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Battlestar Galactica Season 4


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Urgh lot of ground to cover. Great sendoff, with just the right amount of answering. So Kara was dead all along eh. Makes sense. And she finally did get them to Earth. Earth II. Whatever. Oh and the final exchange between her and Adama was the exact same as their first in the mini series :D


Shame, although not a suprise, to see Laura go. I like how she passed away peacefully, she finally completed her mission. I like how they showed her smoking in the past, did we ever know what type of cancer she had?


Gaius finally grew some form of a backbone. Plus he and Caprica Six saw each others head people. His speechificating was a bit much in the midst of the battle but it had uses I suppose.


Are we to presume Tyrol went to Ireland? He said it was small and cold and he was referred to as Gailan (sp?) by Ellen and that's a pretty Irish sounding name...or am I grasping?


At the very start when Adama threw up on himself was pretty gross. Granted, that was the idea but still. Anyway the rest of it was nice. Nicely done, his whole life is tied up with the military (and specifically Galactica) so it must be weird for him. Was a bit suprised by the choice for new admiral and president but hey ho.


I'm glad Helo survived, I was sure he would have died. He finally got the happy peaceful family he wanted :) I love his and Sharon's exchange about hunting. "What makes you think I'm a bad hunter?" "Caprica." BURN! :p


Good mix of action and wrapping up I feel. I like when the baseship's guns were shown shooting and they were going crazy. Really going at it. Made me laugh for some odd reason. The robot montage at the end was a tad weird, but the Ron Moore cameo was a nice nod.



Will probably add more when others respond but for now I have to go for a family meal (hence the 7am wake up).

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OH MY GOD.... AMAZING, I laughed, I enoyed, I cried, I stood alone in my room giving a standing ovation to the show as it ended.


Where to start, damn I overloaded at the moment.


When Galactica first jumped into the Clyon Colony, damn I didn't expect them to be that close, holy shit, then they took one hell of a beating from the guns and shit. The whole battle was awesome, tons of guns, decent space dog fights, and the ground troops, all nicely balanced.


Was good when Boomer gave Hera back, I liked her flashback too, but I also gave a celebratory punch to the air when Athena shot her up... though I was hoping for a clean headshot.


And then, OMG, Galactica was the Opera House... that was fracking AWESOME and works on so many frakking levels. Heart was bloody racing... I thought Baltar and Caprica 6 were gonna turn bad or something and give Hera back.


Then Tyrol losing it and killing your one, too frakking right Chief, so he almost got them all killed, it was bloody worth it.


Didn't like that Cavil shot himself though, WTF? Was hoping for Adama or Starbuck to do that.


Baltar growing some balls and staying was good, and I did like his little speech too.


THEN, Earth... or Earth 2... WHAT THE FRACK? Did not see that coming... I was seriously confused at this point...at first I was like, "oh so they went back to Earth, fair enough" but then when they were on the ground and it was all green....


"Huh? What happened to the nuclear fallout? Is all the radiation gone already?"


Then it turns out to be a whole new planet that they just call Earth?????


It was awesome and all... and I love the idea of "aliens" having come here thousands of years ago... but here's my problem.


The whole idea of Earth was that from there "the people of the 13th could look up and see their 12 brothers" ie: the constellations of the Zodic which also represented the 12 Colonies.


We are on Earth, we can look up and see those 12... so how could the people on the "first" Earth... maybe I'm wrong as I don't know a great deal of astrology or whatever, but would the visible star constellations on two planets in different solor systems be totally different?


Anyway, still fracking LOVED it


And then sending the fleet into the sun and everyone just deciding to start over from scratch, great idea.


Starbuck, though... still not sure what the hell she was? I was hoping for a more concrete answer... was she a ghost? If so why and how did she come back? Why did she have physical form?


And then the flash forward to the "present day Earth", and "Mind Baltar & 6" there... so they actually were angels? Haha, I loved how Mind Baltar said "He doesn't like that name" when 6 mentioned God.


And the possibility of everything starting again still... but it might not.... who knows.




