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Shame the game is gonna flop and flop hard though.


If you fail to poo for a prolonged period, eventually, shit will come from your mouth.


I mean, only a small amount of Wii users are core gamers,


Any figures to back this up?


and most of those got the console at launch.




Now, let's be honest, whilst I still play my Wii there are tonnes of core gamers that have unfortunately lost interest with the Wii.


Your opinion mirrors all 50million Wii owners?


Honestly, judging by Madworlds sales i'm really not expecting much.[/Quote]


Give MadWorld time. It took 4 months for Call of Duty to get to nearly a million, MadWorld may not reach a million, but i'm sure it'll be profitable.


Fingers crossed I'm wrong though.



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And the other one? Apparently, Wii Fit outsold Halo 3. That's just wow.... Just stop being fanboys, it's common knowledge that the core gamer is a small percentage of the Wii gamer (like I said, 50 million core gamers?) and asking for figures of that is being a stuborn fanboy.

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And the other one? Apparently, Wii Fit outsold Halo 3. That's just wow.... Just stop being fanboys, it's common knowledge that the core gamer is a small percentage of the Wii gamer (like I said, 50 million core gamers?) and asking for figures of that is being a stuborn fanboy.


I didn't mention Wii fit for a reason. I don't care how many Wii fits are sold compared to Halo since the Wii has twice the audience of the 360, why is that so amazing? You think in 50 million people, at least 2 million of them aren't core? Or at least middle term?


The core need to stop thinking the world revolves around them just because they run to stores at release dates. Just shows the level of elitism among the core gamers.


And oh no you le didn't call me a fanboy...











Because I totally am.

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Really, I think this title will surprise everyone with its sales. I'm sure this is the title out of Sega's Big 3 that'll get the biggest push in advertising not only from Sega but also from Nintendo. We'll probably see more for this title in the run up to its launch than the advertising we saw for MadWorld and House of the Dead. The game already has vast potential to show the Wii as being capable to provide fantastic graphics with tight controls that should put standard analogue control to shame and we know it and the advertising blitz that will start happening in the next few months will show this to those who don't know anything about it. I'm not saying that it's going to release an get no.1 in the charts. That's very optimistic for a new IP on the Wii but it'll do well enough to be high up the charts. This should be the quickest of the 3 Sega titles to reach the 1 million sales mark, and it could well do it in its first week on sale.


Comparing the sales of MadWorld to the potential sales of this is absurd because MadWorld's current sales status relies on information charted after 1 day of sales (the latests charts cut off after the 21st of March giving it one complete day on shelves). There's also been a lot of controversy regarding the title in the british 'tabloids' (notice I've said 'tabloids' because the ones causing a stir are the likes of the Sun and the Daily Mail, which are in no way creditable publications, Daily Mail more so after the My Chemical Romance fiasco) and so this has probably affected sales but they should be higher this week.

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I didn't mention Wii fit for a reason. I don't care how many Wii fits are sold compared to Halo since the Wii has twice the audience of the 360, why is that so amazing? You think in 50 million people, at least 2 million of them aren't core? Or at least middle term?


The core need to stop thinking the world revolves around them just because they run to stores at release dates. Just shows the level of elitism among the core gamers.


And oh no you le didn't call me a fanboy...


Because I totally am.


Also, what Goron 3 fails to mention is that not everyone who buys Halo 3 or GTA are CORE gamers - many of them are casual gamers that got caught up in the advertising buzz.

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If a core wants a controller and doesn't get Wii Play, he's mentally challenged.




I can imagine Wii Fit being popular amongst core and casual alike. I wouldn't classify it as a game.

Edited by Patch
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Yep, sales figures for Wii Play and Wii Fit.





You mean the 50 million core players? :laughing:


Wii Play has sold 22m while Wii Fit sold 17m Neither sold 50m. Plus core gamers buy these titles, not just casuals, although, mostly for the remote. And lets not forget that 8 Million people bought both Mario Galaxy and Brawl, while TP sold 5m. Mario Kart sold 15m and although that one probably had a fair few casual gamers buy it compared to the others listed, surely quite a few of those who bought it are core gamers. Many other core titles like Metroid Prime 3, and Resi 4 sold 1.5 Million units. CoD:W@W is now around 1m units also.

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Also, what Goron 3 fails to mention is that not everyone who buys Halo 3 or GTA are CORE gamers - many of them are casual gamers that got caught up in the advertising buzz.


A very small percentage though. Incase you're forgetting they happen to be major franchises. That's like saying people who brought Zelda:TP at launch were just caught up in the hype (and the fact that Red Steel turned out to be wank).


I'm sorry but if anyone thinks that hardcore gamers are the main Wii audience then sorry but you've completely missed what's been going on these last 2 years. Especially now when we've reached a point where most people the console are buying it for the kids/family for games like wii sports and wii fit. Core gamers most likely already got the console for TP/MP3/Galaxy.

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And oh no you le didn't call me a fanboy...


Because I totally am.



Actually, no, that was meant for the other dude. I used to be a fanboy too. I evolved into a fan now, though. I love Nintendo, but I don't eat their shit or wipe their ass anymore. I don't do that for anyone or any company.


Wii Play has sold 22m while Wii Fit sold 17m Neither sold 50m.


I never said they did, that was a totally different part of the post with a different quote...


I'm sorry but if anyone thinks that hardcore gamers are the main Wii audience then sorry but you've completely missed what's been going on these last 2 years. Especially now when we've reached a point where most people the console are buying it for the kids/family for games like wii sports and wii fit.


