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I can't believe they let the Wii slip so far so fast


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Two points:


1) Who are 'they'? As far as I can see Nintendo has the course of its console firmly in hand, and what's more its proven even more successful a bearing then they might have hoped. New versions of classic franchises, regular expansion of the Virtual Console, additional downloadable Channels, WiiWare, Wii Fit as the next big thing: they are delivering everything they set out to.


Third-parties clearly aren't having the same success, but then they haven't put in as much effort as Nintendo. One might hope this situation will change throughout the year, but for now it's a case of wait and see. Whatever happens, don't lay the poor decisions of third-party publishers at Nintendo's door.


2) The Wii is not a 24/7 entertainment machine. If you're like me and spend a ridiculous amount of time and money gaming then yes, you will chew through games fairly quickly. However, you are not an ordinary consumer. Let's switch to a different medium to give a comparison.


Some people might download the entire second season of Heroes and watch it over the course of 2-3 days, so impatient they are to know what's going to happen next. Your average viewer? Well, they'll just watch one episode a week when the new season starts on TV. It isn't that they are disinterested — they are watching the new season after all — but their interest doesn't run as deep as yours and perhaps they don't really have all that free time to dedicate to one TV programme.


Complaining about Nintendo's output can't satisfy you is akin to moaning that you can't immediately move onto a new series of a show as soon as one finishes: your demands are unrealistic and basically downright annoying. What should these people do instead? Why, look elsewhere for alternative sources of entertainment. Ideally this would be third-party Wii titles, but bar a handful of quality titles there isn't too much to fall back on at the moment. Luckily there are two other consoles available, each offering a very different experience to Nintendo's console.


Let me put it another way. For most people a single burger is quite enough for them thank you very much. Still hungry? Then buy something else, don't kick up a fuss simply because a meal that satiates the average person doesn't cater for your gluttony.

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1. The Wii itself was a big risk for Nintendo. That's why they have backed true and tested IP's such as a Zelda game at launch and a new Mario and Smash Bros. within the first year. More risky and innovative games and new IP's will probably come later.


2. The third parties have backed the wrong horse. They did see the Wii as a big risk as well prioritizing X360 and PS3 with multi million dollar projects, leaving the Wii with cheap spin-offs. With the incredible sales of 2007 (fastest selling console ever) they are waking up. My guess is that a lot of "deep" quality titles will be announced during 2008.

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Two points:


For most people a single burger is quite enough for them thank you very much. Still hungry? Then buy something else, don't kick up a fuss simply because a meal that satiates the average person doesn't cater for your gluttony.


Quote of the Day! Let me eleborate from this. I'm a pretty hardcore gamer but to be honest, I don't get to play as much games as I use to. Something like Super Mario Galaxy can literally last for months for me. I've started playing it in the beginning of this month and I have barely forty stars.


And to put it in further perspective, I probably won't get all 120 of them. I'll play all the levels but I won't do everything in the game to complete it. Why? The time is not there for one and frankly, there are other games to play. :P


The average consumer may buy a game every two months, roughly. If the person really enjoys gaming, maybe one game per month. I know I fit in about one game a month, sometimes two if I can find the time to beat them.


Whatever may be your buying habits, you couldn't convince me the Wii doesn't have the games for you to buy. There may not be a SSBB every month, but there are plenty of good quality choosings from retail and VC alike.

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Actually some burgers leave you wanting more. Thank god I don't eat at Mcdonald's anymore. Thanks to them, I have an idea of what dogshit tastes like.


I wonder if anyone actually read my post which was an entire reflection on this whole issue put into the context of food!!

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I'm not sure what some people expected when they bought the Wii. I remember the GameCube days quite well, and I don't know how anyone that lived through that thinks the Wii is in any sort of bad shape. I was going to quit gaming after the last generation (PS2, Xbox, and GameCube were all disappointing to me), but the Wii rejuvenated my interest in gaming.


I know what I expect when I buy a Nintendo console: extraordinary games by my favorite developer. Do I care about anything else? Not really: I've experienced enough gaming at this point that the typical 360 and PS3 material can't grab my interest, but Nintendo still does it. I wouldn't trade Super Mario Galaxy for all the "top tier" games on any other console. I suppose few share my point of view, but I can't help but think that is what Nintendo's consoles have delivered before and I wouldn't have expected anything different.

