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Guest Stefkov

Being single is good. Money can be spent on yourself. No need to buy presents at Valentines, no need to buy anyone anything.

Being single is bad. You get lonely. You see all these couples around college and when you focus on them, they're everywhere. Everyone has a girlfriend/boyfriend.

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I'm sick of there being so many whores around these days. Anybody remember the word "commitment"?


I think people are generally scared shitless and insecure to get themselves into a long-term relationship. Because many people are totally unhappy with themselves and always looking for something new to discover some kind of happiness. (My cynical view).


I second what you said above. (At times it feels like real feeling is gone from our world in the face of "what makes you look best".)


There is something totally wrong with society when it is deemed wrong to tell someone you are in love with them.



Anyway, I'm engaged and so happy that I actually found someone amongst the shit heap that is modern society. There is someone for everyone, that's why there are so many scuddy kids in the world

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Nice one for making the thread. :)


Well, as I mentioned in the image gallery, being single has its upsides. The freedom is great, to be able to do whatever you want, and however you want to do it, without having somebody pissed off at you, or angry. It means you can talk to whoever you want without making somebody feel jealous either.


It's nice to have that, to feel that you are in control of your own life, whereas in a couple you have to think of the two of you. It can be a bit of a hindrance sometimes.


What I miss though: Seeing, and doing all these cool things, and not having anybody to share it with. You can tell your friends, sure...but you don't have that same connection.


That's what I miss the most. Having somebody there to get as excited as you are about something, the in-jokes that only you two will ever totally understand, and things like that.






I admit that commitment scares me, I pretty much run a mile as soon as the other half (who is non-existant as of 6months ago) starts talking about the future I run. I'm pretty young, and because of the height think and attitude it has to be a slightly older guy. But kids? I mean really like I'm gonna pop out of those for anybody.


I swear you guys really do drive me mad sometimes :indeed:

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Did you say you were 6ft? Do you feel weird about going out with guys who are shorter than you?


Most of the girls I've been out with were taller, some a lot taller and although other people thought it was weird, neither me nor the person I was with did.

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I don't feel weird if im not dating them, if i am I feel funny that I'm the younger one and the taller.


Lying down we maybe the same height but that doesn't work when I want to go to town with them or anywhere for that matter. Plus I have to bend down to kiss them...0.o

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Being in a relationship as I am currently is great, but when I was single, I never made a big deal about being single, I just enjoyed my life as it was and thought, if I get a girlfriend, then great, if I haven't got one, i'm fine with that too. I'm not one of those people that needs to be in a relationship to be happy.

Being in a relationship is soo much better though!

I think Mika puts it well in his song 'Lollipop': 'Live your life until love is found, or love's gonna get you down.'

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Ha! You're not THAT tall!


Sounds like you're looking for someone who's your superior rather than equal, by age or height or whatever. Someone who can lead you, make you feel safe. I would recommend someone more equal or at least be less picky! :p

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This is why i've decided to stop dating older women, the last few girlfriends i've had are all a few years older than me (2-5 years). THEY ALL WANT BLOODY KIDS!


At the start it's fine and they're content being a couple, enjoying themselves and living a fun life. Then, after a few months, the commitment talk starts. marriage, children, houses and all this stuff i really don't want or care about right now. Im 20, i have no intention of settling down for a good few years yet ;) I want to get my degree, i want to see the world, i want to get on with my career!


Im happy being single for now, life is going a lot better than it was before Christmas. I prefer the freedom and the meeting people without feeling guilty. Im liking my life being mine again! :yay:


I've made a promise to myself, the next girl date will be younger than me. 2 or 3 years sounds like a good bet!

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At the moment I'm not too bothered about being single. Though I do miss having someone to hang out with, play games with and who I can just be silly with. And hugs. D:


I'm just worried I won't really find someone, since I never seem to meet new people (and if I do they're never guys). Plus no one in my life (living close) has ever shown interest in me, apart from either freaky guys from Turkey or Morocco or old men. =(

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Ha! You're not THAT tall!


