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watched it, though it was OK. first wrestling event i have watched in a long long time, the only reason i did watch is because i saw the ric flar induction earlier today and wanted to see his last match.


V Basic thoughts:


The main event was a good match


the 3 way match, basic, and didnt make mcuh sense the whole way through... maybe flair should have been in this one.


Flair vs hbk : flair doing what he can do at his age, i thought hbk would be finished after the moonsault onto the annoucement table, though he had legit hurt his ribs at some point there


womens match : wtf is this shit


ladder match: ok, a couple of decent spots and new things... nothing ground breaking... Why dont they use tables in these anymore... it breaks the falls and makes the spots look much better. I still remember edge and christian placing the table as a platform above the ring between the two ladders all those years ago, why dont we see this sort of stuff these days????!?

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Just finished watching it, before hand i wasn't sure if i wanted to order it as on paper the card didn't seem that great, no second tier title matches? Or Tag titles...i think they forgot about these? but the hype for the Taker v Edge was enough to make me wanna see it, as i was real worried Edge might have won, twas the first time i ever felt Takers streak was in real danger, maybe cuz Edge was also unbeaten at Mania and I thought maybe they might want to build him up over the next decade.


Anyway, Match by Match thoughts.


JBL vs Finley: Good opening match, Finley took an awesome bump when he did the suicide dive and JBL smacked him with the bin lid. Thought it ended a bit abruptly, like they realised "woops, we went over our time limit", and i wanted Finley to win, shame.


Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Brilliant as usual, a fair few good moments. Shelton was good, always pulls off some good acrobats, he's a good wrestler, shame his personality and character skills are down at zero... what happened to him anyway? He never got up again after that bump on the ladder that was bridged between the ring and rail? Seeing Matt Hardy come back was good too, and surprising, (and odd considering Jeff was suspended) I half thought he was gonna climb the ladder and get the case, haha. Surprised to see CM Punk win it, was expecting Kennedy since he never got to use his push last year due to gettin injured. Question is, which title will Punk go for? I can't see them using it for the ECW title....but honestly, Punk is carrying ECW on his shoulders, they take him away from that and it will be nothing.


Batista vs Umaga: Decent match... not really much special though. Thought Umaga would win also. (side note: i only just recently figured out Umaga used to be Jamal from 3-Minute Warning...what a turn around he's had)


Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels: Brilliant Match, one of the best of the night. You kind of got the feeling Flair would lose, what with him being inducted to the Hall of Fame, it being at Mania and fighting one of his friends, it just seemed like they were giving him a good send-off... however you also got the feeling he could win, for all those same reasons. When HBK hesitated on his 1st "sweet chin music" try and Flair went for the figure four, i thought HBK was gonna throw the match, glad he didn't. Then later when HBK got flair in the figure four I thought they were gonna go for the ominous "Hitman Hart" ending, again, glad they didn't. And I did like the ending, with HBK pausing, Flair getting to his feet (you could see the tears in his eyes already as he knew they had to end the match), telling Flair he was sorry, kicking him, pinning him, then as soon as he won, jumped off to hug Flair. HBK got out of there fast too, like he really didn't want to do it. Great match, worthy of the great Ric Flair.... thought I wouldn't be surprised if he turned up again in a year (maybe as a GM)


Kane vs Chavo for ECW Championship: 1st, why didn't they air the 24-Man Battle Royal at the start of the show? I was looking forward to that, 2nd, my god they really don't care about the ECW Title do they? All of 3 seconds for a world title match? Great to see Kane with Gold again, but I still don't think he's gonna get the recognition he deserves.


Bunnymania:.......mmmmmm....boobies *drool*

*sing*Who turned the lights out, who, who who?


John Cena vs Triple H vs Randy Orton © for WWE Championship: Somewhat disappointed, expected more. Liked Cena's enterance with the marching band though, that was different. Match didn't seem to flow as well as it could have. Felt all 3 guys should have done more, and the ending was a bit rushed. Needed more "back and forth" moments to keep the crowd guessing. Surprised Orton won too, was expecting HHH, but I guess since nobody expected Orton to win, that might be way they did it.


Big Show vs Floyd Mayweather: Surprisingly good, much better than expected. Was wondering how they would work it as I expected they wouldn't let Show touch Floyd much, but he did take a good few hits and slams. I liked the ending too. I thought Mayweather would win, so as not to cause confusion over his "unbeaten record", liked how they worked the ending.


Undertaker vs Edge © for World Heavyweight Championship: Started off slow, but just got better and better. I missed last years Mania, and it was killin me that I missed the Mania where my fav (Taker) won the title. And i was worried I was about to see the Mania when he loses. And the Backlash promo they ran during the show just seemed to hint that Taker was gonna lose this but get revenge at Backlash....that worried me the most.

The way Edge did well and really looked primed to get the upset with all the counters he kept getting. When the ref got knocked out I thought Edge was gonna do a lot more damage than he did. Was funny when he tried to wake the ref up and he fell out of the ring. When Edge got that first spear I thought it was over. Was on my feet when Taker kicked out. Then Edge got another spear and I was about to fall back into my seat till i saw Taker lock in that submission. Thought Edges foot would reach the rope, i was on my feet urging him to tap, waving like a fool trying to keep his feet away from the rope. haha. Really glad Taker still unbeaten at Mania, and delighted that I also got to see him win the title at Mania.