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All I can do is compare my Wii games to my 360 games and I believe it illustrates my disappointment.


I got my Wii on the day of release, like most of you, I grabbed Twilight Princess and like most of you, I had 3 friends around for bowling, golf and whatever on regular occasions. I completed Wii fitness tests every day and sent a few emails and made some Miis, it was all fun and dandy. Then I started putting my Gamecube games back in my Wii. Why? Because the Wii had brought me nothing new that I wanted. I considered Excitetruck, I considered Eledees, I considered Rayman Raving Rabids, but none of them were rated high enough to warrant purchase. Of course, I picked up Wii play for a fiver on top of the cost of a Wii-mote. And played it... twice.


10 months later, I gave in. I wanted a console experience again, and I wanted to fit in with the current generation. By this point I had my Wii hooked up to my new HDTV through Component but I just didn't have enough pull to take me back. I never got all the heart pieces on Zelda, and I never returned for a second go. I bought an Xbox 360 Elite in October, my first non-nintendo console since my Sega Mega Drive II.


Since that date, I have got the following Wii games.


Metroid Prime 3

Super Mario Galaxy


Bringing it to a total of 4 games. 5 if you count Wii Play (I don't). Plus Mario 64 and ToeJam and Earl on the VC.


And the following xbox 360 games:


Halo 3



Viva Pinata

Forza Motorsport 2

Gears of War

Rainbow Six: Vegas

Mass Effect

Blue Dragon

Guitar Hero III

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2


In addition, my flatmate (jayseven) has bought (for my 360):


Orange Box

The Darkness

Dead Rising


And I have bought Streets of Rage 2, Sonic 2 and Puzzle Fighter HD on XBLA.



I know, I know, sheer numbers and third party support prove little. But I just think this is a perfect illustration of how Nintendo are failing to provide for a gamer like myself, who wants titles like the ones listed above.


In Uni last semester, I heard a group of girls behind me talking about how they wanted a Wii - and it just struck me that you would never hear them all chatting about wanting a PS3. It's great that, to some extent, Nintendo have achieved a goal of appealing to a wider range, but I think they need to concentrate a little more of their efforts on the real gamers. Maybe spend all the money they must be raking in on an entirely new department to concentrate solely on the serious gaming market? Online support really needs massive improvements. When they do it right, they do it great: I loved Mario Galaxy. That said, after completing it, I don't really have the urge to go back for all the stars. Maybe I've become spoilt by LIVE and Gamerscores....

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I just think this is a perfect illustration of how Nintendo are failing to provide for a gamer like myself, who wants titles like the ones listed above.

I think it's the perfect illustration that the Wii isn't for everyone. Just like the Xbox 360, PS3, PC, or any other platform you care to name, isn't for everyone.


Considering the precious few 360 games I've bought over the last 12 months, I could just as easily say Microsoft are failing to provide for a gamer like me. The PS3 isn't far behind it either.


Before you dismiss me as a casual game junky, most of my Wii games are aimed at established gamers, and my gaming platform of choice is the PC.

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I got my Wii on the day of release,... like most of you, I grabbed Twilight Princess ....... Of course, I picked up Wii play for a fiver on top of the cost of a Wii-mote. And played it... twice.



Since that date, I have got the following Wii games.


Metroid Prime 3

Super Mario Galaxy

Plus Mario 64


This is why Nintendo doesn't have to cater to demand. Just look at the money they made from you alone, an underwhelmed Nintendo customer, in just a years time.


Your list of Wii games looks eerily like mine and hundreds of thousands of others.


Now factor in people who buy ALL the 1st party games, and 1st party VC games and you can see why Nintendo could care less about having inferior hardware, weak 3rd party support, minimal online support etc.

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On the 360 and the PS3...almost 2/3 of the games on either console are either shooters or car games...that is not a good thing for the industry


The Wii however has a broad spectrum. That does not mean its failing, it means they're actually utilising the industry, trying for equal distribution of game genres


Hardcore gamers nowadays are just "OH MY GOD SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE", thats not hardcore, its just pathetic.


