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umm...well massive exception to the rule, surely? that has all kinds of logistical nightmares attached to it with all the instrument production required. this is just a disc.

It's not really a "system seller" either. There isn't really any reason for this to be a timed exclusive.

If you want the game and own both a 360 and PS3 then you'll buy it on the latter. It also associates the game with the PlayStation brand, bolstering it leading up to Christmas.


Although the PS3 was supposed to be the lead platform for Mirror's Edge, I can't imagine there's any technical reason for the 360 and PC versions to be delayed. It's your usual timed exclusive: Sony help to subsidise the advertising costs for the game, and in return EA stall the other versions until a quieter time of year.


I think this game, if it pays off, is a must buy for me. There's lots of good stuff (I've made a list of 4 MUST buys, with this as a 5th sub for 1) but this is a genuinely new gig. Looks great.


The number of games I could buy this year is ridiculous. I wont be getting this game this year, but I'd like to try it at some point.

Probably a game for early next year for me.

I was thinking its a slightly difficult exclusive. The game already has so much competition(end of year) and EA's luck isnt so good this gen. I am thinking a delay into 09 could benefit this.


I cant buy everything!


Yeah I agree...definitly think this is a game that could get lost amongest the flood...


I was thinking about this game what with some new info coming in during PAX and I suddenly got scared it would flop. This game could be a catalyst for more unique games if it succeeds. I really hope EA gives the advertising support this game deserves.


Then I was thinking; http://www.gametrailers.com/player/33585.html


How amazing would it be if EA bought a weeks worth of prime time 2 minute advertising slots (do they still do these?) and they showed that trailer, exactly as is (or maybe recreated if the graphics have had significant improvements since). I think, if I was someone who didn't know about the game I would be blown away by the unique graphical style and the presentation. I would definitely want to buy it.


I'm on a total blockout on this ^^ But I'm really looking forward to this, one of the first "next gen" games that really really has me excited, despite the potential for some shortcomings.


I'm not sure what those shortcomings are supposed to be, exactly. Most people seem disappointed that it's not free roaming, and hold that against the game. Thing is, DICE never said it would be and, in my mind, were pretty clear we were getting a linear game.

People just get too in to the hype, I think. They never fabricated that Prince of Persia was going to be free roaming, and this looks fairly similar.


na there's been a few hands on now.


They sound pretty decent- like a timing based version of Assassin's Creed.


I'd rather concentrate on the 'where' than the 'how' of platforming anyway- so long as there's room for skill and replayability in some form.

I'm not sure what those shortcomings are supposed to be, exactly. Most people seem disappointed that it's not free roaming, and hold that against the game. Thing is, DICE never said it would be and, in my mind, were pretty clear we were getting a linear game.

People just get too in to the hype, I think. They never fabricated that Prince of Persia was going to be free roaming, and this looks fairly similar.


Well, there will be shortcomings there are no perfect games :P Thing is, it's the first game like this, I doubt it will be big and there will probably be some rough edges, since it's the first of its kind. I can be wrong, but there's nothing wrong in thinking this. Which is like, the opposite of hype.


Probably not. First and foremost it doesn't seem to really be the main point, and secondly I get the impression you'd end up flinging yourself of the wrong side of every other roof top just trying to figure out where to go or what to do.

Probably not. First and foremost it doesn't seem to really be the main point, and secondly I get the impression you'd end up flinging yourself of the wrong side of every other roof top just trying to figure out where to go or what to do.


I'll probably turn it off on my second playthrough - at least then you'll have a general idea of direction and destination.

Does anyone else plan to turn off the special eyes to make the game seem more free and challenging?


Yes, I'm going to try and do it without them first time. If it gets to frustrating i'll try it on the second play through.


There's a rumour that completing it without the eyes is going to be an achievement.

Does anyone else plan to turn off the special eyes to make the game seem more free and challenging?


Definitely. To me it looks like the game will be much better with it off.

Does anyone else plan to turn off the special eyes to make the game seem more free and challenging?


I will, the special vision seems to turn it to obvious.


According to CVG, the PS3 version of Mirror's Edge will have exclusive DLC. Sony says that EA have signed an advertisement deal with them which probably explains why ME's first trailer was shown at the PlayStation Day in London back in May and that online adverts for the game have only so far shown the PS3 version's boxart. About time the PS3 got some exclusive content over the 360 I say.




Ah well. One less game to buy.


No, it's not that the PS3 is getting DLC, it's more that DLC exists for a game which I thought was going to be one single, complete experience.


Unless it really is a complete experience and the DLC is complete pants.


Whilst I am glad the PS3 for once is getting exclusive DLC over the 360. The whole DLC thing is pissing me off...bring the game out first see if people like it then properly assess what DLC will bring to the title rather than just using it as a means to get people buying a specific version...


does no one else reckon the game looks better with runner vision on? I really like the bold colours.


also: it's not just red as I understand it. Each colour = 1 route

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