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"Flinky's not such a screw-up after all."


Oh no, he definitely still is!


I screw up in style. It's not natural for me to mess things up in a small way. It has to be catastrophic, or on the level of a nuclear devastation of a small country.

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Im in a permenent job now working for "berkeley logicistics" as part of MFI warehouse as a delivery driver. Was originally there as agency staff but they made me permenent after just 2 weeks :D. Upto that point i had been doing agency work for 4 years with all sorts of places.


Pretty good job as well so all is well for me

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Im in a permenent job now working for "berkeley logicistics" as part of MFI warehouse as a delivery driver. Was originally there as agency staff but they made me permenent after just 2 weeks :D. Upto that point i had been doing agency work for 4 years with all sorts of places.


Pretty good job as well so all is well for me


Well done, mate.


I can't believe we've found work. Newport must be going up in the world or something, haha.


Where is that anyway? My job is...quite hard to get to. You know where the roundabout is by the Sainsburys past the Castle? The roundabout with McDonalds and the BT Call Centre. By there, there's that pub, The Old Rising Sun. That road to the right of it, carry on up there, right at the T-junction and keep following the road around. 10 mins later, my workplace is right at the end.


Middle of nowhere, takes me 40 mins or so to get to work!

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Good luck, 'Boo.


Remember, never give up. Just remember Peppy Hare's words of wisdom from Lylat Wars.


"Do a barrel roll"?


lol thanks! So far I've applied to three places:






Will try and apply for more tomorrow!:heh:

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So far, total places I've applied:






World duty free


Just got an e-mail from Selfridges...they rejected me. Pissed off a little but at least they got back to me....


The job hunting continues...

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I need to get myself a job now, for many reasons (the N-E meetup in September being one.)


I just fancy a part-time job in retail, working on the shop floor at the checkouts or wherever. Maybe somewhere in Birmingham city centre or North Birmingham, nothing too far.


Now, I'm a total n00b when it comes to job-hunting. I've looked in the Birmingham Mail for jobs, found nothing. And websites offer fuck all as well. I might have to ask Connexions about it, they might help me in some way.

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Woo! Just applied for my first testing job today. Think its Swordfish Studios but it's a bit hard to tell. Going to send in to apply for a Disney interactive one soon but I'm getting mega-mixed messages about what should be on my CV.


Really hope that I can get some interviews soon or at least apply for more than 4 jobs this week. We will see!

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Gah... haven't heard anything from the agency I've applied for my testing job through (which I'm not sure if I should be worried about) and been applying to others. Why is it that when you're not looking for a job they're everywhere (especially the particular kind that you're after) and then as soon as you start, there are NONE!? Zero, nada... finito....


Ahhhh well. Knew this was gonna be a long process anyway. They probably have to traul through a million applications per testing job anyway. Hope I can get one in at least 2 months or so or I'm gonna have to start thinking of some different options.

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Interview for an administator job today for a recycling company who works at the local council. It was awful. Firstly had to translate two English paragraphs into Welsh. Found it very difficult, as it's been years since I've done serious Welsh written work. Was inventing words up for certain things. Then I got put in a room simillar to Alan Sugar's office in the The Apprentice, with 4 important people who had come up all the way from England to do the interviews today. Was totally unexpected (used to one on one interviews) and I performed very badly in front of them. Had no idea what they were talking about and some of the questions were totally ridiculous. Was really considering walking out or pretending to faint so I could get out of it! Ah well, back to square one....

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Interview for an administator job today for a recycling company who works at the local council. It was awful. Firstly had to translate two English paragraphs into Welsh. Found it very difficult, as it's been years since I've done serious Welsh written work. Was inventing words up for certain things. Then I got put in a room simillar to Alan Sugar's office in the The Apprentice, with 4 important people who had come up all the way from England to do the interviews today. Was totally unexpected (used to one on one interviews) and I performed very badly in front of them. Had no idea what they were talking about and some of the questions were totally ridiculous. Was really considering walking out or pretending to faint so I could get out of it! Ah well, back to square one....


lol.....sorry to hear about that.


My job search is getting nowhere. Applied to 7 places, got 2 rejections and haven't heard from any of the others. Starting to run out of places to apply for. :heh:


Doesn't help having my parents on my back as well. :heh:

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I got my current job after showing up to the interview 40 minutes late (thank you Manchester ring road traffic), and not knowing the answers to several of the technical questions they asked me. But ... they liked my personality (who doesn't?) and offered me the position.


Summary: Try to emulate Mr_Odwin's personality and jobs will fall at your feet.

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impossible to find a job right now...haven't even got an interview or any sort of positive outcome.


It was so easy last summer...I thought it would be easier this summer considering my CV has improved but nope, there is nothing. Staying at home is starting to get boring as fuck.

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All this useless job hunting is actually making me want summer to end. I actually told my mum today: "I wish the summer was over". She laughed in my face.


Usually I don't have a problem finding a job for the summer, but this year is fucked up. Hardly heard back from anyone.....making me feel like shit. Hardly got any money...its just been raining and raining...typical fucking British summer.

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