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  Oxigen_Waste said:
I have a feeling that it's the other way around... Harvey Dent is barely a ditraction, the Joker is the main point.


And why are people already talking about a third?



Chris Nolan spoke to The Los Angeles Times very recently and he gave one quote that will probably give quite a few Batman fans pause. Of The Dark Knight, he said:


"Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) is a tragic figure, and his story is the backbone of this film. The Joker, he sort of cuts through the film -- he's got no story arc, he's just a force of nature tearing through. Heath has given an amazing performance in the role, it's really extraordinary."


So, that would seem to mean that The Joker is not strictly speaking the main villain of The Dark Knight. But let's think about this for a second before we throw up our arms in fury that we've been deceived. As anyone who's seen the IMAX prologue will know, when we first meet The Joker in the movie he has already become the clown prince of crime. So this won't be an origin story for him (unless we get a few Killing Joke style flashbacks).


That means we take Nolan's quote to mean that we'll see Harvey Dent go from upstanding citizen to tragic villain, while The Joker just runs amok through Gotham causing mayhem and bloodshed and helping push other characters' stories along. That would make the marketing of this movie even cleverer, since we've seen next to nothing of Two-Face, meaning we've seen very little of the plot.



That's why I thought that.

The "Reverend" Fred Phelps's Westboro Baptist Church announced plans to protest at the funeral of Heath Ledger.




The "God Hates Fags" hatemongers will picket the decease Aussie actor's funeral because he is a pervert who promoted homosexuality by appearing as a gay man in Brokeback Mountain.


We wish we could laugh at this stupidity, but it just makes us angry!


Heath may not have been perfect, but he doesn't deserve this.


I hate these people so much it hurts.

The "Reverend" Fred Phelps's Westboro Baptist Church announced plans to protest at the funeral of Heath Ledger.




The "God Hates Fags" hatemongers will picket the decease Aussie actor's funeral because he is a pervert who promoted homosexuality by appearing as a gay man in Brokeback Mountain.


We wish we could laugh at this stupidity, but it just makes us angry!


Heath may not have been perfect, but he doesn't deserve this.


Bastards, the lot of them... :nono:


I know, it's fucking ridiculous. Didn't their parents teach them to have a little respect? Damn, I wish he'd have won that oscar, that really would have pissed them off. Hopefully the oscars will honour him in some way, if not this year, then next.


It sounds like he was one troubled guy, and the Batman movie apparently wasn't helping him in the slightest (In an interview he expressed his difficulty sleeping due to playing such a pyschotic, non-empathetic character).

  Wes said:
You guys should check out Louis Theroux's documentary on the fag haters.


Yeah I saw that, it was really good. Also there was another one (exactly the same family) a couple months later, I think on Channel 4, with Keith Allen presenting which I though was a bit better because Keith actually challenges the family and digs up dirt on them and basically threatens them.


I cannot believe fag haters doing this...hopefully they can keep the location and time a closely kept secret.


As for Heath Ledger, its a real shame, I'm by no means a great fan of any of his work but I really am looking forward to Dark Knight. Can people win Oscars posthumously?


I would have thought so, yeah, though I'm not sure. Hopefully.


Apparently, no-one will know the actual cause of death (i.e what drug it was, whether it was intentional or not) for about 10-14 days when the results from the toxiology test comes back because the autopsy was "inconclusive". (According to Amercian Tv).

  Dan Dare said:
that's true.


a third is being allowed for with this one- harvey dent being the link, not the joker.



shit. the more i think about this, i feel worse. i hate seeing the talented go so young. he was on the brink of being a magnificent performer.


Precisely what I thought -- he'd barely started.


I don't believe any of the rubbish about him intentionally doing something like this. It's a tragic accident, is all it is.


Utterly unbelievable, the whole thing :/

  Daft said:
Some places are saying he had pneumonia.


Yeah, I qouted that earlier in the thread somewhere. Apparently, that, mixed with the pills he was taking may have been what caused his death.


It really is sad, I mean, there are lots of articles taalking about how the best was yet to come for him etc. I mean, he was only 28 and he had done some fantastic movies. It's sort of like River Phoenix take 2.


Oh man, I'm really surprised I'm moved so much by his death.

He had a great career ahead of him and although I only saw him in one movie so far but he really impressed me as the joker.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just to update: The death was offically an accident, with no intent involved.



HEATH Ledger's grieving family has issued a warning against mixing prescription drugs after US authorities found the actor died of an accidental overdose.


Medical authorities say the 28-year-old Australian film star died from an accidental overdose of six different drugs, prompting doctors to warn of the dangers of combining prescription drugs.


The Perth-born actor's father, Kim Ledger, added his voice to the warnings.


"While no medications were taken in excess, we learned today the combination of doctor-prescribed drugs proved lethal for our boy," he said in a statement.


"Heath's accidental death serves as a caution to the hidden dangers of combining prescription medication, even at low dosage."


Ledger died in his New York apartment "of acute intoxication" from the combination of two strong painkillers, two anti-anxiety medicines and two sleeping aids, according to the medical examiner's office.


Among the drugs found in his body were oxycodone, a painkiller sold as OxyContin and used in other pain relievers such as Percodan and Percocet.


Others included drugs sold as anti-anxiety pills Valium and Xanax, which are sedatives.


The medical examiner and police would not identify the medications Ledger had in his apartment when his body was discovered on January 22, nor would they discuss who had prescribed them.


The Drug Enforcement Administration is investigating how Ledger obtained the medications and whether they were prescribed illegally.


It is common for investigators to review prescriptions when so many drugs are involved in an overdose death, said spokesman Rusty Payne.


Doctors not connected with the case said it would be unlikely for one doctor to prescribe all the drugs.


However, they said it is not unusual for people to be prescribed both painkillers and sedatives, and overdoses are not uncommon.


"This is not rock star wretched excess," said Cindy Kuhn, a pharmacology professor at Duke University.


"This is a situation that could happen to plenty of people with prescriptions for these kind of drugs."


Kuhn said some of the drugs are long-lasting and Ledger could have taken them over a period of several days.


The medical examiner's office wouldn't say what concentrations of each drug were found in Ledger's blood.


"What you're looking at here is the cumulative effects of these medications together," said the spokeswoman, Ellen Borakove.


Police had said they found six bottles of anti-anxiety medicines, sleeping pills and other medicine in his Manhattan apartment after the Oscar-nominated actor was discovered dead in his bed last month.


"This was not a deliberate attempt to kill himself. This was an accident," said Lawrence Kobilinsky, head of forensic science at John Jay College in New York.


He had no role in the investigation.


"He just took too many drugs having similar effects on the central nervous system."


Experts said the combination of sedatives and the other medicines likely combined to suppress his brain function and his breathing.


They said that Ledger probably had been prescribed the medicine by a number of different doctors, because several of them were from the same class of drugs and used to treat similar symptoms.


"It doesn't make sense" that one doctor would prescribe all those, said Dr William Lee, an internal medicine specialist at the University of Texas-Southwestern in Dallas.


"It's more likely that he got them from different prescribers."

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