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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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10:58 - "4 Years in the Future" Future Claire is holding a gun to Future Peter


10:59 -

- Peter is begging Claire to let him go back to "The day they all found out" Claire shoots a bullet at peter and he stops time and merely steps out of the way.


10:59 - We're now in present day! "Chapter One: The Second Coming"


11:00 - FUTURE Peter puts on a black trentcoat and walks into the press briefing at the end of Generations. And SHOOTS Nathan!

11:01 - Matt and some officers chase after Future Peter. Cut away to Claire's house. Claire sees the news footage and calls Peter to ask if he needs her blood to save Nathan.

11:01 - Cut to a hospital. Hospital workers are working feverishly to save Nathan.

11:03 - "Present" Peter has been at Nathan's side this whole time. A doctor comes into the waiting room and tells Peter "I'm sorry." Peter is now visiting Nathan who is apparently dead on the operating table. Nathan SPRINGS up out of bed after Peter touches him. Opening credits!

11:04 -

-Now we're with Hiro. He's in his father's old office messing with an old clock (making it spin in circles) Ando walks in. Hiro's wondering wht's next for him. He's bored at Yamagato.

11:05 - Hiro's father has left him a DVD message "About his Destiny"

11:05 - We're now with Claire. She's playing with Mr. Muggles, and opens her door. SYLAR is there!

11:06 - Sylar "I want what you have" Claire DECKS Sylar with a trophy and tries to make an escape but all of her doors are closing & locking via TK

11:07 - Claire grabs a knife to defend herself. She's alone with Sylar in her kitchen. He's showing up in reflections behind her.

11:08[Poll popup]Should we continue with plot details past the 2nd Act? View Results 11:09 - There's a scuffle and the scene is cut short. We're now in Mohinder's apartment. Maya is scared, standing next to the door holding something heavy while someome tries to enter.

11:10 - Mohinder walks in, Maya swings and misses, but realizes who it is. They're talking about her power. And how the adrenal gland is linked to everyone's power. "Everyone's stress levels affect their powers"

11:12 - Hiro begins watching the DVD of his father. "You have a sacred duty" " It is in my personal safe" "In the wrong hands this secret could destroy the world." "It is now your duty... to NEVER open the safe" Audience laughs.

11:13 - Hiro (of course) opens the safe out of curiousity. Hiro scans his thumbprint and the door opens. Inside is a manilla envelope. "Pres Play" It's another DVD. When Hiro plays it it's his father, "I told you NEVER to open the safe!"

11:13 - Nakamura "The only one who can safeguard the Heroes is one with pure blood."

11:15 - Inside the envelope is a very detailed chemical chart. Hiro looks at it for a second and a rush of wind comes through the room. The chart is gone. Hiro stops time and there is a trail of "soundwaves" left from our "Speedster" Daphne.

11:16 - Daphney decks Hiro and speeds away.

11:17 - We're now with Peter, he's rifling around the evidence room. Matt walks in holding the gun with HIS fingerprints on it. Matt is trying to read peter's mind and all we get is feedback. Peter morphs into future peter and pushes Matt out of the room with TK. Taking the gun with him.

11:17 - End of Act 2

11:18 - Nathan wakes up in his hospital room, Peter is walking into the hospital. By the time peter gets to his room nathan is gone.

11:19 - Nathan walks into a church. "I saw God today. I was dead and he gave me another change. And now I know the reason I'm here. To do great things. To do his bidding."

11:19 -

- Peter is in the church, ready to "finish" Nathan off.


- Nathan gives a statement about how "we are all connected" all about destiny and fate. Peter changes his mind once Nathan breaks down and starts crying.

11:22 - We're now back with Mohinder and Maya. They're looking at the results of his tests on Maya's blood. He's made a vial that could potentially "give" powers to anyone.

11:22 - We're back at Claire's with Sylar. She's locked herself in a closet and Sylar can't get to her.

11:23 - Sylar's found some files of villains at level 5. While he's distracted Claire comes up behind him and stabs him in the chest. This doesn't phase him. He pins claire against a wall and cuts off the top of her head.

11:25 - Sylar is rifling through Claire's brain, she's sill conscious and they're holding a conversation! Claire "What are you doing" Sylar "I'm looking for answers before I bleed to death" Claire "Are you going to eat my brain" Sylar "Claire, that's disgusting!"

11:25 - Sylar finds her ability. Claire is still amazingly alive. He pulls the knife out of his chest. It begins to HEAL!

11:26 - Claire apparently dies when he finds her abiliity. Sylar begins to walk out but sees the top of her head. He puts it back on her and she comes back!

11:27 - Claire: "Aren't you going to kill me"


Sylar "You aren't like the others. You're different, you're special, I couldn't kill you even if I wanted to. You can never die. And now I guess, niether can I"

11:28 - We're back with Mohinder and Maya -- Maya wants mohinder to destoy the vial. She's afraid of what powers would manifest in random people.