You cannot say its slipping. Nintendo has tried something new and succeeded, they're using old IPs, bringing new ones in, its just the third parties doing lackluster efforts. Nintendo makes good games...its not their fault that others arent


For the record before I get labelled as a fanboy I have all 3 so hah

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I honestly can't believe that some of you still rave on about the Wii not delivering what you expected. Maybe you just expected it to be something it can't be (yet)?


I've found that the Wii rules more than any console I've had in the past. My ten-ish games I own for it prove that. Review scores for the Wii have been too low imho, hence I pay no heed to them, and just buy the darn game that interests me. Hell knows they're cheap enough.


As a gamer who gamed his way through the rougher years (N64, GC), I've never been more optimistic about the future.

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On the 360 and the PS3...almost 2/3 of the games on either console are either shooters or car games...that is not a good thing for the industry


The Wii however has a broad spectrum. That does not mean its failing, it means they're actually utilising the industry, trying for equal distribution of game genres


Hardcore gamers nowadays are just "OH MY GOD SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE", thats not hardcore, its just pathetic.


You cannot say its slipping. Nintendo has tried something new and succeeded, they're using old IPs, bringing new ones in, its just the third parties doing lackluster efforts. Nintendo makes good games...its not their fault that others arent


For the record before I get labelled as a fanboy I have all 3 so hah

We're happy that the spectrum's wide.

The thing is that Nintendo aren't trying to do what the other developers are AT ALL. If Nintendo or Retro Studios would make ONE fps and ONE GT-beater, I and many others would be silent, and happy. Nintendo rule whatever games they do.

I mean, F-Zero owns all other superspeed scifiracers. 1080 has better controls than any other snowboarder, and the original wiped the floor with the competition back in the day. Zelda is the best adventuregame out there, Mario is the best platformer, and Lylatwars is the best on rails shooter of all time. The list can be made long...

If they would attempt to make an FPS, or tell Retro to do one, it would surelly own all console FPS's, and if Nintendo would attempt to make a realistic racer, that would own all competition too.

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We're happy that the spectrum's wide.

The thing is that Nintendo aren't trying to do what the other developers are AT ALL. If Nintendo or Retro Studios would make ONE fps and ONE GT-beater, I and many others would be silent, and happy. Nintendo rule whatever games they do.

I mean, F-Zero owns all other superspeed scifiracers. 1080 has better controls than any other snowboarder, and the original wiped the floor with the competition back in the day. Zelda is the best adventuregame out there, Mario is the best platformer, and Lylatwars is the best on rails shooter of all time. The list can be made long...

If they would attempt to make an FPS, or tell Retro to do one, it would surelly own all console FPS's, and if Nintendo would attempt to make a realistic racer, that would own all competition too.


Patience. A rare commodity nowadays. Do you think everything you mentioned was available at launch with the 64? Or with the GC? Hell no. If anything, Nintendo are pushing the release-enveloppe harder than ever before.

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All I can do is compare my Wii games to my 360 games and I believe it illustrates my disappointment.
Is that because the Wii is so bad, or because of the 360 being very good?


I mean, the 360 has had an exceptional year, and has had a year lead start, too. If I had a 360 I'd probably say the same, it's really a fantastic console.


That does nothing to the quality of the Wii titles, though. Last year has been a better year than the GameCube ever had.

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The thing is though, those genres are complete dross now. Everythings been done, everythings the same thing just with crisper graphics


Nah, I used to think that, but since getting my PS3 I've realised they're doing so much that simply wasn't possible before. The physics, destructable environments, scale of online play, levels of customization etc, it just allows for games which a much larger scope then the Wii or any last gen console was capable of.


Wii really is missing out on so much, fair enough it has it's own specialist games and such but for me there simply isn't enough quantity to keep me occupied, not to mention the fact I want a good online system.


I would like to see more innovation on the 360 and ps3 (I think the ps3 has it's fair share tbh), but I guess it's just not a viable option for most companies at the moment. Equally though, I look forward to seeing our favourite series and franchises progress further.

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Most people who call themselves gamers that only own a 360 will tell you that wii games are bad not because they've played them but but because they think they are cooler playing the 360 and because the graphics are better on a 360. If for a second we imagined Wii graphics were better alot of people would buy a Wii and then declare it a better console, they would actually realize that the gameplay in Nintendo's games is way better than anything Microsoft and its second parties can pull off. People just won't give games A try if they have colourful and inferior graphics or a cute name like zack and wiki. Pokemon is one of the best RPG series of all time but people just won't play it because they think they will be uncool playing Pokemon games because its what they did when they were kids. Or the characters are too cute or something.


