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Thriller Mafia


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I can't for the life of me understand when we have a dead DON that people think good is evil. It's quite obvious that mundi and nintendohnut are backing each other up though. Just explain to me where this "good guys" are the mafia reasoning came from as I'm not following this very closely.

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The good guys are the mafia theory came from the statistics that 11 'evil' have died, and 3 'good' have died. In a mafia game, there is no way that there would be 11 mafia members dead and the game still continuing. This had led to the theory that the good are the actual mafia in this game.

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I feel that we need to lynch Esequiel to find out whether this 'good mafia' theory is true. If he is lynched and he is good, not neutral as he has claimed, this will prove the existence of a good mafia, as noone would claim neutral if they are actually good. From there, we may have several targets in darksnowman, DomJcg and Zell.

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If we lynch him and find out that he is not neutral but in the good/ evil mafia, then we know for tomorrow that Domjcq, Zell, possibly Hellfire and Mundi the useful robot are also in it.


Why should I be in it then? I started this charade and am trying to get them lynched...

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Why do you think Mundi is good Dark?


It where his theory (and mine like 2% or something) there where a good mafia why would he do that??


I'm going to a chocolate training class for 4 hours so I wont be back until probably 7 So I will miss who we will vote out until then.

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Why do you think Mundi is good Dark?


It where his theory (and mine like 2% or something) there where a good mafia why would he do that??


I'm going to a chocolate training class for 4 hours so I wont be back until probably 7 So I will miss who we will vote out until then.


Right, i also helped with that theory :P


I got my message from cube as i investigated Maddog (and no bellyaching about i only investigate evil people, i investigated moogle and coolness bears >> both good, and Oxi, who was neutral)


MadDog could hide in other people's houses. His ability could have helped the evil guys


And as you can see here, if anything, it seems to show that there is an evil mafia if anything.

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You know what nut, you dodge my questions too many times, and your manipulating the situation to try and gain an advantage.


Change vote Nintendohnut


Excuse me but I would like to say something. I am not happy with admitting who I am at this point. Nobody knows my character and I don't want to come out and say who I am because of the whole good could be bad thing. That is the only reason I am not answer one of your many questions.


However, that was another thing I was suspicious about Esequiel, the way you come out and admit who you are and your power and basically everything about yourself after just one question from me, and with a large gap between my question and your answering post. In my experience in mafia games, when someone is lying about their character they take a while to research a good made up story that covers them, and then happily reveal their whole story to everyone after a few times being asked what their role is.

This may of course not be the case with you, and you may be telling the truth, but after your record of lying about things and keeping things to yourself, you must understand why I don't trust you a huge amount?

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Nut, can i ask exactly what your accusing him of? is it lying or something?


on an unrelated note, it clicked to me earlier, that the fact that there's an evil mafia is evidently in the write up


"The man in the striped jumper writhed on the floor. "No... this can't be happening!" He ripped off his wooly hat and clutched his stomach. He tried to contact his comrades, but the blasted pair of detectives had messed everything up from the very start. "They found me! INCONCEIVABLE!" He finally lay still after much vomiting.


MadDog is dead. He was Wally (Evil), a freak wearing a striped jumper who didn't plan on being found, and who was also the Don.


A new Don has been appointed."


So it's agreed wally was evil yes? ok good, now why is a new Don appointed, in fact, why the hell is there a don at all if the mafia is 'good' as you all think, and even if it's a fluke, then why is a new don appointed at all? why not just leave it as the don is dead?

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I feel that we need to lynch Esequiel to find out whether this 'good mafia' theory is true. If he is lynched and he is good, not neutral as he has claimed, this will prove the existence of a good mafia, as noone would claim neutral if they are actually good. From there, we may have several targets in darksnowman, DomJcg and Zell.


Why have you banded me together just because I support one side of the argument? Just because I agree with someone does not make me in league with them. I could say that you, Vicar, Mundi and Volcom are all working together, but I'm not.


Nintendohnut, I targeted you last night and found out you are the thief.

