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Fatal Frame 4

Gaijin von Snikbah

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This game seems to have disappeared of the radar since it's Japanese release. I've played the previous 3 games on the PS2 and was really happy to know that this game was going to come out. (I hope they fix the bugs that the Japanese release had before then)


Since Nintendo have a hand in this game and are keen to show it's 'Hardcore' fans games, it would be really silly of them not to release this game outside Japan.


'play.com' are saying at the moment that the game will come out by the end of November 2008. That's next month!

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yeah they say the same for Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, that certainly doesn't have a European date or even been mentioned as getting a European release by Namco. I don't know what Play are playing at (no pun intended) with these dates instead of putting "TBA" down

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like it could be heading our way sooner than we thought!


I seen this little preview of Fatal Frame 4 when reading through this months ONM but thought nothing of it since they usually just guess dates when nothing official has been announced. Now GoNintendo are reporting that it looks as though it will hit on the 6th Feb which is supposed to be when Chrono Trigger arrives on these shores. If all of this is true then what a day that will be!


The article from Official Nintendo Magazine has a few paragraphs to it, but I was only including what was necessary to confirm the story. It looks like Fatal Frame IV is indeed heading to Europe. According to the magazine, Nintendo will be publishing in Europe. While there is no official date, we are hearing that February 6th is looking good.


I am sure you are all wondering about a North American release. While the franchise is very well known, I’m not sure Nintendo of America will publish. It’s Reggie’s comment from awhile back that has me thinking this way. The good news is that XSEED seems to be in the know, and while they say they aren’t publishing, it looks like the title has a good shot at a North American release.


If you’re talking about Fatal Frame 4 for the Wii then it’s coming to the US, even though it won’t be by us. Can’t tell you who’s bringing it over, but keep your eyes peeled for an official announcement, hopefully sometime soon. - Ken @ XSEED Games


Let’s hope Nintendo Power springs that information on us via their next issue.




EDIT: Just been on GT forums and someone posted this link.



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Long time reader, first time poster in this thread. Its definitely a good thing to see Fatal Frame IV coming out over here- its a pity it was ever in doubt as they could have maybe got their acts together and got it released for Halloween. I dunno how interested I am in getting it though, I'm too much of a softy for these sorts of games. :heh:

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I agree with Snowman, this game would have been perfect for halloween! Oh well, this game looks amazing and I can't wait for it to get a release; though a bit of me thinks they should just hold off until next Autumn now!


..no no.. let them release it in February, and we'll all wait til Autumn when it's about half the price and have it in time for Halloween :heh:

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  • 1 month later...

Well, the fact that we're only 17 days away from that date now and there's still been no confirmation by NoE, not to mention any listing of the game on places like Amazon, GAME, Gameplay etc... means it's not looking good I reckon. :blank:


Can't say I'm too bothered at the moment though, what with me being re-hooked on Animal Crossing :hehe: and February/March are both seeing quite a few games that I'm interested in buying anyway.

So yeah, I don't mind waiting longer for Fatal Frame 4, I just hope that it will get released at some point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gaming Target has recently heard from a video game industry analyst (who wishes to remain nameless) that Fatal Frame IV is coming to America in 2009, but it may not be released as "Fatal Frame IV."


Why any publisher would throw away the cult of popularity the series has gained over the years is questionable, but the desire to start fresh, and make Fatal Frame more than a cult series, could be the impetus behind that decision.




Project Zero 4?

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