People won't give good games a try for reasons like this and that's why they say the Wii doesn't have that many good games, when in-fact it does.


Another thing to keep in mind is that the 360 has been out longer and therefore developers have had more time to learn how to make good games for it. There's also been more time for games to actually come out for it regardless of how good they are.

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I reckon when the Wii starts to build a decent catalogue of popular online games, then we'll see a real change in this negative perception. Nintendo for me has never been about the online, they've always offered exceptional singer-player expereicnes and it hasn't bothered me up till now. I bought the 360 primarily for the first party exclusives, but when I started to discover how great online gaming can be, and how much it adds to the games. I started to feel left wanting more.


I guess it's all in your preference. The wii will never the FPS Vet's system of choice, whereas the 360 will never offer such innovative control interfaces or refreshing new ideas. A wii may well cater for a gamer's needs; but for many of us , it does not alone - due to the lack of the aforementioned quality FPS's and other genres that are better suited to a more powerful console with a robust online service.


The Wii does what it does well. And we are sure to see an onslaught of new, exciting unnanounced games in the future (maybe GDC) that will lift confidence in the Wii's lineup. It's just disappointing to see such a poor third-party show on the Wii atm. I mean no matter which way you look at it. The 360 has an amazing line-up of quality third-party titles. I mean it's a more powerful console, but why does that have to equate to the quality of the titles and the time and effort applied to each console? I feel like it's because developers understand the 360 demograpahic will appreciate these mature, expansive titles, and that it will sell better and have better potential on it - Bioshock for example.


The Wii is doing it's own thing and still has a great line-up of first-party games and some decent third-party. It was never meant to be in direct competition with it's counterparts, so it's no use looking for something we were never promised. IMO the WII can be your only console and your main one - that goes without saying. It's just the 360 is such a great console as well in it's own ways, why not get the best of both worlds?

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I considered Excitetruck, I considered Eledees, I considered Rayman Raving Rabids, but none of them were rated high enough to warrant purchase.


I'm sorry, but I just can't repsect your opinion. You HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAMES!!!! And because of reviews too, hilarious!!!!


I've found this a lot, people slag off the Wii for not having any games, but they haven't played many of the games the Wii actually has!!!! Baffles me!!!


Halo 3 - overrated. SHOOTER

Kameo - Come on is this a joke. So much promise, such a shit game!

skate. - Very good.

Viva Pinata - Good

Forza Motorsport 2 - Hate games like this

Gears of War - Pretty good. Overrated

Rainbow Six: Vegas - SHOOTER

Mass Effect - SHIT! (only played for a couple of hours though)

Blue Dragon - AVERAGE

Guitar Hero III - Amazing!

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja - Don't know

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 - SHOOTER


That's not a good list of games if you ask me.


Here are the Wii games I have:





Endless Ocean


Monkey Ball

Mario Strikers








Lego Starwars


Big Brain Academy

Wario Ware

Gemotry Wars

Ghost Squad

Resident Evil 4

RE: Umbrella Chronicles

Metal Slug

Super Paper Mario

Trauma Centre



How can anyone say the Wii doesn't have some really good games!! If you actually play them? prefer the 360? Fine. But dont say the Wii has no good games, it has LOTS!!


Why can't the Wii be the FPS console of choice? When I play Orange Box and CoD4 I just wish they were on the Wii because of the controls! I EASILY prefer Metroid to any of those games, mainly BECAUSE of the controls!

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Sorry... wait. Are you using the word 'SHOOTER' (in cruise control language, of course) as a negative word? Do you not like shooting games? Are they only for casual gamers or something? If you put 'SHOOTER' after a title it negates nothing for me. You might as well have written 'RACING GAME' after Forza. All you're doing is stating the genre. What would you write to sum up RE: UC?


I'm not using reviews to decide whether or not I play a game. I am simply pointing out that none of the games have had enough appeal to pull me in.


I'm not even fucking stating that the xbox 360 games are great or that the Wii games are poor, not explicitly. I certainly never used the phrase you claimed I did: "has no good games". All I'm doing is pointing out that none of them are must-have games that made me feel I had to own them.


