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I don't understand this 'bland' argument. So far, we've only seen the City- cities are hardly known for their lush environments, and the variety of vegetation. There's enough street furniture breaking up the level, and interesting variety of buildings. Just what do people want from city levels?

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There were also some wierd graphical destortions of some kind when weapons were being fired.


What? Metroid Prime has 'wierd graphical distortions' when firing. Did you critise Metroid for this? I've not noticed any distortions which do not look like a design choice.





Quite obviously, this game will be rubbish- look not a single piece of vegetation.

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I honestly find it appalling that some people are putting this on the "maybe" list because of some jaggies, thereby pretty much confirming that hardcore wii owners are pretty much biased in the same way as 360 and PS3 owners.

Next time someone claims that nintendo'ers aren't vague, I'll check it with this thread :)


Indeed, if this game is met with such lacklustre enthusiasm, you can forget about sequels and stuffs. Pet Babiez Ranch 12 ftw.


Buying this at launch.


Btw, Jammy, local fps multiplayer is for the suck with consoles anyway, this gen at least. Or maybe Red Steel just did such a poor job at it...

Perfect Dark was sweet, but I seem to recall me being the only one to actually find local mp with quadruple split-screen manageable.

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Personally, I'm quite proud that a few Wii owners are worried about getting this due to bland environments. Presumably these people said no to Gears of War, Unreal Tournament and the like? Right?


I do see where people are coming from, but I'm not beating around the bush here; this is day one for me.

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I'm not going to argue that its anywhere near as convenient as split screen- but isn't LAN multiplayer is confirmed?


Well, that could be useful, if all 3 of my flatmates bring their Wii to our uni house, and have their own TV's to play it on, and all buy The Conduit. :shakehead


I need some other multiplayer games, you can only play Smash Bros and Mario Kart 64 so many times lol.


I honestly can't think of anything that looked better. Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime came close, but, they weren't quite there.


Mario Galaxy and MEtroid Prime had far more style then this.


And they looked technically better too, but they had style too. Maybe The Conduit has just been, hiding it's aulustrious jungle settings and awesome ice capped mountain peaks for later trailers or something? :wtf:

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I don't understand this 'bland' argument. So far, we've only seen the City- cities are hardly known for their lush environments, and the variety of vegetation. There's enough street furniture breaking up the level, and interesting variety of buildings. Just what do people want from city levels?


There's been footage inside buildings that still looks abit bland and not all that great.


What? Metroid Prime has 'wierd graphical distortions' when firing. Did you critise Metroid for this? I've not noticed any distortions which do not look like a design choice.


Quite obviously, this game will be rubbish- look not a single piece of vegetation.


I thought the distortions was worse in this than MP, though I didn't really anything too bad in MP.


What I do find interesting though, is that Retro and I completely think the graphics look a bit odd, jaggy and bland, then there's the majority of others saying it looks good. From what i've seen footage wise it looks worse than Red Steel. Now looking at the screens that James posted, they look much better than the footage i've seen so far. The graphics look much cleaner, smoother and better, but still looks somewhat bland as can be seen at the right hand side of the picture with the 2 enemies. I can't help but think for all the effort they put in, they could do a bit better graphically.

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@ Shadow, yeah that example you mentioned stood out at me to.


What? Metroid Prime has 'wierd graphical distortions' when firing. Did you critise Metroid for this? I've not noticed any distortions which do not look like a design choice.


Quite obviously, this game will be rubbish- look not a single piece of vegetation.

I didn't mean graphical distortions in a good way, as in intentional heat distrotions etc..., I meant the visuals seemed to break down a bit.

And not sure why you're talking about vegetation either? who mentioned that? that's not a problem!


Overall I think what it is, is that the game just doesn't excite me yet.

A lot of the indoor levels we're seeing look similar to so many other games.


Some bits do look good though, so like I said I'll keep an eye on this as a potential purchase, I'll wait to see more, and I really do appreciate the effort they're putting in.


And anyways, I think there a probably quite a few people who are being abit hypocritical about this.

Some say it's a definate day one purchase regardless, because of all the effort etc...

But how many actually went out and bought Zack & Wiki? a game that IMO exceeds this in terms of graphical style, creativity and uniqueness.

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I got Z&W :)


Seriously though, I can understand Retro and Shadow being somewhat critical of this game, such is their good right. I would get myself checked for visual agnosia though ;) - although I just could've been watching too many a House md episode... Bloody Laurie's got us hooked.


However, comparing this to Red Steel with the latter being the better?! Wow. Just... wow.

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There's been footage inside buildings that still looks abit bland and not all that great.




