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Why do we love Nintendo?


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As many of you have seen, I have been getting a little frustrated with our beloved gaming gods as of late. And it led me to thinking about what it is about Nintendo that attracts me to their platforms and games.


I realised that my love begins in the SNES era and although I due really like some of the NES classics, 16-bit is definitely where it was at for me. Nintendo made some flourishing franchises and spectacular individual games, backed up by cracking content from the 3rd parties.


Then came the N64 days and again some really, really great games from Nintendo and honourable mentions to 3rd parties (Rare in particular). Huge innovation in gameplay due to 3D and some fantastic design going around. But things started to get a bit thin on the floor with fewer games and the start of 3rd party distrust.


Gamecube era: Big trouble time for the N. Practically no 3rd party interest for most of it's lifespan so they started to heavily rely on their franchises. Mario was rinced to death and the company started to really work the machine to bring out new versions of beloved series, with mixed success. Masterpieces we born in the re-invention of the Metroid series and Zelda got an impressive rendition but also half baked games (most of which had Mario in the title).


With the Wii generation, Nintendo seem to again be leaning on these franchises far too much, making new franchises for the masses alone. I love the old franchises I do but now we are getting 3rd or 4th renditions of games that have not necessarily been similar or samey but after having played them collectively, leave me uninspired to play another game from that franchise.


It's not that the new MK or Zelda are not individually good games, its that I've been playing many of Nintendo's series for OVER 10 years now. I'm finding very little challenge or new experiences to be had.



I love you Nintendo I really do but you have changed. You have become too scared to invest heavily in new franchises and for me, your "sequel credits" have run out. Why should I play another Pokemon game, cloned from the original, when variety is rife elsewhere?

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I first started to love nintendo around the N64 days. I spent alot of my time playing multiplayer games (When i actually had people who wanted to play) on goldeneye and Mario kart. Everytime i think of the N64 i think of playing Banjo Kazooie in the clankers cavern level on bonfire night.


Nowadays i don't really care for any of the Nintendo games (Both DS and Wii) I own both consoles, however i havn't bought a new game for either console since Metroid 3. Consequently i have now purchased me a PS3.

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I don't like Nintendo. They piss me off time after time.


They just make good games. SMG is a good game, Brawl is a good game, and they will keep making good games. And because they make their own console if I want to play them I have to buy their console. I'd honestly rather they went the way of Sega and SMG came out on the 360 or PS3.

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I don't like Nintendo. They piss me off time after time.


They just make good games. SMG is a good game, Brawl is a good game, and they will keep making good games. And because they make their own console if I want to play them I have to buy their console. I'd honestly rather they went the way of Sega and SMG came out on the 360 or PS3.


But look at sega of late making bile after bile and most of the good games that have come from them, are stuff they have published but aren't developed in house e.g. Football Manager 200X and others for which I just cant remember right now.

I know what you mean though. Maybe its an age thing or however long we have been playing nintendo's games but there seems to come a time where it's hard to deal with their policies and ways of doing things.

I liked them since the 16 bit but i joined that party late. When I got a '64 though, with Mario 64 I was amazed by the graphics. Will never forget it. But then I learned of how they seem to love neglecting us. Waiting forever for some games, others just not getting released (custom robo anyone?).

Then the gamecube era was so horrible I didn't even buy one. Playing smash at my mates house, and even borrowing it from him for awhile was enough for me, along with my PS2.

Now with the Wii, I and many others are left languishing in hell wondering when smash will see a release date over here and also wondering where the next hardcore that will truly interest me will be released on the wii. I am not even gonna start on the friend code or fridge stuff.

I love you Nintendo, but damn you try my patience.

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Even though I feel there's sometimes a bit of a game drought, I still think Nintendo has the perfect consoles for me. Sure they piss me off with their release schedule (Brawllllll), but in the end they are the only company that seems to have the games that I -want- to play. Barely any of the PS3, PSP or Xbox360 games seem worth playing to me, or seem to be something I'd enjoy. And it's been that way since the good old SNES days.


I guess since I'm not much of a hardcore gamer that I'm not too bothered about the lack of games or something. I only buy the big titles like Zelda, Mario, Smash etc., plus some of the more casual games now (Wii Play, Wario Ware, Crossbow Training...). I don't have the time and money for more games anyway, even though there's more I would like to buy but just can't.


I just realised that's my entire Wii collection up there already (plus Wii Sports)... I lack games. But then again my DS collection makes up for it. I think the DS is my favourite cosole ever right now. So many fun games on there, some very original ones too. Seriously the DS is perfect to me. ^______^


But yes Nintendo, you need to get some more -new- games out there with new characters, new stories and stuff. Not just rehashes of old franchises over and over again.

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I was a complete Nintendo fanboy during the GC era, was very hyped about the Wii and the closer to release it came the more disappointed I got.


Now I don't really care about Nintendo at all anymore. Especially with their politics for Europe and online.

And I feel that they ignored the loyal fanbase of the GC era in favour of casual games. Where are the new IPs, where are challenging first party (non brain) games?

