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Gap Year?


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I was hoping for some advice on this, has anyone here been on one? What sort of things did you do, and did you work as you went to earn some cash?


I always planned on going on one before Uni, but then the idea sort of went down the drain. I've managed to rescue it before it got washed away, but both I and a friend are utterly confused as to how to afford everything, where to work/go etc.

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I'd say go do some travelling if you can get the money together, go see a few things. If not then start scrambling C.Vs together and take them to the places you want to work, go to the job acency nearby and ask them, even get on things like monster.co.uk and search that! =]


Apart from that the only knowledge I have that might be wrong is that you may need to apply to uni to say you are going on a gap year. I'm not entirely sure though.

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Not really a Gap Year as such but I took 6 months unpaid leave from work. My brother lives in Australia so that was my ultimate destination. I travelled around the far east, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam then into Hong Kong. Then down to Australia. The good thing about Oz is its massive backbacker following. There are hundreds of hostels to stay and many different travellers willing to share their experiences/advice.


The best advice I can give is try and learn a skill or trade you can offer to people who are willing to pay, I did my PADI open water scuba instructor course. And although the pay is not good, it is enough to pay for digs and food/drink while travelling.


I would definately recommend doing some travelling, just make sure you make a decent plan, keep yourself safe, and you will have some adventures you will never forget.

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I took a gap year and worked throughout it for some handy cash and had a lot of fun times with friends. When I went to Uni the following year, I got bored quickly and decided I would rather just be working than being in education, so I dropped out after 2 months, so it's possible that if you do work on your gap year, that the idea/appeal of higher education might fade away, after you start settling down in a job and earning a nice salary. I don't regret it of course, and know a friend who has done the exact same thing.


Another friend took a gap year before Uni, and did a year long course at a local college, where she gained a qualification which proved uselful with her course. Something to conisder if you don't work ot travel.

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I took a gap year but it was unplanned because I had to leave the art foundation course I was doing (it was necessary anyway) due to family issues. So I just got two jobs instead.


But if I had chose, I probably would have gone travelling.

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My brother took a gap year, planned to go travelling and ended up doing nothing. He worked part time at Hickies guitar shop and that was it. I think a gap year can be good but you've got to have a bit of drive, otherwise you'll end up just wasting your time.

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I'm (and a friend) are both wanting to do the same course at uni, Zoology. So we're hoping to volunteer in places around the world, zoo's, conservation projcts etc. But we'd need to get paid work along the way to afford it all, but thats the problem. We've got the drive to do it, but it's the actually getting everything planned thats the problem, which is why we're thinking about it now rather than next year and rushing everything.

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I spent 6 months in New Jersey, a bit outside of New York. It was intended to be a whole year and I loved spending time in New York, but ultimately various reasons forced me to cut it short. I made money selling websites as I had a holiday visa preventing me from getting an official 'job' over there.


My cousin did a lot more, she saw a lot of the world, backpacked, worked. Personally I think working to earn your way is far better an experience and much more benificial towards your future.

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I'm on my gap year at the moment. Spending the whole year in China learning Kungfu. It costs absolutely nothing, I managed to pay for it all working full time for two months in the summer before I came out and money I had saved up before then. I didn't really plan it that much, I just needed to get out of England. Anyway I'll probably to a little bit of traveling at the end. I've got a lot of friends who are just doing more of an extended holiday if that's what you want, so I think I can give plenty of advice.

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