Damnit I can't believe it's over :'(

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I couldn't wait for Tuesday so I downloaded it anyway (I'm sure I've been going over the bandwidth limit for months now...Sky don't really seem to care)...and.....wow. I don't think my face has ever shown so many expressions in that amount of time before.


did we ever know what type of cancer she had?


I believe that she had breast cancer, which can be related to smoking



The whole idea of Earth was that from there "the people of the 13th could look up and see their 12 brothers" ie: the constellations of the Zodic which also represented the 12 Colonies.


We are on Earth, we can look up and see those 12...


Actually...we can't. At least, we can't see all of them at the same time. In the vision generated by the Tomb of Athena all the constellations were above a point on the planet. On our Earth they're located above different points around the Equator (well...they're slightly off now due to alteration's in the Earth's tilt).



Like the others, I'm not entirely sure where to start.


I liked that the flashbacks went into a bit more depth, although I'm not entirely sure what the one hour thing was (I thought that it would be the mission where he had to send someone into Cylon space).


I thought that the choice of Temporary Admiral was odd, then again he sided with sided with Adama despite his personal feelings towards Gaeta and all the others were going on the mission. I loved it when I saw Badger as the temp President.


Anyway, the effects were awesome. I also didn't expect Galactica to be that close...then again I didn't expect Galactica to be dwarfed so much by the Cylon thing (I knew it was big...didn't expect it to be that big). The close ups of the guns and stuff was great (like Star Wars) and I think all the effects looked good enough to be shown in the cinema. They were just breathtaking. Plus the action took place in different parts...the ship, the dogfights, the main attack force, the small group to get Hera and the people defending the inside of the ship. I also loved the mixture of old and new centurions.


And the Opera House scene....at first I was "we know this bit...get to the part we don't know"....and then they end up on the CIC. It was unexpected and actually made a load of sense. I also like how we had actually seen the last part of the Opera House vision (D'Anna/Three's vision prior to boxing), yet I had never linked it to the rest of it. And I always assumed that Gaius and Caprica taking Hera was the "bad" ending of the Opera House vision.


At first I had forgotten about what Tory did to Cally, but as soon as I saw it I wondered what Tyrol would do. I was expecting Starbuck to do something to screw the whole thing up. I wasn't keen on Cavil shooting himself...he didn't seem like the type for self destruction.


I liked how Racetrack and her Raptor buddy got to blow the shit out of the Cylon base, a good role as they deserved a bit more recognition (as they found Kobal and New Caprica).


And then Starbuck got her chance to be the Harbinger of Death. She made the All Along The Watchtower jump and the ship ruffled spectacularly. I suppose that the "Harbinger of Death" was something to drive her on her mystical path, rather than something that was true. Then again...she did lead her race to their end...as they were eventually replaced by a Cylon-Human mix.


Anyway, when the camera panned I saw what must be the moon (my first thought "No....It can't be" which went on for a while) and then the Earth...which was unmistakeably our Earth (I wondered why we never got a clear shot showing the continents for Cylon Earth).


The ending was delightfully done. Roslin died peacefully and Kara disappeared as quickly as she appeared after dying the first time. Plus the "Nothing but the rain" exchange (I think it happened in the miniseries and on Kobal...perhaps in a few other places).


I was also glad that Helo survived, and got to live peacefully with Athena and Hera. And seeing Gaius cry when he thought of his Dad shows how much he's changed since the start.


It was also great that the show ended in a way that there can't really be and sequels or anything after the ending...it's our story now.


Although I did cringe a bit at the ending. The old version (was it Dylan's or Hendrix's version?) of All Along The Watchtower suited the end very well, as did the conversation between the Angels...but the robot montage was a bit naff. Still, a brilliant end to a brilliant series.


Edit: I just thought of something. At the start of the series it was obvious that they would reach Earth in the last episode...I can't believe that they actually managed to do this and also make it a complete and utter surprise us at the same time. Brilliant writing.


Edit2: How did I forget to mention the awesome music?


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A wonderful ending to a brilliant tv show. The assault on the "colony" was incredibly well done. But I feel everyone elaborated on that so I'm skipping that point. I just want to say that the whole Opera house idea was brilliant.

