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Next months cover story is an RPG so engrossing, so epic, so hush hush that we would have to erase your memories if we told you what it is. In fact maybe we already did. RPG fans get ready for the big one!


What could it be? My bets are Golden Sun or the Final Fantasy game that has gone AWOL.

  McMad said:
It doesn't specify the system so it could be for DS...


Indeed. Some are speculating that it could be Mother 3 getting a western release. I personally hope its for the Wii as the DS already has its fair share of RPGs.


It can't be Golden Sun as Camelot has recently said that they are too busy with current projects, although they have Nintendo's approval to make one.


This sentence could be a clue:

so hush hush that we would have to erase your memories if we told you what it is. In fact maybe we already did.

My guess is Kingdom Hearts: Mess of Memories.


I want this to be on the Wii, cause I need RPGs on that more than the DS. I need a proper RPG.


Any idea when Baroque is out here yet? Hope it's soon after US...

  ShadowV7 said:
Any idea when Baroque is out here yet? Hope it's soon after US...
That along with "Atlus publishing" makes it dificult.


We have no date, or plans so far for a Baroque PAL, it'll come eventually though... I hope. But no less than 6 months afterwards (with luck) I'm afraid.


EDIT1: Anyone thought about the Skies of Arcadia rumor that's been making the rounds lately, yet? that, or perhaps Matsumo RPG is finally making a appearance... I dunno.


Hope it's for the Wii and it surfaces soon.


EDIT2: Oh, just remembered about the Suikoden VI rumors on the Wii, but I wouldn't think of those as a "major breakthrough" for us. (I'd think this title was the case if, this promise was done by ONM-UK who always overhype stuf, though)


Yea been thinking that with previous games, isn't looking to good is it. Good thing is, i'll get a hige RPG rush later on in the year.


That should calm me down for a few months once I get them.


Hoping for GS3, always liked the first two. Or perhaps a new Earthbound, I've never played any of those games but I always liked Ness on SSB :p


Golden Sun 3 is in developement and will be annouced soon. I can't say what platform though, I'm guessing the Wii though what with the whole Camelot RPG thing.


Might not be that but it definitely makes sense. Don't think Nintendo have any other RPG's in developement ready for annoucement, and can't see someone like Square-Enix letting Nintendo power annouce their new RPG.


And where did you read that? Camelot said only a few months ago that they are not working on Golden Sun 3 because they are to busy with other projects.

  pedrocasilva said:
Anyone thought about the Skies of Arcadia rumor that's been making the rounds lately, yet? that, or perhaps Matsumo RPG is finally making a appearance... I dunno.


What do these rumours entail? Just the usual whisperings about it being in development and that or has anything new been making the rounds?

  Goron_3 said:
It's going to be Kingdom Hearts.


I hope it is, cos it will shut up the rumours of a KH's game on Wii (it's been going round for AGES!).


That would be very unlikely for these reasons;


1. It would be very odd to reveal a high profile sequel for a Japanese series like Kingdom Hearts in an American videogames magazine. Normally Kingdom Hearts games are revealed in Famitsu and then fully at TGS (2003; KH2/CoM, 2006; Final Mix 2, 2007; PSP/DS/Mobile Phone spin-offs).


2. I believe you're implying Kingdom Hearts 3 being revealed, if not then ignore this point. Anyway, only Nomura and the Kingdom Hearts team handle the 'real' Kingdom Hearts games (KH1/2) and since they're busy working away at Final Fantasy Versus XIII I think Kingdom Hearts 3 is a long way off from release.


Although, A compilation of the first two could be revealed for the Wii, something not too high profile but still good enough for Nintendo owners who have never experienced the series to get excited about.


Personally though I think since Nintendo Power has got this exclusive then either the developer of this RPG is an American third party making it only for Wii or it is something in-house from Nintendo but they're aiming the game at an American audience instead of a Japanese one.


Another possible outcome is that this is could be a very big game, so big that it will be revealed before Nintendo Power publishes its exclusive although the magazine may have some exclusive information and an interview with the developer to act as an incentive to buyers who will already know about the game at the time.


I'm looking in to this way too much but I love to speculate. :heh:

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