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Wii Pay & Play

Gaijin von Snikbah

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surely in the end if we still hav what we began with being online games for free then it will b alright but any extra that u mite hav 2 pay a small amouint for will surely b worth payin for or else the system would fail?


i dont think they would charge for basic online play as this is against what they hav always said and as the ps3 is free they would be disadvanatged

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It's possible these types of debate are what Nintendo wanted. A sort of unofficial feedback session. Maybe they will use the comments...actually wait no. Nintendo don't take ideas or suggestions. They go their own way. Oh well, i'll just keep schtum, bend over and wait for their surprise.

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Actually I don't believe in game tastes but I was trying to convey my point delicately in order to avoid insulting anymore people and prevent this repetitive debate from going on. Clearly I was wrong.


Personally I don't believe in tastes. I believe in right and wrong.


To say Resident Evil 4 is a great game is absolutely right.

To say the Xbox 360 is for idiots because 90% of the games are shooters is wrong.

To say the Nintendo 64 was a revolutionary console (analogue stick, rumble, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time) is right.

To say Red Steel is a great game is horribly wrong.



You can have an opinion, that doesn't necessarily mean it is always right.


There is no right and wrong in an opinion. All those statements are subjective anyway. I didn't like Resi 4. I'm of a very small minority I know. Does that mean my opinion is wrong?:shakehead Don't really understand what you're getting at.


Anyways. It's kinda difficult to pass judgement on this, considering the lack of information and the ambiguity in the speech. I mean, If we are paying meagre sums for DLC or subscirptions for an Animal Crossing or FF MMO. There'd be no agrument from me.


If we are going to have to pay for online gaming, it better be cheap.I actually see this as a step in the right direction towards building up a stonger online service and catlaogue of games.

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NoE aren't as bad as they use to be. I definently think they're improving though.


Are you inclined to say their improving because of the recent 'surprise' dates of Mario Kart and Wii Fit? :)


Call me cynical, but i think this is exactly why NOE did that! They knew they were in the shit concerning the long delay of Brawl to reach here and that Europe wait forever for most of their games and most Nintendo fans around Europe have had enough, so they gave us Wii Fit and Mario Kart much earlier then expected to soften the blow (or it's because both of these titles are expected to be a bigger hit in Europe then America).


Strangely enough, i even stated 'Wouldn't it be funny if we got Mario Kart first' in the Mario Kart thread (or something along them lines).


I think the dates are great, but my thoughts are now: 'Thanks NOE, now keep it up!'.


Lets see how long this lasts concerning better dates for Europe. I think will find out by this autumn/winter with the release schedule (as i'm sure there's no more Nintendo big-hitters until September time).


NOE are slowly getting there....yes.....

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Before E3, N-Europe had trustworthy information from a source that Mario Kart Wii would be released in Europe in Q4 2007, to compensate for everything else getting delayed. It could have been brought out sooner...


I must admit quite a few 07 games which were released in the US, were delayed to 08 in Europe for which seemed like no apparent reason!

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I don't get this. What is being paid for then? The service is called "Pay and Play" so we are paying to play something, and seeing as we already do this for offline games i doubt it's just a handy reminder. And with the Wii's lack of a hard drive, I can't see it being a downloading service. Then again, it could be some sort of streaming service...

Anyways, I will be so pissed if Monster Hunter 3 requires me to pay monthly fees.


Why couldn't it be downloads? Wiiware gets stored on the console, and some of those games are fairly advanced 3D-games.

I think that this is all about games which get new content, like MMORPG's, or perhaps it's some kind of rental service, where you "rent" games instead of buying them.

Or it could be games that get additional content overtime, like Gran Turismo's supposed to have later (the game starts with 20 cars, and is retailed at a lower price, thereafter you have to buy each additional car you want for £2).


I don't think this'll affect Nintendo games, only other developers games.

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I do beleive that the name Pay and Play is rather confusing. Are more casual consumers going to think 'alongside paying £40 for a game, i'm going to be charged to actualy play it'.


No really... "Pay-to-Play" would make me think that!

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Guys, casual does not mean stupid. They CAN read, there is no need to belittle their intelligence.


I can defently see were your coming from. They aren't stupid but of course casual people wouldn't be on the internet for this kinda thing.

And when nintendo release something new, they wont know until it comes out most likely and of course they wouldn't know what 'pay and play' is :smile:

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Hasn't it? Seriously, no-one can slate a 360 if they haven't got one or played it longer then say..2 weeks. It always turns into a 360 VS Wii and theres no true winner out of the two of em, each does certain things better then the other!
Thing is no-one really slates the 360 as it is really awesome, but it's so annoying that anytime something goes bad on Wii, it gets compared to how great everything is on 360, while the machines try to accomplish something very different.
Also, don't slate people for not liking the sound of this Wii Pay & Play thing. With the stupidly small details Nintendo gave us (don't they always?) it wasn't exactly clear what the hell is gonna happen, and may not be just 'MMO' games. After being told that there internet service would be free, Wii owners probably feel as though they don't wanna start paying now, which i agree with.
I didn't slate these people for disliking Pay & Play, I don't like paying either... I slated them for pretending to have an opinion about something they knew they were uninformed about. Nintendo should be clearer though.
What if the main game to use this service is 'ANIMAL CROSSING'? I find it odd that they've announced this now and Animal Crossing is out in Japan at the end of the year, and everyone has hinted at it being a MMO type game....you never know...
I doubt this is required to play Animal Crossing, as it will reduce the game's popularity. I doubt it would be a smart business choice to do that.
Fixed. NoE is still the heap of shit it's always been.
FFS, not only is this totally off topic, but how many times have I pointed out that all the things you hate them for is not NoE's fault? This, again, is having an opinion about something when you have no clue what's going on.
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This, again, is having an opinion about something when you have no clue what's going on.



My bad, I obviously don't have a clue what Nintendo are up to, it's not like I'm on a Nintendo community forum or anything, boy that'd be embarrassing.

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My bad, I obviously don't have a clue what Nintendo are up to, it's not like I'm on a Nintendo community forum or anything, boy that'd be embarrassing.
Yeah, being on a Nintendo community forum does make you an authority about Nintendo's internal distribution organisation. You have no idea how stuff like that is decided, you just assume you do.
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