conduit's Quantum 3 shenannigans. Then again, we must consider:


a) Call of Duty may well have more going on on-screen for more of the time.

b) Many people are making it their mission in life to hate The Conduit's general visual style.

To be fair, if it's technichally endowed or not is a moot point, what matters is how it looks, techniques, bells and whistles are a means to an end.

The game looks good though, although those textures need work.

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Doesn't look too bad. Guy playing it was a bit stupid. Stop messing about with the flame thrower and shoot something! And then when he did start 'shooting' he was constantly ducking and diving. It's not dodgeball. Get on with it. Go in all guns blazing. That's how you do it :heh:


I'm surprised that there isn't a CoD: WaW DS thread over in the DS section (is there? I probably missed it). Anyone seen it on DS? Looks very good.

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I think this game should get our support simply because the developer is trying, they're bringing a massive next gen (graphically) game to the Wii and making an effort with it. I just wish they'd done the same with COD4 as I'm not really turned on by WW2 shooters and there are FAR too many of them.

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Doesn't look too bad. Guy playing it was a bit stupid. Stop messing about with the flame thrower and shoot something! And then when he did start 'shooting' he was constantly ducking and diving. It's not dodgeball. Get on with it. Go in all guns blazing. That's how you do it :heh:


I'm surprised that there isn't a CoD: WaW DS thread over in the DS section (is there? I probably missed it). Anyone seen it on DS? Looks very good.


Obviously you've never played CoD4 on Veteran :wink:

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Oh I played COD4 on veteran. Damn hard. Yet I still maintained my run and gun attitude on it for the most part. The first iraq level where you have to go into the computing facility and loads of enemies flooded the room was a real ball buster for me. Took ages to get my run and gun to work but I did it.

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Oh I played COD4 on veteran. Damn hard. Yet I still maintained my run and gun attitude on it for the most part. The first iraq level where you have to go into the computing facility and loads of enemies flooded the room was a real ball buster for me. Took ages to get my run and gun to work but I did it.


I think every FPS is tough at first, but they are all crackable, and once you've got them cracked you can run and gun all you want.

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Hmm. This is out fairly soon, isn't it? I may end up buying it towards Xmas, providing reviews for the Wii version are solid. I massively crave for some online shooting action, and I can't wait for The Conduit forever.


Yeah I might pick this up, I loved MOHH2, This looks graphically solid and online looks good too.

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Argh! I need to know exactly how gimped the Wii version's online mode will be before I commit myself to this. Dug up an IGN preview from a couple of weeks ago; this is the current situation:




- 8 players (same as 360/PS3)

- Ranks

- Challenges

- Create-a-class

- "Multiple modes"




- Voice Chat

- Vehicles :(


Not quite clear yet


- How many modes exactly?

- Perks


It may well boil down to that last one for me. It transformed Call of Duty 4 to the next level. Sucks total ass about the vehicles. Are we really still in the days where core gameplay mechanics are ripped from Wii versions of games? That can't be down to processing power, can it?

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Vehicles will be shit!


As for other things, fact of the matter is, the control on Wii for FPS is more important than anything else!! Every FPS I play on my PS3/360 I just wish I was playing with the wiimote! So if the Wii version is shit, I just won't get any version!

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I'm not so sure. Of course, Wii Remote controls are fantastic, but they're pretty redundant if there's no proper meat to the game to give a suitable incentive to play for more than a couple of weeks.


Playing Call of Duty 4 with Wii Remote controls would be totally different to Call of Duty 4 being brought over to Wii. Think about it, we know it in our realistic minds to be true.

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Obviously depends on the port. But a slightly dumbed down version of the game with wiimote controls would be a better game in my opinion!


I prefer MoH: Heroes 2 more than primailry most PS3/360 shooters down to how amazing the controls are!


And with this game, I can't see the Wii version lacking too much to be honest.

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