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I appologise if this has already been answered in one of the many pages of this thread. But I hear this game is using WiiSpeak, does this mean there will be a Wii Headset coming along for this game?

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Not necessarily a headset released FOR this, but 3rd parties will have sets ready for it I would imagine. Early in the new year I reckon. Though I actually like Wii Speak!

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Not necessarily a headset released FOR this, but 3rd parties will have sets ready for it I would imagine. Early in the new year I reckon. Though I actually like Wii Speak!


Thanks mate, would the WiiSpeak be a viable option to be used for voice chat in this type of game?


God I am so out of the loop with the Wii at the moment!!

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I've not tried it, but I've only heard good things about Wii Speak on Animal Crossing. I'd probably find it more convinient than wearing a headset anyway.

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Thanks mate, would the WiiSpeak be a viable option to be used for voice chat in this type of game?


God I am so out of the loop with the Wii at the moment!!


Yeah of course, why not. The only problem I can see is if your daughter was around and people were swearing.


But I like Wii Speak a lot - hate wearing headsets. Though sometimes they're good for keeping the noise down late at night.

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Only problem I've seen with WiiSpeak at the moment is that it's only set up to take 3 other consoles plus yours at one time. So online with this, only 4 out of 16 will be able to use it unless they upgrade/patch the software. Could possibly be just because that's how it works with Animal Crossing and could work differently with this.

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Only problem I've seen with WiiSpeak at the moment is that it's only set up to take 3 other consoles plus yours at one time. So online with this, only 4 out of 16 will be able to use it unless they upgrade/patch the software. Could possibly be just because that's how it works with Animal Crossing and could work differently with this.


No it's not set up like that, that'd be retarded if that was the case. It's just that Animal Crossing is 4 player only.

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Strange then as the box I looked at for the WiiSpeak/AC bundle said that the Wiispeak was limited to use across only 4 consoles at a time. *shrugs* Bah.... who cares.

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But wouldn't that be for the game if it's the bundle one?


If this is limited to 4 people only then Nintendo are fucking idiots! Having only one BB for a game is annoying enough! But this is just stupid!

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It's probably just for the game. Perhaps I didn't read it properly. Should allow for more users. Doesn't the Wii Speak channel allow for more than 4?

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Really? That really does suck. You would have thought they'd have been smart enough to allow for a larger number than that on the Wii Speak Channel. I really hope it doesn't chisel the ability to speak to other while playing this online as I love playing FPSs online and I enjoy listening to the banter.

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It's probably just for the game. Perhaps I didn't read it properly. Should allow for more users. Doesn't the Wii Speak channel allow for more than 4?


but that's doesnt make any sense.... whose to say who doesn't get to use wii speak and who does.... you get me ?


nah i'd say it's limitless... something like conduit will use it properly.. Just animal crossing is a 4 player game and most games will be 4 player anyway but conduit isn't.

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I'm hoping that Gameplay have the right date, but somehow i'm doubting 31st January is correct....

Any news on a possible release date?

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Q1 is looking increasingly unlikely now. It's probable that the US will get it April at the earliest, and Europe are looking to a back-end-Q2 date. If SEGA make good on their pledge, we should slowly start to see a steady ramping up of promotion, starting very soon.

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If a Q2 release means it's going to be even more polished then I'm all for it... although I would love to get my hands on this right now! Haha

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I'd rather it gets mroe polish. Some environments looked really basic and generic with very little detail the last time I watched a video. If that gets improved then I can't see any flaws with the game for me :)

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Personally I think this will be the summer block buster, no way will it be out in Q1. As for Wii speak, I love using headsets and I love the sound quality you can get out of a good one. However, I haven't used Wii speak, so i'll have to reserve judgement.

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As for Wii speak, I love using headsets and I love the sound quality you can get out of a good one. However, I haven't used Wii speak, so i'll have to reserve judgement.


WiiSpeak works really well. I don't think i'd ever buy into the headset thing now- it just seems more natural to have the sound coming from the TV. Plus, being a bit of an audiophile, it'd annoy the pants off me having a wobbly piece of plastic muffling the sound from my speakers.

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out me interest, how does voice chat work in other fps's. 16 players all yelling abuse at eachother seems chaotic- or does the game select who you're chatting with depending on targets or whose near?

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out me interest, how does voice chat work in other fps's. 16 players all yelling abuse at eachother seems chaotic- or does the game select who you're chatting with depending on targets or whose near?


The best system is just where you hold down a button to talk and it's only one person at a time. Having everyone talk at the same time though works fine too.


You'll very rarely enter a game where alot of people talk.

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The best system is just where you hold down a button to talk and it's only one person at a time. Having everyone talk at the same time though works fine too.


You'll very rarely enter a game where alot of people talk.


Some also have it so you can hear who's around you or those on your team. So you can chat to everyone on your team where ever you are, or you can hear whoever is in your earshot regardless of friend or foe.


The Conduit will only let you hear whoever you have swapped friend codes with.

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Some also have it so you can hear who's around you or those on your team. So you can chat to everyone on your team where ever you are, or you can hear whoever is in your earshot regardless of friend or foe.


The Conduit will only let you hear whoever you have swapped friend codes with.


Urg, dam friend codes, sort of kills it a bit for me if I was ever going to get it, as I won't know anyone on the thing lol.


But yeah, I don't think Nintendo will ever allow proximity chat, it's the best part about the new Socom lol.

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