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Captain Rainbow!!


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My thoughts exactly, the off the wall factor is enough to keep loads of people engaged alone, let alone the quality this game may possess. Fingers crossed that we get this.

I still can't really adjust to Birdo's look, but I'm intruiged to see (and experience) more! (Including more Birdo)

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Yeah, I can't see this doing well in the U.S. if it shows up. For some reason, and I don't quite get it, but parents are perfectly fine letting their kids see insane amounts of violence and cursing. But you know, god forbid two people are making love or even remotely talking anything sexual, explicit or not.


Then again, I don't see this hitting Europe either and I have a uncanny feeling it is probably not going to sell even in Japan.

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I wouldn't worry much about the Birdo-swearing. It was purposely censored, even in written form. It's the whole point of the joke ("Super-sumo, é do car****")


But I'm liking the appearance of characters from minor franchises. Little Mac, Takamaru... Who's next, Skapon, Ayumi Tachibana, Muddy Mole?


Too bad the game won't probably come out of Japan. And even if it does, it will only probably come out on one of the western territories.

But if it includes Muddy Mole, I'll find a way to play it, anyway.

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Oh I did love reading, and arguing some of the comments made by small American children on Kombo when the latest trailer came out. "I wouldn't be seen dead playing this" and "If my friends saw me playing this, I'd lose them all".


I did contemplate replying with a crappy friends remark for that last one, but sometimes you just have to bemoan the state of some people's way of thinking and retreat back to the common sense haven of N-Europe.

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I learn not to even listen to what most of my friends say about my gaming habits. I was told by one friend that Galaxy was kiddy shite, despite the fact that he never played it. He declared that every site that gave the game a 9 or 10 or game of the year (pretty much 99% of the internet) invalid, and I still don't think he's played it to this day. He thought Call of Duty 4 was much more deserving because "you can shoot people and there's a lot of weapons".

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I've never really had anyone to really relate to with my taste in games. One of my best friends (who actually got me into gaming) has always been a bit too pro-Nintendo to have a good converstaion with about games, plus now he's gotten slightly out of gaming, and more into cannabis...


At school, there were the Metal Gear Solid/Playstation bitches and the Halo/Xbox nerds, but not anyone who had a properly broad mind spectrum, or at least not that I know of. I'm hoping I meet at least one level-headed gamer in Sixth Form that I can actually speak to. Being a hardcore Nintendo gamer feels so claustraphobic outside the internet :(

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At school, there were the Metal Gear Solid/Playstation bitches and the Halo/Xbox nerds, but not anyone who had a properly broad mind spectrum, or at least not that I know of. I'm hoping I meet at least one level-headed gamer in Sixth Form that I can actually speak to. Being a hardcore Nintendo gamer feels so claustraphobic outside the internet :(


Pretty much sums up the situation i'm in - I'm freinds with alot of people who enjoy playing games, but don't see it as a passion, or a viable topic of conversation, (I usually bore my freinds when I go off on one about something particularly esoteric). I doubt I'll find any like-minded individuals until I venture into further education, (uni).

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Most of my colleagues are very keen Xbox 360 players. Lots of them are very nice and mature, and enjoy talking about games, but whereas I've played Halo and Metal Gear Solid, I've yet to find someone (at this place) who's actually played a Zelda game. Oh well, I suppose it takes too much time and money to try everything. They love Xbox Live and Call of Duty - fair enough.


Of course, there are also Wii owners. Naturally, they don't play Zelda, Metroid etc... ;)


We did all like Sega and Nintendo at school, but those were very different days before PlayStation. Everyone who played was really keen on doing it.


I would call myself a "keen" gamer rather than hardcore. I'm just interested in good game design and want to try all the best. I've been playing ICO, Okami and Shadow of the Colossus, but, I can't help it - Nintendo are the best! I don't think I'm a fanboy - they just put so much care into the design.


PS - Captain Rainbow looks quite a laugh.

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Gonintendo have posted that Crazy Tracy is really off Links Awakening!


Since the new trailer for Captain Rainbow came out, everyone has been trying to figure out who Crazy Tracy is. The internet sleuths have come together, and presented some interesting information that points to the character being the same one from Link’s Awakening.




While the hair color may be different, the character does match pretty well. Also, in the Japanese version of Link’s Awakening, the character’s name was indeed the equivalent of Crazy Tracy. The two characters seem to have the same attitude and postures, as well. Finally, look at some of Crazy Tracy’s dialog from Link’s Awakening. This may be the bit of info that pushes you over the edge.



“Hi there, big guy! I’m Crazy Tracy! I’ve got a little secret for sale that’ll pump you up!â€


“All right, come here and I’ll rub it on you!…There…I’ve applied my own secret medicine! It will take effect when you lose all heart! Drop by again, big guy!â€

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Sorry Dante but Tracy is from Zelda.


-Soldiers from Famicom wars

-Devil from Devil World (the same who is an assist trphy in Brawl)

- Tao, the dog, and Mappo,the robot, are from GiFTPiA (Japan only RPG I've never heard before... all those japan only characters are not good for a european release...)


New video:



Want (again)!

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