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Fable 2


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really gettin into it now, im dressed like gandalf, got me a pistol and an upgraded blades spell, am battering em. The combat system is simple but fun, can pull off some good fight scenes. gud gud gud!!!


Were you speaking to me earlier, Skunky? I was in private chat with my mate but he got disconnected and then im sure I heard you talk to me in the town square. If it was you my bad for the burping :)


The only thing that bothers me in the game is the shoddy accents, im not suprised the yanks think we all talk like that.


Has anyone else seen the Hero of Strength yet? That be a BIG bitch.

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yer i had me headset on, randomly heard a burp outta nowhere, then saw ur lil orb bobbing about, so yer u can chat to orbs that our close, gud shit :D


I like the shoddy accents, i think they add to the feel of the game, makes it more beleivable with ye olde english accents


And the hero of strength is like a man beast, she's gotta be a lesbian

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From 1UP review:

"As it is, it's still the best RPG on the 360. It's a series worth evolving and expanding (can you imagine a Fable set in London around the time of Jack the Ripper -- boss material! -- where you play Jekyll or Hyde -- morality! -- cuz I can!). Fable 2 is filled with more great ideas than the last 10 years of Final Fantasy combined.


Most Western-developed role-playing games tend to follow an exhaustively mathematical, under-the-hood dice-rolling formula. This approach has left behind a trail of infinitely deep, intricately detail-oriented, but perhaps not so immediately enjoyable, games that garner critical accolades from the hardcore but leave the less-committed scratching their heads (see: Baldur's Gate, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion). Fable 2 is that rare Western-developed RPG that manages to innovate while remaining immediately playable to nearly anyone who picks up the controller. It's a game of choice, as established by its risk-taking but somewhat flawed predecessor, and this focus expands in the world of Fable 2 -- not only can you take the path of good or evil, but you can also choose someplace in between. How Fable 2 accommodates these decisions is found in the open-yet-focused world of Albion, a setting for people who like freedom -- in moderation." :o

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Lol, why would the town hate you more if you sleep with her, than shooting her?


Certain houses make the town feel different about you if you sleep in them, one make you more feared while another house make them see you as more ugly or attractive.

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I have to admit, the bad accents in Fable really spoiled my immersion. I prefer a neutral accent, rather than anything obviously British or American. Balthier in Final Fantasy XII was brilliant. I'm still going to buy this though, it sounds excellent!

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Fable II, is one of the best games i've actually played in a very long time.


So far:

  • I played a as a girl (i flipped a coin)
  • Grew up.
  • did some quests.
  • got some armour.
  • got some kick ass swords.
  • level 2 inferno.
  • had sex with a guy, then asked him to marry me, then took him under a bridge and murdered him.


I fucking adore the dog, he is amazing. I called mine Dave! :D

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I fucking adore the dog, he is amazing. I called mine Dave! :D


Its so awesome when you hear your dog bark and your like OMG whats he found! and rush to see what it is


Agreed. I really didnt think I would like the dog and scoffed at it during the previews of the game. I can honestly say that I love my little mutt to bits.


Me and a mate of mine were at work last night talking about the game and we figured that we are around the same place as each other. What was suprising is how different our experience of the game is to each of us. He's been doing one thing and I've been something completely different. The game really does let you have your own experience.

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Goddamn, I need this! Gotta have a word with a mate about a discount though, so probs won't get it til monday then I'm probs busy half of next week! :(


How does the combat compare to the first game? I really liked the combat and multiplier system, thought it was very good and hoped to see it again. In fact, how does the whole game so far compared to the first??

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Played this for about 30min... not really enjoying it so far. The movement is so clunky and people keep talking over other people... accidentally made a creepy old man want to marry me, can see myself really not caring about the whole 'expression' thing after a while. Also so far its been really linear, a big gold line showing me exactly what I need to do, leaving nothing for me to figure out. And if that wasn't already annoying me, now my dog points out every single 'hidden' key and chest.


Basically its not given me a very good first impression, but I might enjoy it more next play.

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Played this for about 30min... not really enjoying it so far. The movement is so clunky and people keep talking over other people... accidentally made a creepy old man want to marry me, can see myself really not caring about the whole 'expression' thing after a while. Also so far its been really linear, a big gold line showing me exactly what I need to do, leaving nothing for me to figure out. And if that wasn't already annoying me, now my dog points out every single 'hidden' key and chest.


Basically its not given me a very good first impression, but I might enjoy it more next play.


Can you turn off the gold line like you could turn off the directions in bioshock that sounds very annoying.

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Played this for about 30min... not really enjoying it so far. The movement is so clunky and people keep talking over other people... accidentally made a creepy old man want to marry me, can see myself really not caring about the whole 'expression' thing after a while. Also so far its been really linear, a big gold line showing me exactly what I need to do, leaving nothing for me to figure out. And if that wasn't already annoying me, now my dog points out every single 'hidden' key and chest.


Basically its not given me a very good first impression, but I might enjoy it more next play.


People and reviews say the golden trail is brilliant as you can go off and do what you want without getting lost.

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Mine hasn't increased yet :S How far u into the game?


I got a fat bar of health, just got the dude of will, that part of the game is well good wen u go to some mad tower, its cool. Saw hero of time was mopin about it same time as me lol, the orb things r cool.

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I got a fat bar of health, just got the dude of will, that part of the game is well good wen u go to some mad tower, its cool. Saw hero of time was mopin about it same time as me lol, the orb things r cool.


Yeah I seen you hopping around the tower, I loled :)


My character has got fat as hell due to me eating too many pies, time to hit the Fruit and Veg stands methinks :heh:


Im on trying to recruit the Hero of Skill and the guy is a jerk, I wanna smash his face in.

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People and reviews say the golden trail is brilliant as you can go off and do what you want without getting lost.


Yeah that's exactly what I've found. I love that it's there. When I play something like Zelda I don't bother wandering off and doing my own thing because I worry I'll get lost, spend ages wandering around, get bored and turn it off. My Xbox was on from about 2 this afternoon until about 15 minutes ago playing this game with just a few short pauses throughout.


Love it so far. I wasn't all that excited for it but just had to force myself to put it down. Got myself a house, wife and kid :p Seemed weird when I screen came up asking if I wanted protected or unprotected sex.


Only problems for me are (and I noticed Giant Bomb had the exact same issues) the map system, and not being able to easily find stuff in the towns, and the item system. Was so annoying when I had loads of books to teach the dog stuff and I had to scroll through the whole list each time.


Other than that it's one of the best games I've played this year. Just don't know when I'm going to have chance to play it next...

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