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Mirror's Edge


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I guess that would defeat the point of free-running anyway (being on-rails). Would be cool if you could get a stategic fly-by of each level/area beforehand, to allow you to plan a route.:heh:


Naah that would ruin it imo, it should be about on the spot thinking.

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Gameplay wise, this looks to be a really liberating and fun experience but I'm always suspicious that what these videos infer that you can do so much more in the game than is actually possible. I only have one criticism atm and it's about the camera movement while climbing around. I just seems a little on the clunky side and seems to detract from the immersion, a small chip in an altogether pretty perfect ming vase.

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Looks fantastic. More games need to do first person perspective this well.


Pretty damn ambitious though, but then if five games were this ambitious and one of those five delivered on their ambitious promises then I would be happy.


Basically devs need to take more risks, and this is a step in the right direction.


Agree there. I'm glad they're trying something like this at least. If it's crap, fair enough, at least it's not another bullshit boring shooting game.

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Wow, that looks pretty awesome. And it's from EA, too!


From DICE you mean ;) the makers of the Battlefield games. It will likely be very good.


I hope they put some of this into Battlefield 3.

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From DICE you mean ;) the makers of the Battlefield games. It will likely be very good.


I hope they put some of this into Battlefield 3.


Which part? The parkour or the predominantly non violent resistance theme? :heh:

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Puta Merda!


Am I the only one who thinks that doesn't sound quite right? :heh:


About this game...looks pretty nice, and has an interesting concept, but I'm not really hyped about it. (Just like I wasn't hyped about Assassin's Creed)

Maybe after I see something more...?

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So when's this expected to be released? I hope the combat doesn't account for too much of the game, the freerunning aspect looks too awesome whilst that just seemed shoehorned into it.


Yeah, I'm quite worried about long animation sequences breaking up the gameplay which should be just as fast and freee as the running. Glad to see that there could be a big stealth element to this. Stealth with the same feeling of sneaking that I used to get playing Perfect Dark on N64 :D

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