11:28 - Mohinder is excited about the possibilities of the vial. Of course -- because HE wants powers!

11:29 - We're back with Nathan. Peter has brought him back to his hospital room.

11:30 - Nathan is having delusions of grandeur. "We could be Angels, all here to do God's bidding."



11:31 - Peter: "I don't expect you to understand what I did to you, but I hope some day you'll forgive me" he leaves.

11:31 - A voice comes out from the conver of the room when Peter leaves.





11:32 - Linderman healed Nathan. "We're meant to do great things. Great things, Nathan"

11:32 - We jump to a quick scene with Niki/Jessica and a Governor. They chat about Nathan.

11:33 - Now we jump to a scene of a Desert. It's Matt! He's stranded in a desert thanks to Peter.

11:34 - Now we're with Hiro and Ando - Hiro and Ando talk about Daphne. Ando says that Hiro needs to go to the past to find out why she wants their secrets. Hiro says he'll go to the future instead. We see a quick scene with Future Hiro and Future Ando.

11:35 - Future Ando and Hiro have an argument. Future Ando strikes future Hiro down with a red energy blast! Ando has a power!


- present Hiro runs around the corner and sees an apocolyptic vision of Tokyo being destroyed!

11:36 - We're now back with Mohinder. He's about to throw the vial in the Harbor. He changes his mind at the last second and INJECTS himself! He quickly collapses.

11:36 - We're now with Nathan. Angela is now by his side! Angela talks to peter. Her ability is indeed the "Dreams" he used to have.

11:38 - Angela and Future Peter are now arguing.


Angela "What did you do with my son?"


F Peter "Somewhere safe."


We're not in Level 5, Mohinder's monologue begins. Several prisoners are yelling "I'm Peter Petrelli!" Mr. Bennet is also in level 5!

11:38 - Matt is walking through the desert and sees a painting on a rock of the world exploding.

11:39 - Linderman stands over Nathan. Niki looks as if she's plotting something. Theives find Mohiner lying on the ground and try to rob him at the harbor. Mohinder grabs their cutn and bends it backwards. Super Strength!

11:40 - Mohinder looks at his hands and the camera pands to the Mural of the world exploding. "To Be Continued..."


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Hayden and Milo, talk about what you can expect from their characters in Season 3.






When asked what to expect from Season 3, Panettiere said "You can look forward to the same action, and hype and adventure, and the wonderful cliffhangers that the first season had. A lot of us are working much more closely together – a lot of the main four cast. Which is kind of what I think the audience missed about the second season, and what we all missed – was that we didn't get the chance to work with each other. So we're all crossing paths this season. It's so action packed, and it leaves you with wonderful cliffhangers – it's a really tremendous season."


There's been some rumors (and photos) that there will be a dark future version of Claire. Panettiere teased this a bit more by saying "One cool thing about this season is I get to play kind of two different characters for a second. We hop back and forth a little bit from the present to the future." As for how much time they'll spend in the future, Panettiere said "We're only up to episode eight, so I'm not sure if she's going to continue to do it in the future – I'd love to know, but I don't." And what is this Claire like? "She's very different," Panettiere says, adding "It's a very different world. It's kind of, as you can imagine, a world gone a little bit awry. She's a very different person."


This season has been dubbed "Villains," and towards that end Panettiere talked about how that will affect Claire's life. "Whenever there's a villain, there's always someone bigger and badder and meaner. Sylar…is not the only villain obviously." To further up the stakes she explained that "There are many things out there that are much worse than Sylar."


As for how things stand between Claire and her father, Noah, Panettiere said "I'm still playing a teenager, even younger than myself, and [Claire] is still going through turmoil with all parents. And she's trying to break away, and she starts to in this season. She's gotten to the point, and remember getting there too, where it was just like you'd ask – but you knew what you were going to do, regardless of what the answer was. You think, okay you can say no. I hope you say yes because that would make this whole thing a lot easier – but I'm going to do what I want to do, and I'm determined to head down this path that I'm aiming for."


When asked whether Claire's powers will develop this season, Panettiere gave a sly smile and offered up only "Maybe." Then she relented and added a bit more, saying "Something happens to her that's actually quite frightening to her. And it plays a very big part in who she becomes in the future and what happens to her. And I wish I could babble about it now, because I have a lot to say about it – but I can't. But it's something that, yes, manifests further with her ability that weighs heavily on her emotionally and mentally as a person. And I think it would anyone that would be going through a situation like that."


As for love interests, Panettiere quickly says "No. Not at all. I have not read past episode eight, so it could be in the future. I don't think it will be. I think we tried that and it went…not so much. Personally I'd rather be interacting with everyone else and be in the core of what's going on. And what's going on has nothing to do with relationships like that.

