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Football Season 2008/2009


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Fat Frank holds that record I think, but Friedel might have some kind other record.

Friedel is a quality player, but he's 37. Is he going to have more than a couple of decent season left in him? If not, a million quid a season seems pretty steep to me.


Also, Alan Smith is crap.


Meh, Fat Frank can Fuck the Fuck off. :heh:


He's old, but I still think he's got quality in him. Like Van Der Sar, we bought him when he had matured, and he isn't going to play a 10-year stretch at United, but the time he does spend there should be time well spent.


I've always been fond of Alan Smith. Been very unlucky with injuries, and I wasn't so sure that we should have sold him, especially as he just started to get a few games under his belt. He's not the best, but he holds his own, imo.

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Damn Portsmouth...I can't believe Harry Red-napper is hijacking the Kaboul deal for Sunderland. Typical of snide Harry. At least Kaboul would get a game for Sunderland. Anyhoo, Rednapper did this last year to us in the persuit of Nugent. He ended up paying 6m and we got Jones instead (for 6m)...if the same thing happens again, could be laughing. It's just a pain in the arse to see deals fall through after players have had medicals. God knows where the lad will end up... At least Keano is buying solid players, (from Spurs no less!) so he is doing the right thing. Time will tell.


Oh and brad is a decent keeper, you need experienced players in your team. And 37, for a GK isn't really too bad.

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Damn Portsmouth...I can't believe Harry Red-napper is hijacking the Kaboul deal for Sunderland. Typical of snide Harry. At least Kaboul would get a game for Sunderland. Anyhoo, Rednapper did this last year to us in the persuit of Nugent. He ended up paying 6m and we got Jones instead (for 6m)...if the same thing happens again, could be laughing. It's just a pain in the arse to see deals fall through after players have had medicals. God knows where the lad will end up... At least Keano is buying solid players, (from Spurs no less!) so he is doing the right thing. Time will tell.


Oh and brad is a decent keeper, you need experienced players in your team. And 37, for a GK isn't really too bad.


Kenwyn Jones is pretty good, if only Sunderland can reinforce the midfield to keep giving him decent service, or to have a supporting striker up there with him.

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Laugh all you want, I'd hoping that in a few seasons time that they'll leapfrog Newcastle. :heh:


One thing that Sunderland have right now that Newcastle haven't had for a while is a stable manager and team-spirit. The team have massive respect for Roy Keane, and it shows - they should do even better next season. Newcastle, on the other hand, will quickly look at the manager as soon as things start to go wrong, and they'll offload him in an instant.

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Youuutube vid


Typical Newcastle :indeed:


Yeah, as Fierce says, even though the "saviour" has returned to Newcastle for the first time in a good few years, I can see them really struggling this season. It takes grit and determination, passion and talent to win games. Newcastle certainly have talent yet every other area seems lacking. And it's a shame. For an area so close to myself I know the passion of the fans. I see it everyday. Newcastle need to re-invent their playing staff. They need to make the players play for that shirt. I certainly hope Keegan can get that out of them...but at times the man looks lost.


Off topic but this is interesting, I always get hammered for being a Sunderland fan and the north east in general always gets shafted. Yet HERE is a list (as of May 2007) of the history of the UK's most successful footballing teams = in league form. An interesting look no less.

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I'd hoping that in a few seasons time that they'll leapfrog Newcastle. :heh:


You mean they'll win the "Top Dogs of the North East" trophy that doesn't seem to exist season after season when we finish comfortably ahead of Sunderland and so-called derby rivals the smoggies, but suddenly comes into play when the mackems get tired of record breaking at the wrong end of the table and look like they might make a challenge? ;)


Any rate, they need something - last time I was at the SOL they were still making 2-1 gestures at us and their commemorative t-shirts of that day nearly a decade ago were looking decidely tatty.

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In other related Newcastle news, Keegan has stated he will stand by Joey Barton...No doubt he is a decent player yet I can't help but think that KK is only standing by him due to the paper thin squad Newcastle curently have. Mind you, with Martins, Owen and Viduka upfront there's always the chance Newcaslte will win games - squad limitations and all.

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We need some serious work on our squad like. Joey Barton's a pretty detestable little oik, but if you're going to have Diouf and Chimbonda in your squad next season you'll give us a bit of a run for our money in the hated-mardy-twat stakes :D

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We need some serious work on our squad like. Joey Barton's a pretty detestable little oik, but if you're going to have Diouf and Chimbonda in your squad next season you'll give us a bit of a run for our money in the hated-mardy-twat stakes :D


Ah, touche ;) Cant wait to see the Keano and Diouf fireworks... He was a decent player once upon a time...perhaps Roy can get him to capture his form again. But with Chops, Jones, Prica, Murphy and O'Donovan available, Diouf needs to show willing - considering he is probably better than all of those players (well, apart from Jonesy). Looking forward to seeing how he fits in, definately a half decent player. (If the lad comes at all).


At least the smoggy Boro boys are still a bunch of pansies...

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He's a great player, but he's gone to the wrong team.


I don't think he particularly suits Liverpool's style of play, or whether Liverpool suits his style of play. If Rafa's rotation policy is anything to go by, he's not going to get a great deal of games, imo. Should've stayed at Spurs.

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Hes on 80 grand a week they haven't signed him to sit on the bench. All this talk about Rafa's rotation policy, but how many games do Torres, Gerrard, Carragher, Mascherano, Reina et all actually not play.


Play him behind Torres or to the right in 4-3-3 he'll get goals easily. Infact if you have a front 4 of:


Keane Gerrard Babel



That's pretty sexy and the 3 behind Torres can all swap around a bit not to mention you can stick Keane upfront and Gerrard on the right to make a 4-4-2.

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Why did he go to Liverpool? No offence to Liverpool but he was better suited to Tottenham in my opinion. Liverpool already have a decent attack force and I thought the way Tottenham attacked suited his style anyway.


I thought I recollected him saying he was loyal only recently but I guess I was mistaken?

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Why did he go to Liverpool? No offence to Liverpool but he was better suited to Tottenham in my opinion. Liverpool already have a decent attack force and I thought the way Tottenham attacked suited his style anyway.


I thought I recollected him saying he was loyal only recently but I guess I was mistaken?


well apart from money, a chance to compete at the highest level, which wasn't likely to happen at spurs

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I thought I recollected him saying he was loyal only recently but I guess I was mistaken?


Mate there's no such thing called loyalty in football. Seriously.


I think its a good buy for Liverpool. £20 mill is alot of money but the fee isn't surprising considering the inflated transfer market. I think he'd be good for the scousers, considering their only real goal scorer is Torres.


He's a quality player.

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Sunderland sign Diouf.


What a pointless move. He said goodbye to us at the end of last season, expecting that loads of clubs would want him, which is fair enough. We didn't get a single bid for him and he had to humiliatingly come back to pre season training.


Sunderland saw and seized the opportunity which is fair play on their part, but I really don't see the point of him joining another struggling Premier League club.


He's only moved to save face.

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Still dont know why we have signed Keane. Yeah I think hes a good player but Rafa seems to have a tendancy to buy good but not brilliant strikers (Apart from Torres). Keane isnt what we need.


Why is Rafa not signing Wingers. Pennant is not good enough, Kuyt as a RW is not great and Babel is not a Left Winger. Honestly do not be suprised if Keane is asked to play LW. If Rafa keeps Gerrard just behind Torres then I not sure where else Keane will play.


Remember that Rafa had Sinama Pongelle who was a striker but was asked to play out wide. Cisse was asked to play RW more often then upfront, Kuyt is a forward who play's RW and Babel is a striker who plays out wide..

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