S.C.G Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Dante, with these HQ scans you are truely spoiling us... at first I was unsure on this game but the more I see of it... the more I want it!
CoolFunkMan Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Now it's slipped back to Q1 2010, I'm tempted to pre-order this again, it's looking better and better everytime I see it!
Shorty Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 Can someone briefly explain: what makes this game anything more than just Devil May Cry with a female lead?
CoolFunkMan Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 Can someone briefly explain: what makes this game anything more than just Devil May Cry with a female lead? No idea, that's pretty much the thing that's putting me off getting it, why play/buy a game that's the same as something else? However, DMC is a great series and a game that's very similar to it, by the same creator, should surely be just as good? That's why I really can't decide on wether to get this or not...
Dante Posted October 6, 2009 Author Posted October 6, 2009 (edited) There are lolipops in the Power Up Section of the Website. So that means her Lolipops grant her special abilities aswell? And was this mentioned before? Because i cant remember seeing that, its completely new for me, lol. Ah, so i got this whole Lolipop stuff translated by a friend.. Its about creating Lolipops and what the Lolipops do! Red = Temporarily raising attack Yellow = Temporarily raising defense Violette = Restoring Magic Power Green = Restoring Health Flute = Giving heavy damage to all Angels nearby To create em you need to get these Yellow/Green/Red items. And the more items you use for the creation, the better the effect of them gets. So that means her Lolipops grant her special abilities aswell? And was this mentioned before? Because i cant remember seeing that, its completely new for me, lol. Edited October 6, 2009 by Dante
Dante Posted October 8, 2009 Author Posted October 8, 2009 (edited) Gamer hands-on the Japanese XBLA/PSN Demo Okay, I just spent half an hour playing through the tutorial and the Vestibule (falling clock tower stage). Now I'm in the first room of the city. I've been playing around with the combat system up to this moment, and I have to tell you, I'm completely floored. The variety and responsiveness is like nothing I've experienced in an action game. I can say right now that with this game Kamiya has taken a massive leap toward perfecting the genre he created with the original Devil May Cry. Some miscellaneous observations: - Nearly every move can be jump canceled as in DMC, but Bayonetta does one better: in many cases, the jump comes out without canceling the attack. Serious advanced applications here, but to state it simply, the ability to evade and attack simultaneously means that your offensive momentum doesn't have to stop for anything. Bayonetta's combat system is unparalleled in its fluidity. - Bayonetta has a wall jump that can be performed before or after her butterfly wing jump. This means that if you're near a wall you can squeeze in two jump cancels without touching the ground or seeing even a second of recovery animation. - All the text I've come across is in English. Nice. (I'm playing the 360 version.) And speaking of text, there are tons of places in the background that can be checked for text descriptions like those in the original Devil May Cry. I love details like this. - Bayonetta can perform her dodge in the air, which everyone already knows from various gameplay videos. What I hadn't heard reported is that she can do more than one—as many as you want, in fact, until she touches the ground. - Speaking of the dodge, the only move I've found that it won't immediately cancel is the falling aerial kick. Everything else, even the huge motherfucking chargeable sword slash of doom, can be halted immediately at the touch of the dodge button. - The aforementioned aerial sword slash can be charged indefinitely, allowing Bayonetta to remain suspended in the air until a hapless enemy wanders underneath her blade. Naturally, while suspended you can freely change the direction you're facing. - The 360 degree rapid fire mode is freely cancelable into nearly anything else, just as I was led to believe from a clip I saw last month. You can even go from hands 360 mode to feet 360 mode (not vice versa, though). - Almost every move can be charged. Besides conferring the obvious advantage of extra damage, this offers the secondary benefit of letting you tweak the timing of most any combo. This has some important applications, one being you don't have to worry about missing the strongest hits of your attack strings; just delay the first one or two hits prior until your targeted enemy comes into range, then pummel it with the big hit. - Touching the ground in the middle of many air combos will not halt them. Bayonetta will finish them without skipping a beat, unless you want her to start a different combo, in which case all you need to do is hold the gun button for half a second. - The closest comparison to Bayonetta's combat is that of the original Devil May Cry. The inputs function in much the same way, involving rhythmic taps as much as momentary delays between inputs to initiate different combo branches. Gameplay is also similar in the way you can cancel out of most attack animations with a jump. The main difference is the responsiveness: Bayonetta moves lighting fast. With very few exceptions, you have complete control over her even during the times you'd expect a recovery delay. The is the action game of the generation, folks. If you're a fan of the genre, pick up Bayonetta on day one, no excuses. If you don't understand what's so great about the combat, play a few different action games then return to the demo. PlatinumGames deserves all the support it can get for this brilliant title. Edited October 8, 2009 by Dante
Shorty Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 Gamer hands-on the Japanese XBLA/PSN DemoHm, can you still get Japanese demos with a Japanese 360 account? I made one for Resi 5 but they never made it available to silver accounts.