There are many games that will appear in a magazine and from the moment they do, you know you've got to have them. It happens with practically every Zelda game. It happened with Mario Galaxy, I just knew I would have those games on my shelf eventually. And nintendo just hasn't provided enough of these for me.


So you have 27 Wii games. Is that to prove something to me? At a (generous) average of £30 per game, all that tells me is that you have over £800 to blow on games. Unfortunately, I don't have that liberty, I have to pick and choose amongst the must have titles, and I judge that using demos (which unfortunately I can't get for the Wii) and reviews from journalists I have shared the opinion of in the past.


You rated Mass Effect as 'shit' (funny for a game I love that is very popular on the Other Consoles board), but that title only cost me £19.99 brand new in Gamestation. Forza was free with a controller and is easily my least liked and least played title on the list. Just because you 'hate' that sort of game doesn't take away from the fact that it was many peoples' nomination as best online multiplayer game of its year of release.


Stop getting so damn defensive about your Wii. All I'm saying is most of the titles on the shelf don't stand out enough to me to warrant purchase, whereas the 360 has a whole library of titles that I consider must-haves.

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Halo 3 - overrated. SHOOTER

Kameo - Come on is this a joke. So much promise, such a shit game!

skate. - Very good.

Viva Pinata - Good

Forza Motorsport 2 - Hate games like this

Gears of War - Pretty good. Overrated

Rainbow Six: Vegas - SHOOTER

Mass Effect - SHIT! (only played for a couple of hours though)

Blue Dragon - AVERAGE

Guitar Hero III - Amazing!

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja - Don't know

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 - SHOOTER


Why can't the Wii be the FPS console of choice? When I play Orange Box and CoD4 I just wish they were on the Wii because of the controls! I EASILY prefer Metroid to any of those games, mainly BECAUSE of the controls!


What in god's name is wrong with GRAW2, R6V, GoW, or Forza 2?


If you have a way of squeezing the experience (and sharp controls) of The Orange Box and CoD4 onto a Wii, please tell Valve and Infinity Ward now. CoD4 and TOB work so well because they feel so amazing, and high-res textures, sharp controls, high frame rates, and very good physics (more obvious in TOB, more unessential-but-handy for CoD4).



That's not a good list of games if you ask me.


Note to self: never, ever ask dazzybee for game recommendations...


I have a limited budget, so my list of games isn't what I would like it to be, but this is what I personally own:



Twilight Princess

Excite Truck

Wii Sports

Wii Play

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Call of Duty 3

I've also played extensively Red Steel, Resident Evil 4 Wii, and WarioWare.


Xbox 360

Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter

Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2

Rainbow 6 Vegas



Perfect Dark Zero

Call of Duty 4

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


Assassin's Creed

Gears Of War

I've played The Orange Box and Bioshock extensively too, and played demos, a luxury I can't enjoy on the Wii, of most of the "big name" games, almost all of which I liked.

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spirited is right here, that's the way I see it too.


If I had the time I'd love to have a 360, but for me the, Wii provides me with more than enough entertainment. I imagine that if I did have the time and the money, I'd have a 360.

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How can anyone say the Wii doesn't have some really good games!! If you actually play them? prefer the 360? Fine. But dont say the Wii has no good games, it has LOTS!!



I'm pretty sure he's not implying it has no good games. But it's plain to see there's more quality on the 360 atm. And it comes back to third party quality - blah blah blah. I mean Ubisoft are doing a great job with the 360 - I would take AC ,R6V,GRAW,Far Cry and PoP over Rayman and BIA any day. There's clearly more quality there, but aside form that it comes down to preference ( I'm a big FPS fan so I'm as happy as a bunny atm). The Third party scene is looking up though for Wii fans, due to NMH and the like.


The Wii has lots of good games? Maybe, but I'd rather take a swag bag of excpetional titles that we are recieving on the 360 atm. I just cant wait until Ninty unveils and releases all its big hitters :)

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I can only take so many shooting games. The Wii gives me variety and fun, and pretty much everyone will probably disagree with me and flame me but I just prefer Wii/DS games to what the competition has to offer, and I'm rapidly losing faith in the 360.

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