Yeah, and I'm interested in seeing what happens in the next generation. To elaborate, Nintendo are marketing aggressively toward... well, what word can I use if not "casual"? I don't mean it in an "elitist" way, it's just real. They are targeting casual players in force this gen, but what will happen next gen? They could release a Wii 2, but to be honest I don't see these current casuals emptying their pockets for Wii 2.


The gamer (notice I don't use harcore here) plays games because it's a hobbie, not a trend. They always want different and better games, just like a bricolage adept wants better tools.

Now, these majority of Wii owners, how will they see a Wii 2? Will buy it all over again? Or just think "meh, I got that already". Nintendo is making a lot of money this gen with the Wii, and has always made a lot of money with the handhelds, but I think the strategy will cease to work next gen.

Fortunately, they'll have lots of profit to concentrate on the core gamer (I see the word "core" with a different meaning than the word "hardcore") again.


But of course, they are a business, so they will want to maintain this gen's level of profit, so maybe they'll keep targeting the same audience. I'm just wondering how will they make it work, how will they make the majority of the current audience buy another one. These are people that buy the console not because of Nintendo's history, but because of advertising. Using motion controls felt fresh and cool 2 years ago. It still is, if well implemented (which is rare). But will those people think it's cool all over again next gen?

The core Nintendo gamer (the fans and the fanboys) will buy Wii 2, even if only for the usual 3 major franchises.


So, will Wii 2 be a another Gamecube or another Wii (in terms of audience)? I'm curious about that and only time will tell.

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Actually, no, that was meant for the other dude. I used to be a fanboy too. I evolved into a fan now, though. I love Nintendo, but I don't eat their shit or wipe their ass anymore. I don't do that for anyone or any company.




I never said they did, that was a totally different part of the post with a different quote...




Yeah, and I'm interested in seeing what happens in the next generation. To elaborate, Nintendo are marketing aggressively toward... well, what word can I use if not "casual"? I don't mean it in an "elitist" way, it's just real. They are targeting casual players in force this gen, but what will happen next gen? They could release a Wii 2, but to be honest I don't see these current casuals emptying their pockets for Wii 2.


The gamer (notice I don't use harcore here) plays games because it's a hobbie, not a trend. They always want different and better games, just like a bricolage adept wants better tools.

Now, these majority of Wii owners, how will they see a Wii 2? Will buy it all over again? Or just think "meh, I got that already". Nintendo is making a lot of money this gen with the Wii, and has always made a lot of money with the handhelds, but I think the strategy will cease to work next gen.

Fortunately, they'll have lots of profit to concentrate on the core gamer (I see the word "core" with a different meaning than the word "hardcore") again.


But of course, they are a business, so they will want to maintain this gen's level of profit, so maybe they'll keep targeting the same audience. I'm just wondering how will they make it work, how will they make the majority of the current audience buy another one. These are people that buy the console not because of Nintendo's history, but because of advertising. Using motion controls felt fresh and cool 2 years ago. It still is, if well implemented (which is rare). But will those people think it's cool all over again next gen?

The core Nintendo gamer (the fans and the fanboys) will buy Wii 2, even if only for the usual 3 major franchises.


So, will Wii 2 be a another Gamecube or another Wii (in terms of audience)? I'm curious about that and only time will tell.


Brilliant post, one of the best i've read on these boards. The exact same applies to the DS really.

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Anyway, upon re-reading my own post just now, I understand how it can come across as just another one of those "doom-sayers". Not at all, I'm not saying Nintendo is going bankrupt anytime soon. I'm just thinking about how will this new audience behave in the next generation.

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How about we do a mini-poll here and see if we can predict whether or not The Conduit will sell better than MadWorld (though I can think of at least ten reasons why this may not be a 100% accurate prediction).


Total People who definitely will buy the Conduit (assuming it is quality): 1

Total People who definitely will buy (or have bought) MadWorld: 0


If you're not sure, don't add yourself.

Copy and Paste!

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Wouldn't it be easier with an actual poll where you vote?


Anyway, if The Conduit is quality I'll definitely buy it. It's reminding me of Half Life.


Madworld... although that kill at the end of the

is fucking awesomely hilarious (really made me laugh out loud), I don't think I'll be getting it.
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They're adding stat tracking and an achievement style system for unlockables to the game. The stat tracking is a nice inclusion for those who're going to be ravaging the online and the achievements will add some longevity to the game.


Nice. I'm glad there's something in there for the perfectionists. I look forward to seeing perfect runs on Youtube.


As for the much-touted Mighty Sales Prediction Experiment of 2009, I can only apologise for the downtime experienced at N-Europe whilst everyone cast their vote, accounting for an unprecedented volume of traffic. Thank you to everyone that voted.


The results are now in (including the descriptive vote from '...'). The Conduit will sell twice as many copies as MadWorld!


So about 200 copies then. :cry:

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Total People who definitely will buy the Conduit (assuming it is quality): 6

Total People who definitely will buy (or have bought) MadWorld: 3


I will buy the Conduit but my only reason for being unsure with Madworld is that my financial status isn't that great so I can only invest rarely in games. I haven't bought any games myself for my 360 even since purchasing it, just been bought games by others and had games on loan.


I'll be buying The Conduit certainly though because I want to support at least one of Sega's "hardcore trio" and I'm feeling like I'll have more money to do so around its release, also more time.

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