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Rainbow six Vegas 2


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Yeah I think that's true, still it's either glitched or seriously typed wrong.


The achievement reads:


Elite Hunter 75

Complete all maps in splitscreen T-Hunt at Realistic difficulty.


So it's either glitched or never meant to say 'splitscreen', either way it's annoyingly wrong :heh:

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Why is it still called Rainbow Six when it's so action based now? What happened to the squads too?

In the prequel I just didn't like how you had to move your other squad mates while in the action they just ended up in the wrong places ending up getting themselves killed.

Sometimes the Enemy A.I would cheat too killing you with shotguns from long range..

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  • 3 weeks later...

So this game is out on Friday. Anyone picking it up fosho? I wasn't going to, but it seems I'm going to get paid for some work within a week or two, so I may just have to. Although jayseven and I still can't get through many Realistic/High Density T-Hunts on the first title :p


I'm looking forward to having my own character and leveling him up/customising him. It's not that big a deal, but the first game was flawed in that it seemed to randomly change your guns or outfit and nothing seemed saved from one play to the next, you always felt like you were just starting a new instanced map with a newly generated player every time. The rewards system should change that.

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So this game is out on Friday.

Thursday, from what I hear. Something to do with a bank holiday.


At any rate, my PS3 copy has been shipped from ShopTo so I shall return with impressions on the morrow. Predictions: "It's very much like the first one."

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Gunna pick this up the weekend (£22.00 trade in for Mario Party 8! :heh: )


I didn't play Rainbow Six Vegas 1, even though I played all the previous ones!


Hell, Rainbow Six 3 got me into online gaming (Was my first "real" online game!), , owe alot to that game. (And our clan was 3rd in Europe ^_-)

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Guest Stefkov

I'm liking the COD4 inclusions. The progress bar at the bottom. The new marksman, etc stuff. The running.

It's basically Call of Duty: Rainbow 6 Vegas.

I've only played 2 or 3 T-hunts though.

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This might be a title I will have to wait for a bargain price for, pick it up second hand with a voucher or something... as much fun as I've had on splitscreen co-op with the first, there just doesn't seem to be enough changed/updated in this one. Needs to feel like a whole new game, maybe they shouldn't even have gone with Vegas.

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