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Captain Rainbow!!


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Sorry, but I just couldn't watch all of that, had to skip through alot of it [couldn't stand the Birdo parts!], looks horrible!


Before watching it I thought it was gonna be some cool Viewtiful Joe successor, and was really excited!... Well that feeling dissapeared instantly!


I'm really starting to give up hope with Third Party's!

I just hope Factor 5 will step in and save the day!


Yes this and Spyborgs are in their early stages, but I mean come on, compare original trailers:


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Sorry, but I just couldn't watch all of that, had to skip through alot of it [couldn't stand the Birdo parts!], looks horrible!... and WTF is with making Birdo a key focus of the trailer, that's not gonna impress anyone!


Its not Birdo, just a knockoff.

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Its not Birdo, just a knockoff.
"And yup, that's Birdo. The game's central island is reportedly chock full of past minor Nintendo characters such as Birdo (who we can see in the video), OtsuSan and Hikari. Feel free to contact us and explain who the latter two are"
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Woah. Woah. I just read over at Cubed3 that this is a Nintendo-published title... and they're backing that claim up by apparent reports of Nintendo patenting the Captain Rainbow name sometime a while ago!!


Who to believe??!! :cry:


Well that would make sense as reportedly this does involve a lot of Nintendo characters. It only makes sense that they publish it as they need the control to stop someone else wrecking their IP.


LazyBoy pretty much well has my thoughts. I'm really surprised at Birdo, she looks totally horrendous and its not just the style before anyone pipes up, I can see polys everywhere. She looks UGLY as sin.


The main character could be interesting but I'm getting the funny feeling that this is a bastard child of ZnW and VJ. Not optimistic about this.

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