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What a ludicrous post. You're going to try to buy SEGA games just because SEGA made them? :indeed:


If they're good games then buy them, if they're not then don't. It really doesn't matter who publishes or develops anything - just judge games on their individual merits.


Of course not, i'm going to try to spend more money on good games from SEGA than good games from every other publisher, got it?

I hope a lot of the guys do that, so that SEGA knows it can trust us the Hardcore Community in Wii


Of course, i will not buy Sonic Unleashed, because i'm not interested in it, but for example: If i'm having doubts between MadWorld and Titanic (example), and i have them both in the same regard, i'l buy MadWorld because its from Sega.

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Of course not, i'm going to try to spend more money on good games from SEGA than good games from every other publisher, got it?

I hope a lot of the guys do that, so that SEGA knows it can trust us the Hardcore Community in Wii

You should try to spend more money on games that are better/you prefer than other games, regardless of publisher. Seriously. Luckily, SEGA is publishing tons of awesome games.

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You should try to spend more money on games that are better/you prefer than other games, regardless of publisher. Seriously. Luckily, SEGA is publishing tons of awesome games.


I think SEGA are a company that have lost their Golden touch. At one time everything they touched turned to gold, but over the past few years they've become very medicore as a developer.


With big franchises like Nights and Sonic all failing to really hit the mark it's a sad day for a company who used to up there with the likes of Nintendo as a quality assured brand.


However, publisher and developer are different things. I know that HVS are developing this, and I think they're doing a wonderful job of it as well! I just hope Sega give this the marketing push it deserves. Plenty fo TV ads!

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I don't think they've EVER had the golden touch :) Tehy've made some amazing games, but they make a lot of crap too.


Saying this, I've really loved their output on the Wii - House of the dead, Ghost Squad, Olympics, Secret Rings, Nights all are really good. And I'm really excited about Mad World and Conduit! Can't complain too much!

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I think SEGA are a company that have lost their Golden touch. At one time everything they touched turned to gold, but over the past few years they've become very medicore as a developer.


I love how you say "over the past few years." :) Wasn't it more like... a lifetime ago that Sega were on top of their game, i.e Snes vs Megadrive? I agree though that it does feel like it wasn't that long ago.

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I think SEGA really just needs to try and be more original rather than just milking all their IPs for as much as they can get. They've got some really good stuff coming by the looks of things. The Conduit will be a great addition to their line up. As long as they market it well, it will probably sell amazingly well.

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I don't think they've EVER had the golden touch :) Tehy've made some amazing games, but they make a lot of crap too.


Saying this, I've really loved their output on the Wii - House of the dead, Ghost Squad, Olympics, Secret Rings, Nights all are really good. And I'm really excited about Mad World and Conduit! Can't complain too much!




Seriously? I played at my friend house, not even a level and i was already bored.

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Seriously? I played at my friend house, not even a level and i was already bored.
People said the same of the original NiGHTS and turns out they just played like crap.


Hence the classic "oh, I also thought that, then I learnt how to play" who I strt hearing applied to NiGHTS so many years ago.


Although NiGHTS Journey of Dreams is not as good as NiGHTS Into Dreams, it's not a bad game by any means. If anything it's a victim of the times, voice acting for a androgenous character like NiGHTS is uneeded, as was the darned owl and the children, the children mainly because they're your link to the game and thus should be silent protagonists, kinda like Link and thge owl because he sucks. But no, XXI century demands voice-overs or Matt from IGN will bitch (remembers Twilight Princess wave of stupidity)


Other than that, their engine is pretty unoptimized and that compromised what they were trying to pull, and in fear of idiots complaining about being monotomous they added a lot of variety, that is simply not as enjoyable as the flying concept that serves as silver lining.

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Oh sure, so let me see it like this:


I shit on your plate and then say for you to prove it, you take one bite and hate it, saying it tastes awfully.


You still can't talk about it, because its possible that at the end of that shit, there's actually chocolate.

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Oh sure, so let me see it like this:


I shit on your plate and then say for you to prove it, you take one bite and hate it, saying it tastes awfully.


You still can't talk about it, because its possible that at the end of that shit, there's actually chocolate.


Either its very late, or you give the worst snacks ever.


Fancy that. Chocolate: Shit on a plate.

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Oh sure, so let me see it like this:


I shit on your plate and then say for you to prove it, you take one bite and hate it, saying it tastes awfully.


You still can't talk about it, because its possible that at the end of that shit, there's actually chocolate.


Still interested in the X360?

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Oh sure, so let me see it like this:


I shit on your plate and then say for you to prove it, you take one bite and hate it, saying it tastes awfully.


You still can't talk about it, because its possible that at the end of that shit, there's actually chocolate.


TBH, I think I would smell it first and not take that bite.


Games are different than that though, you need to play them more then a few minutes to know what they're really like. A shitty game with an awesome ending, is still a shitty game, but an awesome game with a shitty start is still an awesome game also.

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But i'm not in 4Chan :S

Also, what's b&


Edit: Also, Emasher:


So, you're saying Nights is only like that for the beginning and it gets better?

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Ya think? Oh well, i'l play it again sometime then.


Still, my friend said it was shit, and he already completed, but i shall try it then

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I would say NIGHTS is the single most underrated Wii game there is.
Now THAT I disagree, that would be Eledees, Dewey's Adventure, Opoona or Baroque. But I digress.


NiGHTS is not a bad game. NiGHTS Into Dreams is still awesome though, for the simple reason it didn't fell in the "trying to please everyone" areas this newer one did.

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Its also hard to get into games like that when you're just demoing them and not actually really playing them.


I agree with this. To me, playing a game at a friend's house is not playing at all. It's very different from relaxing at home and really playing it.

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I love how you say "over the past few years." :) Wasn't it more like... a lifetime ago that Sega were on top of their game, i.e Snes vs Megadrive? I agree though that it does feel like it wasn't that long ago.


Yeah, spot on, although they had their moments on the Saturn and the Dreamcast - after they went multiplatform they really fell to pieces.


I think SEGA really just needs to try and be more original rather than just milking all their IPs for as much as they can get. They've got some really good stuff coming by the looks of things. The Conduit will be a great addition to their line up. As long as they market it well, it will probably sell amazingly well.


I think they just need to polish their games more. They seem to now just be releasing games like Nights or Sonic and expecting them to sell on the back of the name. With major IPs a developer like Sega should us them sparingly and make sure they're the best they can be.

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Wii R in Control have managed to nab a monster interview with HVS. Here's part 1, but be sure to check out all of it because there's pure gold there.


Not only is The Conduit II pretty much confirmed, but they give a low down on what exact features they want to incorporate, as well as an update on what stage they're up to in The Conduit, and what they plan to have done for certain times.


Must read.

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