Sounds like you're looking for someone who's your superior rather than equal, by age or height or whatever. Someone who can lead you, make you feel safe. I would recommend someone more equal or at least be less picky! :p


I need someone who challenges my intelligence rather than someone who could make me feel safe. I'm able to do that myself, guys going ''aww I'd look after you'' ack.


You'd be surprised how much it matters round this area. My height that is.

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As somebody else mentioned in this thread (think it was Le Fish), whenever somebody appears on the horizon and I take a shine to them, it's always complicated in some way. They either are interested in somebody else, or have ex boyfriends they're still hooked on or something.


The last girl I liked said she wanted somebody who knew her, and wanted the closeness. So, I thought I could be that person. But, when it all came out that I liked her, she said we were good friends and it would ruin things. Fair enough, but we weren't all THAT close anyway, and we speak very little now anyways.


Oh, and as far as closeness goes, did she really want that? Bollocks did she! She kissed a 'hot' Irish guy, who goes after anyone, right infront of me. Lovely.

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Theres a hell of alot of short people and every guy I seem to be even remotely interested in prefers short girls.


What dear I ask is wrong with tall girls? Are we some form of freak because you cannot put your chin on our head?


Poor link! what a nasty piece of work that girl sounds. Theres been a few times thats happened to me, unfortunetly some I still have to see and one I have to see nearly everyday...-.-

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Ah harsh stuff Flink McFlinkerson. This might sound a little mean but maybe it was just her way of saying that she wasnt interested in you and now that you don't see any potential in her you don't make the same effort. And now you don't talk?

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This is why i've decided to stop dating older women, the last few girlfriends i've had are all a few years older than me (2-5 years). THEY ALL WANT BLOODY KIDS!


At the start it's fine and they're content being a couple, enjoying themselves and living a fun life. Then, after a few months, the commitment talk starts. marriage, children, houses and all this stuff i really don't want or care about right now. Im 20, i have no intention of settling down for a good few years yet ;) I want to get my degree, i want to see the world, i want to get on with my career!


Im happy being single for now, life is going a lot better than it was before Christmas. I prefer the freedom and the meeting people without feeling guilty. Im liking my life being mine again! :yay:


I've made a promise to myself, the next girl date will be younger than me. 2 or 3 years sounds like a good bet!


Imagine the marriage/kids talk at 17! It scares the crap out of me! :shakehead

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Ah harsh stuff Flink McFlinkerson. This might sound a little mean but maybe it was just her way of saying that she wasnt interested in you and now that you don't see any potential in her you don't make the same effort. And now you don't talk?


That's probably it, haha. Well, we don't really see each other all that much now. There was a point where we were very close and we've speak or txt every day or something, but those days are long gone.


Still, it just never seems to get started, especially with girls I really like.

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What dear I ask is wrong with tall girls? Are we some form of freak because you cannot put your chin on our head?


Nah. There is a perfectly rational explanation although it still sucks. It's just that everyone has an image of a relationship and usually the guy is a bit taller than the woman. Mainly for the reasons I was talking about earlier, the whole "man protect woman" thing (blargh!).


Same thing happens with me. I'm far too short and so girls don't consider me. 5'4" isn't exactly minature but it seems to put people off me. Like in the past I've watched girls I've been making serious progress end up with guys who were much worse catches than me.


But don't let it knock you. Think of it as a bullshit filter. People will go out with you for who you are. Never a bad thing.

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I've been single since I was 18 (5 years ago) mostly by choice because lets face it who really wants to be tied down at uni. The last 2 or 3 months i've kind of wanted to have someone again but as im leaving the country in september part of my thinks it would be silly.

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So I've been in the Single's Club for 20 years, I'm expecting my gold service badge in the post any time soon...


:( :'(


*runs off crying*


On a serious note, there has been the odd occassion where my charm has worked, but I was too stupid to read the signs.

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I've been single since I was 18 (5 years ago) mostly by choice because lets face it who really wants to be tied down at uni. The last 2 or 3 months i've kind of wanted to have someone again but as im leaving the country in september part of my thinks it would be silly.


I have been single since i have been born and i am far to shy and nervous around people.

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