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Were you disappointed when you discovered that Bionic Commando wouldn't be coming to Wii (or even the Virtual Console)? We have some news that might be of consolation to you.


Staff writer Maikel de Bakker recently got the chance to pose a question to Christian Svensson, who is the Corporate Officer/Vice-President of Strategic Planning & Business Development at Capcom (by the way, we tried to say his job title and ended up out of breath and rolling about on the carpet - Wii Fit clearly hasn't worked its wonders).


The question was "Are we going to see Bionic Commando, Lost Planet or something like this on the Wii?" Mr. Svensson replied, "Possible... the "or something like this" part we could talk about in a couple weeks perhaps."


A couple of weeks conveniently falls right before the E3 2008 conference. What exactly are Capcom planning? A spin-off of either Lost Planet or Bionic Commando, or a completely new IP?




Its probably Zack and Wicki 2 and Wii ports of the old games. But I hope for Bionic Commando, Resident Evil 5, Z&W 2, Street Fighter 4 and a Wii exclusive Ghouls and Ghosts


I don't even know if Capcom made it, but they should make a Wii Navy Seals game!


This is likely gonna be some other Resi port. We all know that what we really want is some new Wii exclusive, dark, hardcore IP. Viewtiful Joe Thwii. :wink:


RE6 exclusive for Wii, it's official.

The game will be set in the Middle East, where Jill Valentine finds out that the T-Virus and Umbrella funding came from various terrorrist groups including Al Quaeda. Fight through hordes of thousands of suicide bomber zombies to get to the genetically enhanced Bin Laden and stop his attack on freedom.

The game is being developed together with the government of the United States of America.


Reckon it'll be something in the lines of Capcom presents: Japanese Baby Party - Shounen edition.


However, hoping for RE5 and SF4.


Yeah I trust them for making someone at least minimally good.


Same for me. It's not Ubisoft we're talking about. They're probably the most trustable third party compagny for wii games.

Talking about that, I'm really looking forward to see Monster Hunter at E3.


I would like to see a new Resident Evil game (like is a massive understatement) either some form of Resident Evil 5 (which I would love as I then wouldn't have to shell out cash for a 360 just to play one game) or a Resident Evil 2 REmake (seeing as it didn't play a role in RE:UC I think or hope this means they have something upcoming with it) or maybe even a rebuild of the Resident Evil 3.5 concept in some way, hell they could even keep Leon in it and say it takes place in an alternate reality where Umbrella didn't "fall".


RE6 exclusive for Wii, it's official.

The game will be set in the Middle East, where Jill Valentine finds out that the T-Virus and Umbrella funding came from various terrorrist groups including Al Quaeda. Fight through hordes of thousands of suicide bomber zombies to get to the genetically enhanced Bin Laden and stop his attack on freedom.

The game is being developed together with the government of the United States of America.


That's actually not half bad...but how about one minor change. Bin Laden is actually Ozwell Spencer using an alias.


since he said it will be something in the same type of game as Bionic Commando and Lost Planet i think it might be a adventure shooter. maybe something new. maybe its a new Mega Man?


indeed ^.^ maybe the collaboration (<-- Thanks SpaceDemented for the spell check ^.^) with Capcom and the Zelda's they made for Nintendo are finally paying off.


According to spell checker no.


collaboration seems right.

RE6 exclusive for Wii, it's official.

The game will be set in the Middle East, where Jill Valentine finds out that the T-Virus and Umbrella funding came from various terrorrist groups including Al Quaeda. Fight through hordes of thousands of suicide bomber zombies to get to the genetically enhanced Bin Laden and stop his attack on freedom.

The game is being developed together with the government of the United States of America.


If that happened no one would probably be calling it racist.


Hoping for RE5, but it won't happen. :(

Lost Planet was very average IMO. I was so excited for its release on the 360 and was left disappointed with the final result.


What part dint you play? i loved the game (especially the online battle is amazing and really balanced! no thumb sucking behind a stone to get your health back and that kind of nonsense!)


the single player was really challenging and had me going for a long while but the online multi player like post grab is da bomb!


its getting increasingly hard to have a thread without mentioning ubisoft isnt it:D


but seriously capcom are delivering when it comes to wii. Sure we don't get street fighter 4 and what not but they took a chance with zack and wiki.


I am REALLY hoping for a resident evil 2 remake but it aint going to happen on the wii i feel.

What part dint you play? i loved the game (especially the online battle is amazing and really balanced! no thumb sucking behind a stone to get your health back and that kind of nonsense!)


the single player was really challenging and had me going for a long while but the online multi player like post grab is da bomb!


The story mode was far too short and the online mode is terrible, it felt really tacked on. Oh, and dont get me started on the stupid Zone of the Enders last boss battle...

Something like this? Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles Jills Holliday Guide.
Does that include panty shopping? taking baths (bathscenes, bathscenes!) and trying clothes? (or the lack of them)


I hope they add ada, rebbeca, ashley and claire...




it felt really tacked on? what did you do jump in to the middle of the field and yelled hey i am here hit me with your best shot?


lost planet isn't like most other online shooters. it doesn't have a auto health restore. it doesn't have auto lock on system. and yeah VS's are hard to get down. and the levels are in day light for once (well most are). you really need to communicate in this game. you can kill a pro just as easy because they will keep the damage you have done to them. Radar (like most shooters) is very important.


but enough of lost planet lets get back to topic!


Capcom might be working on a game that is a crossover between Lost Planet and Bionic Commando. how would it be like and what will it be. sure they are going to use the pointer and i hope they use the metroid kind of controls (but than without the swinging of the wiimotes)


Guys we have hit Kotaku today!!




and Infendo:



it felt really tacked on? what did you do jump in to the middle of the field and yelled hey i am here hit me with your best shot?


I really dont see what the problem is. You liked it and I didnt. Nuff said.

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