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I can't for the life of me understand when we have a dead DON that people think good is evil. It's quite obvious that mundi and nintendohnut are backing each other up though. Just explain to me where this "good guys" are the mafia reasoning came from as I'm not following this very closely.


Also sorry Hellfire missed this. I'm backing up the idea that there could be a good mafia and that there is plenty of proof pointing towards it, not Mundi per se, although it is in part his idea in the first place.

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Also sorry Hellfire missed this. I'm backing up the idea that there could be a good mafia and that there is plenty of proof pointing towards it, not Mundi per se, although it is in part his idea in the first place.


Fancy reading my posts? i feel left out :(

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As I have stated before there was a mafia running around but they got bombed and lost communication, this is just to further confuse us on this whole the mafia are marked as good thing


And the reasoning behind that Zell and Hellfire could be in the good mafia is that the only reason they could have too argue that this is not true because it´s not in their benefit that this get´s known and confirmed.


Esequiel only needs 3 more votes, him being lynched is all the proof we need to confirm this.

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As I have stated before there was a mafia running around but they got bombed and lost communication, this is just to further confuse us on this whole the mafia are marked as good thing


And the reasoning behind that Zell and Hellfire could be in the good mafia is that the only reason they could have too argue that this is not true because it´s not in their benefit that this get´s known and confirmed.


Esequiel only needs 3 more votes, him being lynched is all the proof we need to confirm this.


So your saying that the mafia was disolved right? Then why is there need for a new don? Here's a reason possibley because they are in fact the mafia! :o

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It´s too confuse us! Too make it harder for us to find out about this good mafia thing.


So I´m going to ask you, show me proof that there is a functioning evil mafia going about because it looks like the evil mafia is in shambles with no communication with each other.


The new don thing was to confuse us about this.

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It´s too confuse us! Too make it harder for us to find out about this good mafia thing.


So I´m going to ask you, show me proof that there is a functioning evil mafia going about because it looks like the evil mafia is in shambles with no communication with each other.


The new don thing was to confuse us about this.


Since i already have, i'm gonna ask the same thing of you, show me proof that there is a functioning good mafia, what have you got, i said darko was good? then esetc said i was? All it does show is that there are good people in the game. Who's killing people then? In every game, the mafia don says who to kill and sends someone to do it. But all i see is some guy shooting people, and it's the same guy, same deaths all the time.


But on the evil mafia side is this


There's a DON, there's a NEW DON, it's been mentioned a few times, and the evidence i got only confirms it, and hey, types of every kind have died, its a muddle.

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-11 evil characters dead 3 good character


-The same guy referred as a agent who has only killed evil/neutral and the fact that every good guy that has died is connected to some agency


-Twice in the write up it has been said that the evil mafia can´t communicate with each other thus showing that the mafia can´t function as a mafia


-Esequiel (who is being voted to show as proof to this theory) withholding important information that could have saved people´s life before by he chose to keep it to himself which is mafia like behaviour


-Gizmo accuses Darksnowman of being the sniper, DomJcq jumps in and says that Dark is good and Esequiel says that DomJcq is also good too back him up.

This is also typical mafia behavior, mafia members backing each other up to lynch someone they need dead and this time because they know they are all marked as good they think they won´t lose anything from backing each other.


-Esequiel said that DomJcq is good, DomJcq says that Darksnowman is good. After I started talking about the possibility that there is a good mafia

Esequiel says he´s neutral and has been lying and withholding evidence (Like I said mafia like behavior) DomJcq instantly tries to create distance between him and Esequiel and Darksnowman says he´s good after all this



Once again, vote Esequiel out he has been withholding important evidence and lynching him will be the definite proff if there is a good mafia

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-11 evil characters dead 3 good character


-The same guy referred as a agent who has only killed evil/neutral and the fact that every good guy that has died is connected to some agency


Obviously with time constraints (have to be somewheres by 7:30) i'll say this




The amnesiac writhed on the floor as the cure took its effect. After several minutes of painful agony, he finally went quiet.


Beggilax is dead. He was Jason Bourne (Good), a man who needed to find out who he was.




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