I thought the distortions was worse in this than MP, though I didn't really anything too bad in MP.


What I do find interesting though, is that Retro and I completely think the graphics look a bit odd, jaggy and bland, then there's the majority of others saying it looks good. From what i've seen footage wise it looks worse than Red Steel. Now looking at the screens that James posted, they look much better than the footage i've seen so far. The graphics look much cleaner, smoother and better, but still looks somewhat bland as can be seen at the right hand side of the picture with the 2 enemies. I can't help but think for all the effort they put in, they could do a bit better graphically.


Did you even own Red Steel?! Because if you did, you should know that you just lied to yourself right there. Anyways, I think this game looms fantastic. I have a PS3, a pre-order for Killzone 2, but I still want, and am getting this game. I mean come on! Customisable HUD. FULLY CUSTOMISABLE HUD! I may be a giant nerd (according to me workmate who knows alot about wrestling which is nerdy imo but meh) but being able to move HUD icons about just so its perfect for you is very much welcome to me. It can also keep the game looking fresh, I used to love that feature in Guild wars and always wanted it for other games.


Here is a nice vid of that and some other affects


Oh and talks about blandness, we have barely seen any environments apart from cities, and oh, inside buildings from these cities. It could be expected that the player will visit areas changed totally by the enemy. Wait, does anyone even know the story as that can be an indication of where the player will end up e.g. invaders from another dimension or invaders from outer space, etc.


And finally, does anyone else get a goldeneye vibe? Were the developers aiming for that?

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Yip I have Red Steel (and one of the people who liked it)


This is why i'm beginning to think something isn't right. When I watch the videos it doesn't look right, the edges of objects/weapons etc are slightly jaggy and the enemies looked sort of rough and not very sharp or clean. But I most folk telling me otherwise. And when I look at screenshots, it looks better graphically, more smooth, less jaggies and I can actually see a good picture of an enemy that doesn't look slightly abnormal.


I still think I need to see this for myself playing on the Wii. Cause the latest videos i've seen, just doesn't look right, especially with what i'm hearing from you guys.


I just watched that gametrailers video, the same one that was up on IGN and although it was the same video, it looked much better than the one on IGN. It wasn't as rough or jaggy which is good. But it still looks a bit bland and lighting is a bit odd.

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Oh and talks about blandness, we have barely seen any environments apart from cities, and oh, inside buildings from these cities. It could be expected that the player will visit areas changed totally by the enemy. Wait, does anyone even know the story as that can be an indication of where the player will end up e.g. invaders from another dimension or invaders from outer space, etc.



Well, the story arc is that these aliens have manipulated the human secret services, so it may be a struggle that's confined to Earth. Having said that, the whole meaning of these "Conduits" is pretty concealed at the moment. All we know is that enemy creatures swarm through them until you destroy them (as the developers described; "a la Gauntlet".) I'd love it if the player could maybe travel through 'The Conduit' at the end of the game and find yourself in an otherworldly environment.

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I just watched that gametrailers video, the same one that was up on IGN and although it was the same video, it looked much better than the one on IGN. It wasn't as rough or jaggy which is good. But it still looks a bit bland and lighting is a bit odd.


Sound like you've been watching it in the wrong resolution. Also, the SD video on IGN was fucked up.


Anyway, "bland" never stopped Halo from selling!

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I thought it might of been the wrong resolution on IGN so I tried low/high res. Good thing i'm more of a gampelay person though. From the way I seen it when I thought this looked bad, was that if they put all that effort in, and it didn't look to good, I wondered if it was a purchase. The online will be immense though.

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Sound like you've been watching it in the wrong resolution. Also, the SD video on IGN was fucked up.


Anyway, "bland" never stopped Halo from selling!


The more I think about it, the more sympathy I can feel for the Halo series, but that's probably due to the baffling rise of the bilge that is Gears of War. I mean, I know Halo was never breaking any boundaries, but at least it's design had SOMETHING. Gears is just... no.

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I think the developer mentioned that we haven't actually seen most of the missions yet. If you think about it we've only seen the:


City/Sewers (Same mission)

Underground Bunker

Bits of the airport

The Hotel


Though there may be one more I've just forgotten.


None of these levels could really be all that stylized TBH.


But some of the technical things these guys are getting out of the Wii are just plain amazing. And the fact that the game was developed almost completely in house...


This is the kind of game people have been asking for here for I don't know how long, and as soon as those wishes are granted, nobody cares anymore.


Anyone remember MoH:H2. It was an incredibly generic and bland WWII shooter, but the Wii controls really made it something special.

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