Still I'm wondering what Kara is now and why she knew the coordinates to our earth. The explanation is very unsatisfactory to me, but somehow it could be good that way. It's such a complete universe that it actually fits into it that not everything is explained.

Also showing old Centurions fight along the new ones was pretty cool.

The idea about our earth compared to the cylon earth was very good. Never thought that Earth is just a name and doesn't mean our earth.

I really liked the very ending in present day with the robots.


Somehow I'm happy that it's over. It feels good that they reached their goal, the characters in the series and the writers in the real world. I think they could finish the show according to their liking instead of being cut off at some point - although I'm fully aware that the Channel wouldn't have produced another season but at least they knew in advance and could plan.


Why did they destroy the fleet instead of leaving it in orbit? Granted Galactica was of little use anymore but the rest of the fleet was still in good shape and you never know when you might need it again.

Still it was a graceful ending for the ships.



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I see Cavill's suicide as "I'm not letting the humans kill me!".


Kara: I presume she was an angel or spirit or whatever sent by God(s) to restore the natural order or whatever. God(s) ha(ve)s a plan :heh:


Plus she was the harbringer of the death of Galactica :heh:


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Actually...we can't. At least, we can't see all of them at the same time. In the vision generated by the Tomb of Athena all the constellations were above a point on the planet. On our Earth they're located above different points around the Equator (well...they're slightly off now due to alteration's in the Earth's tilt).



Ah cheers dude, that makes sense... actually with how you explained that, it's a wonder nobody ever mentioned the "incorrect placement of the constellations" when they were in Athena's Tomb, haha.




I guess it was a big surprise for us, cuz after seeing "Earth" earlier on and them leaving it, nobody would have expected them to go back. Or that there are two Earths.


Plus we were initially thinking this was happening in "the future" when infact it was in the past.. mindfrack



I still can't get over that the Imaginary Six and Baltar weren't imaginary, bloody amazing, and that they actually weren't evil, but just pushing "real" Six and Baltar in the directions they needed to go.


One thing I just remembered though... no further explanation for Daniel, the Number Seven. Guess they figured everyone would think he was somehow related to Kara and used that to surprise us with Ghost disappearance.


Also I figure they destroyed the ships so that incase the human race on Earth 2/New Earth/Earth v1.1 (What do we call it?) evolved and gained technology it would be somewhat confusing when they look to space and see a fleet of advanced ships just floating around.


I also liked the weird robot montage at the end, it shows we are starting to develop our own robots and I guess the writers are trying to say "hey if we ever do manage to perfect this technology and create a proper AI, we better not "repeat the cycle" again" haha


And just thought of this, but in "present day" when they found Hera's bones and the "angels" were reading the magazine article... they refered to her as young girl???

So does this mean Hera died young?:weep::weep:


Edit: I just thought of something. At the start of the series it was obvious that they would reach Earth in the last episode...I can't believe that they actually managed to do this and also make it a complete and utter surprise us at the same time. Brilliant writing.


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I will admit, I haven't read the other opinions of this last episode, but my two cents, simply;


The episode is so easily flawed. Much of it was 'epilogue' and went way beyond the teary finale I thought it would be, but, for what it was, it was simply one of the best episodes of TV ever. I watched most of it with my hand over my mouth, and I couldn't've guessed any outcome at all. I smiled, I got teary-eyed, I shouted at the screen, I raised my fists in cheer... A very suitable ending that served the balance correctly.


My weekdays simply will not be the same without this to look forward to once a week. One of the finest shows ever to grace our TV sets, from beginning to end, and I genuinely feel rather damned honoured to have been able to watch it.

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Ah cheers dude, that makes sense... actually with how you explained that, it's a wonder nobody ever mentioned the "incorrect placement of the constellations" when they were in Athena's Tomb, haha.





I guess it was a big surprise for us, cuz after seeing "Earth" earlier on and them leaving it, nobody would have expected them to go back. Or that there are two Earths.


Plus we were initially thinking this was happening in "the future" when infact it was in the past.. mindfrack



I still can't get over that the Imaginary Six and Baltar weren't imaginary, bloody amazing, and that they actually weren't evil, but just pushing "real" Six and Baltar in the directions they needed to go.


