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N-Europe 2008 Meetup!


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Guest Stefkov
Lol, well I was just thinking of a couple of people and a "NE are here sign" or somesuch.


After all, Hyde Park is relatively large, and admit, username stickers will be fun. And as the day goes on, people can swap them round, leading to amusement. :wink:


Also Bluey: I may or may not be going to Japan this Summer.

I was only kidding. It would be quite funny to see loads of people with little white stickers on their shirts...or other places.

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so... nobody wants to come to japan...?

that's fine.... :cry:



y'all need a facebook event page for this ~ much easier way of sharing phone numbers and new info n' stuff.... why dont you make that?? :wtf:



i'll just...go back over here.... *points*


Facebook group sounds like a good idea. Problem is, I've only got like, 3 people from NE on my Facebook :heh:

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The only problem with a facebook group is that some people won't want to add random forumites as friends. (Incidentally, I don't really mind)


Edit: Realises that friend adding isn't necessary... even so, some people might not have facebook.


still - you can make it an open event, then link to the event page on here so that people who arent on facebook have the info readily available, and people who are - can join :smile:

the best thing about it it that it gives you a map to the location of the meet-up... and a set page with a date and time to be there, whoever hosts it can put a link to it in their signature or something... i duno~

juuust a suggestion. thought it'd make things easier for you guys ^_^

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A facebook group would be handy, but we could just do the same sort of stuff with a thread on here really. Get someone in charge of it, they edit up the first post with stuff, then also people can maybe post their faces so people know who looks like who(or not really, just a few faces would be neccessary in theory). I think I know what a few people look like already anyway, so I don't see it being much of an issue. I'm starting to look forward to this now, could be truly awesome!

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Facebook is a right pain, and I thought myspace was bad. I really wouldn't trust using facebook as a means of getting ahold of people's numbers when I could just pm them and ask.. 0.o


*is still waiting for PM*



Oh wait I see :(



Anyways, name tags for the lose! Anyone seen that friends episode where Ross is wearing name tags to his own party? Yep, it will be sadder than that. =] People can just shout out their names.

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Exactly, saves signing up to a website just to get contact numbers :heh:


I've long since left myspace, I barely use Bebo, only cause it's to stay in contact with a couple of folk and also at the time an extra way to talk to my ex since she didn't have MSN. Now I don't care for it.


PMing people is the way to go.


Chances are i'll know some folks names by then anyway. I already know a few aswell so that'll make things easier.

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Haha well I can easily remember people's names as long as they tell me ^.^


I left myspace when they decided they couldn't be bothered replying to me after emailing them 4 times, bebo I never joined because it bugged me and facebook was to keep in contact with an old friend.

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Guest Stefkov

I have accounts on like all of them. Boredness can do wonders. Also force from other people has a help in hand in this.

So who's gonna be meeting up at Euston?

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10am? You must be crazy! Plus, peak prices before 9.30, and young persons doesn't work before 10, and I don't work till well gone 11. I can foresee myself arriving like after 12, maybe 1 or 2 as I might get lost on the way, I'm planning on trying to bring someone with me too, if they're not useless. Is it gonna be a day spent entirely in the park?

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