Aimless Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 Hm, can you still get Japanese demos with a Japanese 360 account? I made one for Resi 5 but they never made it available to silver accounts. Presumably, although obviously it's Gold-only for the next week. I just downloaded it from here and burnt it to a DVD; you can choose to run it from your Game Library and everything's in English. Edit: Oh, seems the download has been removed. Well, I'm sure you could grab it elsewhere easily enough if you searched for it.
Mundi Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 (edited) I´m currently getting it here but I dunno if it will work EDIT: If you only get one file at a time and use the blue download button on the filestube page you should bypass the download limit. Edited October 9, 2009 by Mundi
Dante Posted October 10, 2009 Author Posted October 10, 2009 PS3 vs 360 Key P = punch K = kick . =delay < = press direction away from opponent > = press direction toward opponent (lock) = while locked on (air) = while in the air (ground) = while standing on the ground 360 = rotate the left analog stick in a full circle [ ] = hold the buttons or directions that appear in these brackets + = press the buttons or directions on both sides of this sign at the same time ... = tap the preceding button rapidly Scarborough Fair PKP P.P P.K PPKP PPKKK PPKK.P PPKK.K PPK.K PP.P PP.K PPPKKK PPPKP PPPKK.P PPP.P PPP.K PPPPK PPPPP PPPPPK PPPP.P KKK KK.P K.P 360P 360K (lock) <P (lock) <K (air) PPKP (air) PPPKP (air) PPPKKK (air) PPP.K (air) PPPPK (air) PPPPP (air) PPPPPK (air) K (air) 360P (air) 360K (air) (lock) <+P (air) (lock) <+K >>+P (air) >>+P -or- (air) (lock)>+P >>+K -or- (lock) >+K Scarborough Fair Unlisted Moves (lock)+any direction (Alternate dodge input.) (after PPPKK, on grounded enemy) PPP... (Repeatedly slap grounded enemy.) (on grounded enemy] KKK... (Repeatedly stomp grounded enemy.) (after (lock) <+P) PPP... (Hold enemy by foots and repeatedly slam it on the ground.) Katana + Shotguns PKP P.P P.K PPKP PPKKK PPKK.P PPKK.K PPK.K PP.PPP PP.PP.P PP.P.P PP.K PPPKKK PPPKP PPPKK.P PPP.P PPP.K PPPPK PPPPP PPPPPK PPPP.P KKK KK.P K.P 360P 360K (lock) <+P (lock) <+K (air) PPKP (air) PP.PPP (air) PPPKP (air) PPPKKK (air) PPP.P (air) PPP.K (air) PPPPK (air) PPPPP (air) PPPPPK (air) K (air) 360P (air) 360K (air) (lock) <+P (air) (lock) <+K >>+P (air) >>+P -or- (air) (lock) >+P >>+K -or- (lock)>+K Katana + Shotguns Unlisted Moves (lock)+any direction (Alternate dodge input.) stand still, hold (lock) until first or second spark, P (This is impossibly cool, everyone try it now!) (air) PPK(ground)KK (air) PPK(ground)K.K (air) [P] (This is the infinitely chargeable aerial sword slash.) Torture Attacks (in front of enemy) Y+B (Iron maiden.) (behind enemy) Y+B (Guillotine.) (above enemy) Y+B (Chain.) (on downed enemy) Y+B (Gravestone.) Text (360 version) Selecting Difficulty Very Easy Automatic: This option is not available in this demo. Easy Automatic: A mode aimed at beginners, where simply pressing Y will allow you to jump into the heat of battle and execute a variety of techniques. Normal: Execute complete control over Bayonetta's techniques in a mode for those ready to enter truly climactic battles! Tutorial Screen Regular Controls Left Stick = Move Right Stick = Move Camera—Press RS to reset camera. D-Pad = Use Items—Hold a directional pad (sic) to use. X = Action Y = Punch B = Kick A = Jump Left Bumper = Taunt Left Trigger = Change Weapon Right Bumper = Lock-On Right Trigger = Evade Start = Pause Menu Back = Help Torture Attacks Attack enemies to fill your Magic Gauge! If you take damage your Magic Gauge will decrease! Close in on enemies and finish them off with deadly Torture Attacks! Tutorial Punch: For a quick punch press Y. Kick: For a powerful kick press B. Combo: Combine Y and B to unleash countless combos! Evade: Evade any situation by using the RT to dodge! Witch Time: Dodge at the last possible instant to activate Witch Time! (Enemies will appear to move in slow-motion for a set period of time.) Shoot: Shoot your way out of a combo by holding Y or B! Bullet Climax: Rotate the LS and press Y or B to fire all around! (Step 1: Activate Bullet Climax! Step 2: Once activated, aim and fire at will!) More Observations and Things (Some of this info has already been mentioned. I'm including it because the purpose of this post is to collate a bunch of good stuff for easy reference.) - Tap a direction on the d-pad to see which items you have. Hold a direction to use the corresponding item. (I listed this in the controls section, but lots of people seem to miss this feature so I want to point it out here) - On the mission complete screen, you may notice a missing medal. To find the hidden verse that awards it, return to the area where you start the city level after you've cleared the courtyard battle. A pack of enemies will spawn in the first room. - One thing that's guaranteed to annoy me in a game is a laggy menu. Ninja Gaiden is a notable offender here. In contrast, Bayonetta's menus, much like its in-game controls, respond crisply to any input. Kamiya's games have all had great menus, and Bayonetta is no exception. - All breakable objects and items respawn if you leave an area. This includes the treasure chest on the right side of the courtyard in the city. You can exploit this to collect extra halos and magic-restoring items. - Magic-restoring items drop much more frequently when Bayonetta is damaged. I destroyed a group of pots with about 1/10 of a health bar and got 5 purple butterflies. - Bayonetta can target multiple enemies with her guns during combo extensions (just hold an attack button mid-combo). This is ridiculously effective with the second weapon set when she's standing in the middle of an enemy group. Her shotguns will slaughter everything. - Enemy-dropped weapons won't weaken if used on breakable objects. (Exceptions: the trumpet, the halberd's spinning pole move.) - Enemy jump is in, and it works just like in Devil May Cry, except the timing is far easier. (For those who don't know how to perform it: while airborne and next to or above an enemy, press jump.) Source O_o at 10 secs in.