Thankfully no more West then!




Milo Ventimiglia seemed to be at the core of a story that was cut off before it could really get going last season. With the impending writers strike, Peter's lost memory, trips to the future and seemingly doomed romance with an Irish woman – all seemed to be cut disappointingly short. It was one of the many storylines that never quite developed the way it felt it should have.


With the new season approaching, Ventimiglia gave us hints of what might be in store for Peter. "Peter is not quite himself this season. If I could equate the second season to how Peter lost himself, whereas in the first season he was fighting himself. The third season Peter is not quite himself."


Peter has always had the most dynamic set of powers, with the ability to mimic any other powers from people he's come into contact with (without devouring their brain). Ventimiglia said "Peter is always evolving and bouncing around. But the greatest, and most fascinating thing for Peter is…that he's the most powerful of them all. And at some point those guys have to fall. So for me, the anticipation for when something like that is going to happen, and when a character like Peter, with the strengths that he has, is going to take a dive or a fall."


Going off of what Panettiere said about the "Villains" of the season being worse than Sylar, Ventimiglia said "Everyone is confronting something worse than Sylar. And it definitely is something that is going to strike a chord and be close to Peter – what this big obstacle in the road is. It's a threat to everybody and everything. I'm not going to say it's four horsemen, or one horsemen – but there's going to be a power that will come in that everybody has to band together to make sure it doesn't run wild."


Something interesting that creator Tim Kring told Ventimiglia was "This year, if you die – you're dead." Which makes it sound like Heroes is revoking the traditional comic book truism that nobody is ever truly dead. This is one way to raise the stakes. "It's going to be interesting to see what happens," Ventimiglia said. "[To see] where it all leads and what the characters are going through and whether they're dying or not."


As for the troubled, fractured and super-powered Petrelli family, Ventimiglia said "We're an interesting lot, aren't we? There's so much hope and in-fighting that it's kind of confusing to say where we'll land. I think there's such a dynamic between all these characters; between Angela and Nathan and Peter – and the extension of that family. And you gotta wonder how the father played into it, and Nathan's relationship to all of that. I don't think there's going to be a lack of anything interesting coming out of that family."

With all these villians running about, Peter is gonna become one souped up powerhouse!
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"Main four". Harsh words really.


Anyway. So Peter was fighting himself in season one, forgot himself in season two and "not quite" himself in season three. Basically 'Peter' has never existed?



Yeah I thought "main four" was abit of a wierd comment. Who would they be considered as anyways?

Peter, Claire, Hiro and Sylar I guess?

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Seth Green (from about 70% of anything made in the last 20 years) and his Robot Chicken (awesome show BTW) co-star Breclin Meyer are playing two comic book geeks for a few episodes: http://www.tvsquad.com/2008/08/11/seth-green-and-breckin-meyer-join-heroes/


Good. I was worried Heroes didn't have enough cast members.


(although Seth Green is awesome to be fair)

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Seth Green (from about 70% of anything made in the last 20 years) and his Robot Chicken (awesome show BTW) co-star Breclin Meyer are playing two comic book geeks for a few episodes: http://www.tvsquad.com/2008/08/11/seth-green-and-breckin-meyer-join-heroes/


Good. I was worried Heroes didn't have enough cast members.


(although Seth Green is awesome to be fair)


Ohmigod. I love Seth Green. And Meyer....thats the guy from Road Trip right? Absolute win.

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In the UK it's supposed to air shortly after. Don't know what it'll be like for you though. I'll be downloading the premierce cause i've waited this long for 3 hours of goodness.


You do realise its a one hour catch up and a two episode premiere. And technically each episode is fortyfive minutes so what you're waiting for is an hour and a half of mediocrity :p

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Yeah I know :heh: But I didn't really want to remove the the advert times etc.


Hell i'm even looking forward to the hour catch up episode cause it's sort of 'new' and building up the hype. Also I read The Villains arc lasts 13 episodes.

What? we've got another short season! piece of crap!
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What? we've got another short season! piece of crap!


The villains arc last thirteen episodes. Then they'll go into another arc for the final 9-11 episodes (can't remember how long this season is). Probably Hiro's Wacky Fun Times In Prehistoric Russia or something.

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The villains arc last thirteen episodes. Then they'll go into another arc for the final 9-11 episodes (can't remember how long this season is). Probably Hiro's Wacky Fun Times In Prehistoric Russia or something.
Oh good, glad there's another 'chapter' to follow. But it'll be another even shorter story I suppose!
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Peter and Nathans father is gonna show up in Season 3!


Though it's not known how... always alive? flashbacks? through time travelling?


What with Angela Petrelli being a full time character in Season 3, they're bound to explain her story, and frankly he could show up for through any/all of the above.


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