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Ugh its so damn annoying. I still like Nintendo. I really really do. But the console just isn't enough for my needs. Damnit even though I don't have the time, I still want more. Gonna have to get a PS3 if I want to be truly satisfied as i will not miss out on MGS4 and my fave fighters. But must say that without this damn console, I could not play my fave Nintendo games. As Gaijin implied, no one makes games like them.

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I like Nintendo, about as much as ever before. I've not always been a Nintendo first fan, I used to follow Sega but when they dropped out the race I joined Nintendo pretty much instantly. I had an N64 though and that was my first proper Nintendo console, since I got a SNES late in the game and only got the Mario games on it :) But I really like the N64, still. I got a Gamecube on Launch and have never regretted it, I've got tons of great games on there. And I've got a Wii now, and don't regret that one in the slightest at all. I've got Mario Galaxy, Zelda, will have Smash about about 4 other games I'm glad I bought the console for.

The PS3 there is simply NOTHING I want on it, nothing at all. 360 beats it slightly only because it will have Banjo and a couple of other games looked ok. But Nintendo games for me still are the best, they're the ones I'm interested in. I'm not one of these people who needs loads of games on a console or anything, only the ones I want on it. I only buy a game specifically when I want it I don't go into a shop and buy a game because I don't have one for that month. Nintendo offers me the games I want, where other consoles don't. I'm sticking with Nintendo for now and as far as I can see into the future I will. You don't get their games elsewhere.

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I'm hoping Nintendo will fufill their promises at E3. If they announce an Animal Crossing with noticeable changes, an exciting new starfox game, and most importantly, a new IP. I'll be happy that Nintendo are moving in the right direction.


I reckon Ninty have alot of exciting games and ideas in devlopment stages, but are reluctant to reveal any information -as always. I'm not worried about the Wii release list being a bit thin on the ground atm ( the 360 has an exchaustive list of quality games), because I'm sure lots is being kept under wraps.


One thing I might add: people complain about the lack of originality and the only slightly nuanced changes between each iteration of a franchise. But would you be happy if they made drastic changes to say the LOZ franchise? I think WW was a great move by Ninty - they kept the same winnning formula, but gave the game a fresh lick of paint that seemed to give the vibrant world much more character. I'd much rather Nintendo made smart design choices, rather than reinventing one of their series. For instance: level design in MK is a simple idea that in my opinion, would have proven such a great addition; devising your own shortcuts and track sharing could have been eniticing possiblities! Then I ask myself why didn't they incorporate something akin to this and why the bright sparks at Nintendo, after the many months of development, could only come up witht the addition with bikes and tricks. We know it will be a good game (Mk is a stalwart Ninty franchise after all) , but with a few more imaginative ideas, couldn't it of been much better...SMG is a great example of what we get when those bright sparks are allowed to let their creative jucies to flow.

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Nintendo make the best top tier games by a country mile.


They have nothing else going for them though which is a bummer. I honestly wish the Wii wasn't selling so good so they could release some NEW games instead of churning out 2nd rate efforts that they know will sell.

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I love Nintendo because I love their games and their philosophy. Most people think it's the other way arround :P.

I don't expect them to be what they aren't and I don't owe them my alligence, so I don't feel frustrated, nor am I disapointed or pissed off. They make good moves and bad moves, but as long as they keep me entertained, their consoles will still be my no 1 choice, for the games I "need" that I can't get from them, I just buy another console when I have the moolah. You won't see me whining on the boards because Wii doesn't have Halo, MGS or Live-like online, because I know what to expect from them and I also don't feel the pressing need to have new franchises every year, considering that creating a good recognizable character isn't something that can be done from night to day (which is obvious from the ammount of IPs created and the fact that most of them are bland and only known to gamers, in Q4 2007, Wii was the console with the most games based on new IPs).

It's funny to see lots of franchises, like Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Dexter for example coming out every odd year with little or no changes and Nintendo is the one who re-hashes games through sequels. When they make big changes people cry, because that's not what X game should be, when they make some changes but nothing groundbreaking people still cry, because it's just a gimmick and a re-hash. With that said, I would still like new IPs, as long as they're worth creating, if not, I'd prefer them to focus on improving games that I know I'll love.

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I dont necessarily love Nintendo the way i used to, but ill always be interested in the cold, illogical, and occasionally brilliant decisions they make.


I COULD love them again if they start posing the question 'How can we make this a AAA game'

instead of 'how can we make this game appeal to every member of your family as cheaply as possible'

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Gah, Hellfire I hate the way that you are younger than me but sound so much wiser =( Do you spend ages coming up with these posts or do they just come to you as you type them.


Heh, thanks, I appreciate it:heart: I was expecting to be flamed first lol

It's not like I never thought about this or discussed it, so I didn't really spend a lot of time dwelling on the matter.