One thing I just remembered though... no further explanation for Daniel, the Number Seven. Guess they figured everyone would think he was somehow related to Kara and used that to surprise us with Ghost disappearance.


Also I figure they destroyed the ships so that incase the human race on Earth 2/New Earth/Earth v1.1 (What do we call it?) evolved and gained technology it would be somewhat confusing when they look to space and see a fleet of advanced ships just floating around.


I also liked the weird robot montage at the end, it shows we are starting to develop our own robots and I guess the writers are trying to say "hey if we ever do manage to perfect this technology and create a proper AI, we better not "repeat the cycle" again" haha


And just thought of this, but in "present day" when they found Hera's bones and the "angels" were reading the magazine article... they refered to her as young girl???

So does this mean Hera died young?:weep::weep:


Anders drove the fleet into the sun. Not many things survive that ;)


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And just thought of this, but in "present day" when they found Hera's bones and the "angels" were reading the magazine article... they refered to her as young girl???

So does this mean Hera died young?:weep::weep:


I don't think she died young. The Ancestral Eve theory relates to one female (in Africa) who's DNA is most common these days (or something like that). So she had lots and lots of babies.


The other "human evolution" theory is that humans evolved naturally in different regions, and this also fits with that theory.



Edit: Teaser trailer for The Plan.


Trailer for Caprica (the series starts in 2010, the pilot will be released on DVD on the 21st of April).

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I couldn't let go of the whole Kara thing. The sudden disappearance and her being the harbinger of death.

What I came up with was that either she is referred to that because she led them to our Earth and so the pure blooded survivors would mix with the natives or die out.

The other idea though was that maybe she was more of a messenger. She died on Cylon-Earth and yet she or her ghost came back. Maybe Death sent her back because she hasn't fulfilled her purpose yet. I actually like to believe that his was the case.


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The Plan looks interesting. Can't tell if thats new footage or not, or a mix. The Ellen bit and whoever's in her undercrackers looks new. Or at least I don't recall it.


Caprica also looks interesting. I know we'll see a baby Adama in it, but wonder if we'll see a baby Roslin because I'd imagine she'd be cute as a button.


I still say she is the harbringer of death of the ships themselves. She did the final jump that broke the camel's back. Plus she is a harbringer and she is dead(th)...



I remembered earlier we only have to wait until next Monday for Tricia Helfer to grace our screens again :D

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OMG, i never heard of this "the Plan" till now, yay, more BSG to look forward too.


I remembered earlier we only have to wait until next Monday for Tricia Helfer to grace our screens again :D


huh? What you talking bout Ashley? [/gary coleman]

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So this is it, its finally over.




Best TV series I've ever seen. I had big expectations about the ending, but it still managed to be better than I thought. Some of the revelations were a bit odd, true, but still... The action scenes, the visual effects, the music. Oh God the MUSIC. Bear McCreary I salute you. From "Passacaglia" to "Admiral And Commander", to the original BSG Colonial theme playing while Galactica flies to its final destiny... There are no words.


Adama saying goodbye to Lee and Kara was the last straw, I couldn't hold the tears anymore. Then when Roslin died... It was even worse. But still, I think the ending would have had more impact if it ended with the scene where Adama is looking into the horizon with Roslin's grave at his side, although it's interesting what they did with Hera, making her the Mitochondrial Eve. At least we understand now why she was so important. Moore's cameo was distracting though, after so much emotion seeing him there just seemed out of place. Also, the montage with the robots from Japan made me chuckle. "All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again". God I hope so, I want one Number Six just for me:kiss:



And now its time to play the waiting game, until "Caprica" comes out. Fridays will never be the same again.

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Oh God the MUSIC. Bear McCreary I salute you. From "Passacaglia" to "Admiral And Commander", to the original BSG Colonial theme playing while Galactica flies to its final destiny... There are no words.



But he completely and utterly failed. He set out to prove that TV shows don't need character/plot themes or any orchestrated music.


Still, doesn't change the fact that it was utterly awesome.

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