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Whats Your Favorite POKÉMON?


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Hard to say, I like so many of them...


But I'm biased towards water. I once tried to do a G/S playthrough made up solely of my favourite Water pokémon. Blastoise, Starmie, Poliwrath, Quagsire, Lanturn, Kingdra and Lapras. I can't remember why I didn't add Gyarados and Vaporeon, though.


As for non-water pokémon...Machamp and Pinsir are strangely awesome. Hitmonlee, Dugtrio and Magneton are also personal favourites.

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Hard to say, I like so many of them...


But I'm biased towards water. I once tried to do a G/S playthrough made up solely of my favourite Water pokémon. Blastoise, Starmie, Poliwrath, Quagsire, Lanturn, Kingdra and Lapras. I can't remember why I didn't add Gyarados and Vaporeon, though.


As for non-water pokémon...Machamp and Pinsir are strangely awesome. Hitmonlee, Dugtrio and Magneton are also personal favourites.

I don't like Magneton =/ seems boring...

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I've got a favorite in every region can't help it, I love the Poekymanz:


Kanto - 001-m.png


Johto - 241.png


Hoenn - 272-m.png


Shino - 425-m.png


Overall? Gotta be 272-m.png who can't love a Dancing Pineapple duck, it just works.


Favorite type? Grass, always have, always will, every game I choose the Grass Starter.

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Ahhh Pokemans. I first loved Bulbasaur and it's evolution, only thing I disliked about Venusaur was the way he was horribly illustrated in the Pokemon Red battle screen. Its hard to pick just one though. So here goes:


- Gyarados: For the fact it evolves from a pathetic pokemon and for the fact that it's always pissed.


- Gengar: I love the dark brooding grin and in the games his very useful and can be a game over saver.


- Charizard: Love the fact it's a proud pokemon and only naturally battles those that are worthy. It reeks of hard knocks Fight Club shit.


- Empoleon: Love the emperor looks and royal demeanour.


- Pidgeot: Probably one of the most underrated pokemon but I love the fact it flies at mach speed and I like how big it is - imagine seeing a 5ft pidgeon.

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Pidgeot was a funny one. The evolution should have gone Pidgey, Pidgeot and then Pidgeotto.


It just doesn't sound right. :(


Huh? Do you mean in terms of name alone? Cos Pidgeot is like 3x times bigger than Pidgeotto and with longer feathers. I think Pidgeot is more 'jet' sounding, to match it's air speed.

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Pidgeot was a funny one. The evolution should have gone Pidgey, Pidgeot and then Pidgeotto.


It just doesn't sound right. :(


To me that sounds wrong...


Pideot sounds more final and signifies to me that it's the final evolution where as Pideotto sounds as if there will be one more after it. :heh:



I'm disappointed by the lack of Snorlaxes! :p

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I was really disappointed when mine evolved into a pidgeot. :(


I was shocked when it evolved. I was like...wuh....no! I want my Pidgeotto back!


Huh? Do you mean in terms of name alone? Cos Pidgeot is like 3x times bigger than Pidgeotto and with longer feathers. I think Pidgeot is more 'jet' sounding, to match it's air speed.


Yeah, the name alone. Purely because the name starts off ok, gets bigger, and then gets smaller. Especially because Pidgeotto contains all of the letters from Pidgeot..if that makes sense.


It makes sense in my head. :(

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I was shocked when it evolved. I was like...wuh....no! I want my Pidgeotto back!




Yeah, the name alone. Purely because the name starts off ok, gets bigger, and then gets smaller. Especially because Pidgeotto contains all of the letters from Pidgeot..if that makes sense.


It makes sense in my head. :(


OH NOES STOPPPPP the evolution!!!! >_<


The naming is a bit sucky, they shoulda swapped them around!

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Oh yeah, Ludicolo FTW! I may not be too fond of the 3rd generation, but Ludicolo is so awesome.


I don't like Magneton =/ seems boring...


I like the fact that he's the only "machine" pokémon. Electrode could count, but he's essentially a bomb. Nothing too fancy.


Despite liking Eevee the most, and all its forms... I like Vaporeon the least. Only water Pokémon I can remember that I have gotten on well with was Omanyte and Omaster. It rocked. :)


Squirtle :)

Jolteon is also sexy as hell, and arcanine was always a favourite despite never really using him.


Articuno was also brilliant <3


Heh, this brings back memories. My best friend used to have a team consisting of his favourites: Arcanine, Articuno, Jolteon and Espeon were his mainstays. And he tried so hard to have an effective Umbreon on his team. He sure loved his Eevees. :smile:

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