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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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Jamba: What an awesomely foreboding dream! Your shitting yourself from sommat, right?


No it wasn't so bad. It was very peaceful and full of wonder, just like a Guilliermo del Toro movie. The octopus just gave this slight adrenaline rush, more like a cross between excitement and nervousness. Yet at the same time I felt calm and placid.


I have a feeling that it might be to do with Bluey but hey. I guess that how relationships feel to me, wonderful and amazing. Yet sometimes they make me a little nervous in a giddy way. But when I'm with Bluey she always makes me feel calm and peaceful.

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Question: Is t true hat if you die in a dream, you die in real life? I've never died in a dream, so I don't know. Has anyone died in a dream per chance?


I continue to occasionally have dreams of such a nature. The most memorable ones include:


Eaten by mythical lion

Running headlong into a tree

Shot by cowboys

Fallen out of a plane

Plane falling on top of me

Unsuccessful infiltration of some kind of mysterious office



The total destruction of Earth by meteor

The total destruction of Earth by nuclear weapons


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The most memorable ones include:


Fallen out of a plane

Plane falling on top of me

The total destruction of Earth by meteor

The total destruction of Earth by nuclear weapons


I have dreams of such "themes" too. The sky is always pink/red and there's hardly anyone around. Amazing but totally surreal and scary too.


Planes are scary when they aren't doing what they are meant to do...namely NOT crash.

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You're as funny as Hepatitis Type C.


Nice responses people, keep it up. :) Interesting reading all of this.


I was afraid it would be too much. I'm sorry, specially after hearing Denis Dyack moaning about the internet.

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Bah, all this talking about my dream has made me go all "missing Bluey"... not a good feeling to be in before I go to sleep!


[talkstoself]Come on man! She's back in 27 days! Stop being a big girl![/talkstoself]

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You should have hung onto the Pikachu costume so you could fill it full of pillows.


Scaring passing old people with that would be sure to take your mind off bluey.


Well, the Pikachu suit is only 1/2 an hour away and I guess breaking into Bluey's house and scaring her mum wooooould start my run on things....


Fall asleep to this and everything will work out just fine ;)



Oh how could you?! I know I'm a bit sentimental and romantic but that just make me want to be violently ill! It's just soooooo.... BLEURGH

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I've died in a dream. Or at least the situation left me in a state where I would feasibly be dead...and the dream didn't end with me alive.


I was pierced by a finger-bolt from Frieza, from DragonBall Z. That's quite a cool death, to be fair.

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Oh I can see the Daily Mail turning "slaying Orcs" into some witch hunt headline about Racism or a class war.


Do you remember when they bumped into a real person. I've never been so gripped in anticipation as to what they might say.

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Yeah, they had actors in who would talk to them and they would speak in riddles and address the player in a slightly pedophilic tone.


Deaths were indeed terrifying. Lets not forget the slow dull process of watching segments of the face getting torn off piece by piece. SO CRUEL! Down to the EYES!!!!

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Yeah, they had actors in who would talk to them and they would speak in riddles and address the player in a slightly pedophilic tone.


Deaths were indeed terrifying. Lets not forget the slow dull process of watching segments of the face getting torn off piece by piece. SO CRUEL! Down to the EYES!!!!


Ah yes, I remember these peasants who dotted the world. Thought for a minute there was another player :o


Great, great show and one which would definately work well with todays technology.

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The intro to Knightmare was the sexiest thing in my childhood next to the Thundercats intro. They need to bring that show back something awful.

Have you ever seen Raven? Because that's what Knightmare would become. Do you really want that? Do you!


When I was a nipper I wanted to be a contestant on that show more than anything. Even more than a Protopack¹!



¹Of the ghost busting variety, not the one from LBA. Although...

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I've died a few times in my dreams and actually seen myself (3rd person) looking at my face staring into the sky. (Always with the sky).



I went off a cliff on a motorbike into the sea and my whole life flashed before my eyes before I was stood on the clifftops looking at my floating body in the ocean with my eyes staring upwards. Truly scared me senseless.


I continue to occasionally have dreams of such a nature. The most memorable ones include:


Eaten by mythical lion

Running headlong into a tree

Shot by cowboys

Fallen out of a plane

Plane falling on top of me

Unsuccessful infiltration of some kind of mysterious office



The total destruction of Earth by meteor

The total destruction of Earth by nuclear weapons




Well...that settles that then.


Though, Tapedeck, you mention you ream in 3rd person. Didn't know tht happened, TBH.

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I tried to enduce a nightmare once. It was kind of wierd. I was walking in the snow about a street or two down from my house and then i started to run and hear alot of children laughing.

Then i feel two snowballs hit me on the back, and i mean actually FEEL them hitting my back. I could feel everything in that dream it was kind of creepy.


I also remember another nightmare i had years ago. I was being draged out of my room by a man with a dogs head. He threw me over his shoulder and i couldn't shout or screem or anything. I could feel my vocal cords working but no sound was coming out.

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Guest bluey
I have a feeling that it might be to do with Bluey but hey. I guess that how relationships feel to me, wonderful and amazing. Yet sometimes they make me a little nervous in a giddy way. But when I'm with Bluey she always makes me feel calm and peaceful.

i've been genuinely surprised lately that a lot of people have told me i've a "calming personality" ..i always saw myself as kinda annoyingly happy all the time :smile: but i will be your cabinet squid anytime!! (how strange O_o)


i daydream constantly... most of the times about things i COULD be doing instead of what i'm going right then ~ like if someone doesnt give their seat to an old person on the train i daydream that i know enough japanese to tell them off and bring truth and justice to the yamanote line.

when i was younger, i didnt so much have an imaginary friend as just daydream conversations with people... i later moved on to writing letters instead... just rambling letters about what i was thinking or what i'd been doing... like an imaginary penpal. i still write sometimes but only when i'm particularly desperate for conversation... her name is sunny ^__^

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