Shorty Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Played the demo, it was actually a lot of fun, but it felt exactly like Devil May Cry, even down to the running around smashing up benches to find gold rings. What was a shame was that after the intro, I was allowed to run around outside the train station passing people, but I couldn't interact with them. For a moment I thought hey! NPCs? Interaction? Potential for puzzles or RPG elements? That could set this game apart from DMC. But then I found out that the only way I could interact with these people was to fire guns crazily through them til they ran off screaming. It was great fun to play, the typical Kamiya Hideki arcadey score based combo-fest with some really cool moves - but after buying DMC4 and then leaving it shelved permanently since completion, I can see this game being a rental. A well enjoyed but short lived rental.
Domstercool Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 This game is looking sexy. It looks like the next step for the DMC series. I saw the QL on giant bomb for the demo. When she summons the hair dragon, man it's so full of awesome.
MATtheHAT Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 The demo surprised me, I didn't think I would like it much. But I really enjoyed it. Its on the Jap PSN store if anybody is interested.
Hero-of-Time Posted October 20, 2009 Posted October 20, 2009 Apparently Famitsu gave this a perfect score of 40/40, everyones still waiting for confirmation so take this news lightly for now.
khilafah Posted October 20, 2009 Posted October 20, 2009 played the 360 demo and enjoyed it. Gonna import the japanese version next week if I can.
Dante Posted October 20, 2009 Author Posted October 20, 2009 First multiplatform title with a 40/40 score. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998, Nintendo, for Nintendo 64) Soulcalibur (1999, Namco, for Dreamcast) Vagrant Story (2000, Square Co., Ltd., for PlayStation) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003, Nintendo for Nintendo GameCube) Nintendogs (2005, Nintendo, for Nintendo DS) Final Fantasy XII (2006, Square Enix, for PlayStation 2) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008, Nintendo, for Wii) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008, Konami, for PlayStation 3) 428: Fūsasareta Shibuya de (2008, Sega, for Wii) Dragon Quest IX (2009, Square Enix, for Nintendo DS) Monster Hunter Tri (2009, Capcom, for Wii) Bayonetta (2009, Sega, for PS3 and 360)
Daft Posted October 20, 2009 Posted October 20, 2009 Seriously....40? I know I haven't played it...but really? Perfect Score? 40?
Dante Posted October 20, 2009 Author Posted October 20, 2009 Seriously....40? I know I haven't played it...but really? Perfect Score? 40? Yeah. 40/40! Not surprising from the fella that made RE2, Veiwiful Joe, Devil May Cry and Okami. I wonder the review will get translated.
Shorty Posted October 20, 2009 Posted October 20, 2009 From the demo I can't see how this game ranks anywhere near RE2, Viewtiful Joe or Okami. It is good, but not that good. But I don't really think much of a perfect Famitsu 40 anymore since Nintendogs.
Dante Posted October 20, 2009 Author Posted October 20, 2009 (edited) From the demo I can't see how this game ranks anywhere near RE2, Viewtiful Joe or Okami. It is good, but not that good. But I don't really think much of a perfect Famitsu 40 anymore since Nintendogs. Demos don't make the whole game. Let wait and see what cause the game to get 10/10/10/10 = 40/40 from the four reviewers if we do get the translation information. Edited October 20, 2009 by Dante
Shorty Posted October 20, 2009 Posted October 20, 2009 No, true but it showcased many elements, the arcadey style opening with enemies flying at you from all directions - browsing by NPCs and reading signposts casually, many different weapons and attacks, a tutorial, a big boss.... Of course there's going to be a lot more to it. What I'm saying is that to me it felt like a 9/10 game (which is usually a must-have for me, if its a genre I like) not a 10/10 game.
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