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Can I just point out that Hogan also retired Flair in 1994.


And Terry Funk and Mick Foley have retired a combined total of 743 times so you never know. But the way that it's been building up to this match has suggested that he's serious about retiring


Anyway, WM25 is in Houston next year. May see about going - it's on my list of things to do before I die.

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Can I just point out that Hogan also retired Flair in 1994.


I watched RAW Live last night, and he was given a proper farewell. Old wrestlers like Ricky Steamboat and the 4 Horsemen came to the ring to thank him. Plus every wrestler in the WWE came out and thanked him. (There's a vid of this on WWE.com btw.)


He has to be retiring for good. After all, he's 58 years old. Although he probably won't wrestle again, he might still be involved in the business. Like be a GM again.


Also, CM Punk is awesome. He'll definitely be drafted onto RAW, and get a huge push. :grin:


Plus, Orton retaining the WWE Championship increases the chance that he'll drop it at Backlash. And I'm certain they'll show Backlash on Sky Sports.

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I'm not 100%, but I think that Backlash is on Box Office. I only pay for Mania and sometimes the Rumble. Considering that they were all free a few years ago, it's a bit annoying that Sky have given us the shaft yet again!


Tickets for WM25 go on sale tomorrow. I'm sorely tempted to go!

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I'm not 100%, but I think that Backlash is on Box Office. I only pay for Mania and sometimes the Rumble. Considering that they were all free a few years ago, it's a bit annoying that Sky have given us the shaft yet again!


Tickets for WM25 go on sale tomorrow. I'm sorely tempted to go!


Backlash isn't really one of the big PPVs so there's a chance it'll be on SS. Plus it was on SS last year.


PPVs like "The Big Four", No Mercy and Armageddon are on Box Office. And the lesser PPVs like No Way Out, Backlash and Cyber Sunday are on Sky Sports.

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Backlash isn't really one of the big PPVs so there's a chance it'll be on SS. Plus it was on SS last year.


PPVs like "The Big Four", No Mercy and Armageddon are on Box Office. And the lesser PPVs like No Way Out, Backlash and Cyber Sunday are on Sky Sports.


Oh yeah, I was thinking of a different PPV. I remember watching Backlash last year now.


It's on Sky Sports 1 on 27th April.


Is there any chance a mod can change the title of this thread to the Wrestling Thread?

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Dont watch WWE but friend downloaded it at work so watched the mayweather vs big show match for a laugh and undertaker vs edge.


Show vs Mayweather is was stupid. If it was a real fight Show would kill him. WWE has no credibilty at all so I guess they don't have any problem putting on silly fights like this.


Edge vs Taker was okay, nothing special. My friend was saying that Taker uses the Gogoplata quite often as a finisher. That is a hard move to use in MMA so it is silly that he pulls it off with ease so often.


There was a few of us watching it with all but me being big WWE fans. After seeing these two matches I still can't sit down and watch the WWE. My Pro-Wrestling has to be harder then this. WWE to me is some big spectacle but with no substance. Good thing out of all this is I gave my friends some link of some Japanese pro-wrestling just to show them the huge difference and how it is more stiff and is more like an actual fight business.


apart from the language, Few guys loved how the guys hit harder and now want me to pass on more stuff. Hope to covert all my friends away from the WWE.


Shingo Takagi & BxB Hulk vs KENTA & Taiji Ishimori (GHC Jr Tag Title) MOTY 2008 so far IMO



Kenta vs Marufji



Marufuji & Iifushi vs. KENTA & Ishimori Music Video



Toshiaki Kawada Vs Katsuyori Shibata (so stiff)

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Edge vs Taker was okay, nothing special. My friend was saying that Taker uses the Gogoplata quite often as a finisher. That is a hard move to use in MMA so it is silly that he pulls it off with ease so often.


I reckon that he manages to pull off the Gogoplata submission move so easily because he practises it in training. :indeed:

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OK, finally watched it:


JBL vs. Finlay: JBL has to be the most detestable man in the WWE. How come Finlay didn't win?


MITB: Great show. God, I love Jericho, Morrison and Benjamin. Matt Hardy's return was a great surprise. Too bad Jeff didn't make it, it could've been so much better...


Batista vs Umanga: (Yes, I'm calling him that now :heh:) Meh, not too bad. Best Batist Bomb I've seen in a while. Also, good to see there are guys Batista just can't lift.


Kane vs. Chavo: Mwahaha! I love quick victories! :grin: Finally, Kane can get the moster reign he deserves! Wow, this reminds me so much of when Benoit got the U.S. title off Orlando Jordan...


HBK vs. Flair: Damn...Most emotional match I've seen. Speechless... :weep:


Snoopy Dog bunny-thingy: I skipped this, I didn't see the alleged "lights off"


RKO vs. HHH vs. John Cena: WTF!? Orton retains! I was sure Cena would win! But, boy, am I glad Orton is still champ. I'm tired of the other two guys.


Floyd vs. Big Show: Meh, it was cool. I still love Big Show, though.


Edge vs. Undertaker: Proof that Edge deserves to be one of the top guys in WWE. He was the first man that made me believe that the Undertaker could lose at WM, with just an interview. Seriously, I haven't been following SD! lately, and that ibackstage segment alone made me fear for the Deadman. Also, it was an enjoyable match with pretty good moments.



And I second the motion to create the Official Wrestling Thread! :grin:

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