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I don't blindly follow Nintendo, but there's no doubt they make great games. That's one point for them: their consoles will have good games, even if Third-Party support is nearly non-existant (see: N64)


People here like to complain the Wii is just casual party-games after party-games. Well, I say Xbox 360 is just FPS after FPS. And PS3 is...I don't even know what the PS3 has, honestly. :heh:


Now, is that what I said true? Of course not. Super Mario Galaxy, SSBB, Metroid Prime 3, NMH, Fire Emblem, Super Paper Mario, Zack & Wiki, and other Wii gems aren't party games at all.

The same goes for Eternal Sonata, Viva Piñata, and all the other non-FPS gems in the Xbox 360.

And the PS3...I'm sure it has good games (seriously, I barely know anything about the PS3).


European releases? We were mistreated in the past (Chrono series, Tales series, Mario RPG, and many others), it's not like Nintendo suddenly decided to exclusively piss off Europeans. The only reason people are complaining about this right now it's because of SSBB (This Euro release is ridiculous. Just give us a damn date!)


Online policy? Yup, that's bad. I understand why they did nothing in the Cube generation, but they really should come up with something a lil' bit better now. Even so, I don't really depend on online to enjoy a game.


And then there's the DS. The portables were what made me like Nintendo in the first place (Long Live the Gameboy! :bowdown:) and the DS is, so far, my prefered console right now. If you ever liked Nintendo before, there's no reason to dislike both the Wii AND the DS.


Finally, there's the Third-Party support, which is pretty good on the DS, but could be better on the Wii. But I say, give it time. Tales of Symphonia, Resi 4 and Baten Kaitos didn't even come near the beginning of the Cube's lifespan.


One more thing, how come Hellfire's posts are always made of win in these arguments? He's too good at being sincere in a post.

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I don't blindly follow Nintendo, but there's no doubt they make great games. That's one point for them: their consoles will have good games, even if Third-Party support is nearly non-existant (see: N64)


People here like to complain the Wii is just casual party-games after party-games. Well, I say Xbox 360 is just FPS after FPS. And PS3 is...I don't even know what the PS3 has, honestly. :heh:


Now, is that what I said true? Of course not. Super Mario Galaxy, SSBB, Metroid Prime 3, NMH, Fire Emblem, Super Paper Mario, Zack & Wiki, and other Wii gems aren't party games at all.

The same goes for Eternal Sonata, Viva Piñata, and all the other non-FPS gems in the Xbox 360.

And the PS3...I'm sure it has good games (seriously, I barely know anything about the PS3).


European releases? We were mistreated in the past (Chrono series, Tales series, Mario RPG, and many others), it's not like Nintendo suddenly decided to exclusively piss off Europeans. The only reason people are complaining about this right now it's because of SSBB (This Euro release is ridiculous. Just give us a damn date!)


Online policy? Yup, that's bad. I understand why they did nothing in the Cube generation, but they really should come up with something a lil' bit better now. Even so, I don't really depend on online to enjoy a game.


And then there's the DS. The portables were what made me like Nintendo in the first place (Long Live the Gameboy! :bowdown:) and the DS is, so far, my prefered console right now. If you ever liked Nintendo before, there's no reason to dislike both the Wii AND the DS.


Finally, there's the Third-Party support, which is pretty good on the DS, but could be better on the Wii. But I say, give it time. Tales of Symphonia, Resi 4 and Baten Kaitos didn't even come near the beginning of the Cube's lifespan.


One more thing, how come Hellfire's posts are always made of win in these arguments? He's too good at being sincere in a post.


Problem is, sometimes nintendo dont seem to learn from their mistakes, or at least dont seem to want to. The smash thing is the latest in a long line and is still happening now. Online is pretty unforgiveable. Luckily i havent experienced this fridge business but it will happen soon. DS is near faultless. Really I cant complain and dont want to. Still love my wii though.

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Problem is, sometimes nintendo dont seem to learn from their mistakes, or at least dont seem to want to.


What is this referring to? Euro releases? I explained in my post that Nintendo weren't the first ones to do it and they're not going to be the last.


It's just very noticeable right now because of the joke that is the SSBB release. If it had a release date, I'm sure less people here would be complaining about that.


If it's the online, then you're right, really. At least online is not such a big deal for me, otherwise...

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I find it interesting to hear people whine (and I doubt this applies to many here) about NoE, but those people never actually owned a GCN or even N64. Is it any wonder Nintendo hate Europe? They don't owe the consumer anything. I'd be pissed off too if only 1 million people bought my console and 19 million jumped ship to a competitor.

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Nintendo Til I Die!


Nintendo games have a certain magic to them and always will. They offer something that the other consoles simply cant ( not a shoddy online set-up lol ) and to this day I still get excited about a new 1st party release.


Yeah, there is that magic they have that doesn't seem to be in other games from other developers. I mean, sure other people make great games... but Nintendo games have that little extra magic and charm, its still what sets them apart. I got a Wii for the same reason I got any other Nintendo console or handheld- for their games. We seem to moan all the time about what Nintendo should be doing (especially with the Wii) but when the big games have come out (Galaxy, Prime, Brawl) they have delivered.

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