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Mirror's Edge


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Anyone got any idea on whether the free T-Shirt you can get by buying this is from GAME an online only thing, where you have to pre-order to get it, or instore upon release as well? Doesn't say anything on their site about it. T-shirt's quite nice which is why I'm wondering. I'll have another look but any help would be much appreciated.
Why can't you buy it online? Just pre-ordered my copy :yay:, only slightly disappointed with one thing, I had £2.38 worth of reward points from my fable 2 pre-order, and you need £2.50 to get the money off >.< still, ordered it from GAME site with NW10GME09 code for £3 off, and a tasty 9% quidco! :) Not bad considering I'll get another 800 reward points (definitely get that £2.50 next time then...) and a t-shirt. Plus GAME usually get me my pre-order 1-2 days early.
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What you can do is if you take proof of your online purchase from Game into store and ask nicely (and during a non-busy time) they may just give you one.


To be fair we had a box, if not two, of those Assassin Creed shirts in and we're only a small store. I ended up with four.

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It got 9.3 on ComputerandVideogames. Seems to be doing really well so far, review wise.


just watched a review on player, bravo's game program, which usualy has ok reviews. gave the game a 6/10. combat was said to be a huge let down, and the overall length of just 5 hours has put me off getting it till a price drop. i dont mind games not being long, hell, i loved portal, but at like £40, thats £8 an hour. no thanks.

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gave the game a 6/10. combat was said to be a huge let down,


People watch that crap? Wow.


Not only that but, since when was combat supposed to ever be a huge part of mirror's edge?

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just watched a review on player, bravo's game program, which usualy has ok reviews. gave the game a 6/10. combat was said to be a huge let down, and the overall length of just 5 hours has put me off getting it till a price drop. i dont mind games not being long, hell, i loved portal, but at like £40, thats £8 an hour. no thanks.


Think of how fast you are moving thorugh the levels; then think of how much level you would need to have to fill up 6 hours worth of gametime. At the pace Mirrors Edge moves at you can't expect it to last 12+ hours - it's a new breed of game.


The time trial is the meat of the game anyway.

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I'm not bothered about the length of the game. From it's announcement, although I didn't know overly much about it, I knew it wouldn't last more than 10 hours. And I'm fine with that. To me, it seems a good use of £40 compared to some of the other stuff that makes it to market with said price tag. And plus, I'm sure many people will play it several times through, I know I will as I want to do it without weapons and then with and then collect stuff.


Can't wait to get hold of it. My hands are just itching to play it, as I deleted the demo to stop me spending all of my time sitting playing it. Friday can't come quick enough (although when it comes, I'll get the game and have to wait a few hours before I can play it).

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People watch that crap? Wow.


Not only that but, since when was combat supposed to ever be a huge part of mirror's edge?


It's difficult not to get the impression some reviewers are possibly slightly missing the point. Eurogamer had a decent review and gave it 8/10, though complained it wasn't a sandbox type game and didn't give you a lot of freedom, which is probably like complaining your pet fish doesn't have four legs, a tail or barks.

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Sounds like they expected some kind of death match free-running and free-gunning hybrid game. (Wait, that sounds AWESOME!). Sequel please!!


Back to reality - this title really is a breath of fresh air for the FPS genre and I for one can't wait to get it. (At a later date). The length seems great to me too as I'll actually have a chance of getting through the title instead of, say something like Fallout3 which would consume all of my time. Maybe I'm becoming...casual!

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well, as much as id not ponsider playr's opinion as valid as say edge's, i must say from their review i got the impression that the game forces you into several fights, which kinda justifies the complaint that combat was poor. as for the eurogamer complaint that its not a sand box game, thats kinda unfair, i dont see it working as much outher then a linear game, but this does bring me concern as to how good time trial can be, running the same route over and over would be kinda dull after a while.


i still plan to pick it up, but being unemployed, £40 for what is essentialy a linear game with pretty limited replay value would be foolish.

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just watched a review on player, bravo's game program, which usualy has ok reviews. gave the game a 6/10. combat was said to be a huge let down, and the overall length of just 5 hours has put me off getting it till a price drop. i dont mind games not being long, hell, i loved portal, but at like £40, thats £8 an hour. no thanks.


From the demo i'd agree, melee combat was fiddly and the guns felt weak. Been thinking about this game actually, i might not pick it up on Friday after all. It all hangs on what price i can get it for from work, i'm not paying more than i paid for Gears.


I'm sure it'll be fun, but in a 'play it for a few hours, get bored, stick it on the shelf' kind of way.

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I think the majority of the criticisms levelled at this seem like misconceptions from reviewers who aren't very good at their jobs, frankly.


'nto enough fps combat'? -fuck off. it's a platformer.


'not open world'- fuck off. This was never billed as anything other than exactly what it is. the only reason this is coming up is from ill informed forum threads- what sort of critic puts that in to consideration?


This game kicks ass


that said...I'm waiting. Sorry, DICE. You picked a godawful week to put this out.

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the idea of it being a more open world would have been great though, multiple routs, just dickign aound iff you want, which would be fun in such a seting. that said, assassins creed did just that and it was a snore fest.


from what ive seen of the shooting criticism, its on the grounds of wanting more, rathewr its on the grounds that bits you have to do are unnecciarily difficult due to fiddly controles.


i suppose you could argue it was deliberate to show that your a runner not a fighter, but still, why have such an increadable looking freerunning experience tied to a poor shooting one?


i will reserve my actualy judgment till ive played, but as im having to look after the pennies, it might not be for a while.

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