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Football Season 2008/2009


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So Gallas stripped of his captaincy and left behind for the trip to Manchester. He gotta be on his way out now surely?


Unfortunately so, which is a shame because I like the guy, but how can you trust a captain if he tells the press whats happening in the background.


Shocking in the long term, but in the short we needed him today, we've got no right back with Sagna, Eboue and Toure injured. So our defence is going to be even more of a bodged job.

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Villan up for the scrap for fourth?


Our title challenge is now over. Wenger needs to sort the lads out, another gutless performance. After Gallas' display you'd think they'd be up for turning it around, sticking it to everyone else. But no they bottled it.


Wenger's aim now should be the Champions League and FA Cup. The man needs a trophy before some fans get restless.

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Villan up for the scrap for fourth?


I'm feeling very optimistic about it now, since we managed to hold Man U to a goal-less draw.


That itself is brilliant. Man U are our bogey team and we have lost oh so many matches against them. To hold them to a draw at home is a great result for us, so I'm very happy with that. :grin:


But the season's not over yet, who's to say Arsenal won't have an excellent run of form while Villa are to lose consecutive matches at the same time? Don't forget, we lost to Stoke as well, so anything could happen.


I'm going to remain pessimistic about the whole thing, and wait to see what will happen this season. I would love to finish 4th, but I still think it's a bit early to say that we'll do it.

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Pretty gutted about the draw with Villa. Probably the right score in the end but we should have capitalised on the earlier draws of Liverpool and Chelski.


Hmmm oh well, Just gotta keep going and make sure we win that game in hand to not fall too far behind!


That chance Rooney had.....dear oh dear.

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I'm pretty pissed off at the game, yesterday.


After seeing Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool all drop points, we should have used this as a chance to catch up.


We had exactly the same problems as we did in the Arsenal game. Our whole right side was a shambles, and it is so obvious and blatant to see that the majority of our play comes from the left, with Evra and Ronaldo. Our midfield didn't look right at all, and we didn't give enough service to the strikers.


Now, I like John O'shea, and I think he's a good player to come in and do a good job. But, Rafael was on the bench...why wasn't he played? He could have given us that pace that we so desperately needed on that right. At the moment, it's unbalanced.


Also, our centre midfield wasn't up to scratch. Carrick is a superb passer of the ball, and Giggs is one of my all-time favourite players. But, we didn't create enough there. We sat back for far too much, and didn't get forward enough. In this instance, why not play Anderson in the middle with Carrick, and allow him to really get at the midfield?


Rooney and Tevez both drifted back into the middle of the park, which is where we don't want them. The reason they did that is that they hardly saw the ball all evening. We really miss Scholes at the moment, just someone who can provide decent service for the strikers.


A huge opportunity missed.


Also, I'd like a home game, please.

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Anyone else pissed off with half of these English 'stars' who made miracle recoveries to play yesterday.


Bullshit thats what it is, albeit a friendly, Germany are the team to play against (sorry Scotland). And these bastards feign injury so they can play at the weekend. Disgraceful behaviour in my opinion, and I'm pro club over country.


Of the top of my head we had Hart, Rooney, J Cole, Ferdinand and Ca$hley. All supposedly too injured to play Wednesday night but fine by Saturday. Only one who can hold his head high is Steven Gerard, and I believe the only one who went to the England training camp to prove his injury to Gary Lewin.


Capello won't do it, but I'd not call them up for the next qualifying match.

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Anyone else pissed off with half of these English 'stars' who made miracle recoveries to play yesterday.


Bullshit thats what it is, albeit a friendly, Germany are the team to play against (sorry Scotland). And these bastards feign injury so they can play at the weekend. Disgraceful behaviour in my opinion, and I'm pro club over country.


Of the top of my head we had Hart, Rooney, J Cole, Ferdinand and Ca$hley. All supposedly too injured to play Wednesday night but fine by Saturday. Only one who can hold his head high is Steven Gerard, and I believe the only one who went to the England training camp to prove his injury to Gary Lewin.


Capello won't do it, but I'd not call them up for the next qualifying match.


But even if they're 90% the club should come before a friendly in my opinion. Of course it would be completely different if ENgland lost. But they didn't! We won, tried some new players and rested players who weren't 100%. I don't see what the problem is.

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But even if they're 90% the club should come before a friendly in my opinion. Of course it would be completely different if ENgland lost. But they didn't! We won, tried some new players and rested players who weren't 100%. I don't see what the problem is.


I don't know, but when I was bought up, lying was considered a bad thing. And it's not the first time certain players have pulled out of matches through 'injury'.


I feel a total lack of respect for the national team, surely every english player would be up for putting in a decent shift against Germany. It's what kids grew up on, the victory of '66 the heart ache of '96.


Friendly or not, how often do chances like that come around? How often do England get to play Germany, especially in their own back yard.

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There's a sense of conflict I think with England, at the moment.


On the one hand, they've chosen a foreign manager, who is brilliant, and is really restoring some pride into the team. Discipline which they lacked, patient but productive play, and there's a sense of belief that they can win anything.


On the other hand, the club versus country row. Also, the fact that some of England's games are no longer on terrestrial or the BBC channels. Something is seriously wrong with that, and it'll just detract more viewers away from watching the internationals, at a time when people's faith in the squad is fluctuating.


It's really up to the FA, Capello, and the managers, coaching staff and players of all teams in England to do something about this. There is a conflict there that needs to be resolved. Work as a team, and only then will the passion for the club be re-found.

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I honestly feel there is some blame on the FA/Fifa for putting the friendly in a busy fixture period.


But these blokes are paid professionals, and although they put their bodies on the line. How much of a difference does one extra game do, it's not like they work 40 hours in some crummy factory, sweating their nuts off just to make ends meet.

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I honestly feel there is some blame on the FA/Fifa for putting the friendly in a busy fixture period.


But these blokes are paid professionals, and although they put their bodies on the line. How much of a difference does one extra game do, it's not like they work 40 hours in some crummy factory, sweating their nuts off just to make ends meet.


It is a bit of a strange decision to put the game there, but then, when is there ever a good time?! There's always something going on. So, I dunno really.


They are paid to do this, you're right. But, there's a lot that goes on besides the 90 minutes every week. It's a lot of training, and I guess a lot of discipline to be a professional. I'm not a footballer, so I don't know what goes backstage. But, I do think that for a talented player to reach his potential, they need to work at it constantly. Football is their life, but also, they are human.


How much difference does one extra game, do? I dunno, it really depends on the individual. But, if you're playing Saturday, then Wednesday, and maybe Saturday again, would that give the players enough time to recover, train, and recover, again? I don't know.

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I think Lampard was accused of the 'feigning injury' row, and supposedly had to report to training camp or something as well. Not sure if it happened or anything.


Don't really care, new boys did pretty good.


Weekend was a bit of a snore considering no ground was gained or loss near the top of the table. The analysis of the Arsenal game showed some shocking passing from both teams. Thats all I managed to catch before the opposite sex overpowered me for control of the TV :(

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So Fabregas is the new captain. Sounds like the old please stay card Wenger used for Henry. I dunno we'll see.


At least it will make tomorrow night a little more interesting. Might have to put a bet on the captain scoring on his first match with the armband.

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