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Surviving The Flu Season


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My bad, I was talking about Spanish flu, I got it muddled up with regular old Influenza.

Spanish flu does kill healthy people more than old. See the 1918 flu pandemic.




Well you are a little right, there's a peak in the middle. But OAPs seemed to still be more vulnerable, and they're the people who would get the flu jab. Also small babies have a bad immune system, and they were more at risk too. So it would still seem bad immune system = get the flu. There's probably little difference in immune system throughout reasonable age children and older adults, so possibly other factors are at play.

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I kept getting ill, getting better then 2 weeks later getting ill again. I blame it on horrible people on the trains not using their hands when coughing and sneezing! show some manners people! I also blame the air con at work circulating all those germs around.


However I hardly take a sick day off at work cos I hate doing that, I feel worse if I lay in bed all day. I just soldier on like a hero!


Anyway the Doctor recommended me taking vitaman C tablets and also having a course of Echinacea which im doing. This should build up my immune system and hopefully stop me catching bugs. So far so good, touch wood.

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Well you are a little right, there's a peak in the middle. But OAPs seemed to still be more vulnerable, and they're the people who would get the flu jab. Also small babies have a bad immune system, and they were more at risk too. So it would still seem bad immune system = get the flu. There's probably little difference in immune system throughout reasonable age children and older adults, so possibly other factors are at play.



Same with "bird flu" if it did ever mutate to infect humans it would work in this way, killing the fittest, while the weak survive!


I get colds alot, well I'll wake up one day feeling a little snotty and rough but the next day I'm fine!


I have a cold right now but had it a few days, i'm feeling sorry for myself I really am a typical man cold kinda guy!


I did have flu 2 years ago with a severe chest infaction that was awful it got so bad i actually spent about 3 days crying. I went totaly nuts the doc just said that was due to the infection! Strange how it effects your mind to. I had it for about 3 weeks before going to the doc and him telling me off for not coming sooner as my chest was so bad, I was put on antibiotics to get rid of it. I was always told "you don't go to the doc's for cold/flu you just ride it out" I think when you start coughing up blood its time to get yourself to a doc though!


Oh and that was the one and only year I actually had the flu jab!

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When I get the flu, I reduce the amount of dairy I consume.


Dairy = Bad


Dairy products, in general, cause the human body to produce mucus. When you have a cold, the human body also produces more mucus than normal. It is much better to stick to clear fluids when you have a cold or flu so as to avoid too much mucus.



Edited by fex
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