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Piercings and/or tattoos!


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They are also called forward helix, it's confusing when they have so many names, here's a better image for most ear piercings:




the rook and daith look pretty awesome.


Oh yes, surgical spirits are not recommended by piercists. If you use them too strong you can actually burn your skin.


I used savlon (in pure form from the bottle) on my lip piercing, it was HELL. I went in to see the piercist and he was actually shocked at how badly it had burned my skin. Never again.


I now only ever use it every couple of days if there's a spot, or its looking very irritated. I water it down loads too. Salty water is most definitely the way to go, its natural and doesn't sting.


@ shorty; double lip piercing - way to go!! Snakebite style i presume? *thumbs up* I would get that done, but 1) i had hell with my first one, 2) I'm beginning to wonder if I'll look daft with the double nostril and a double lip.... haha.






I really wants! but my arthritis wouldn't approve, my wrists have a tendency to swell, and its a surface piercing and would probably die anyway. :(

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You could probably get a microdermal instead raining, it probably wouldn't be as much swelling.


I personally prefer surface piercings to microdermals because they are new whereas surfaces aren't. Plus imo microdermals aren't lasting as well as surface piercings, even though surface don't generally last very long.


You should get a rook, very nice piercing!


SSS should always be recommended by a piercer, people seem to come back from piercers with all sorts of things to whack on their new piercing, it really does scare me because there is no need whatsoever.


Plus alot of the time people seem to assume things are infected, go grab anitbitiocs which infact all they need is some tlc..it's a strange world the piercing business.

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You could probably get a microdermal instead raining, it probably wouldn't be as much swelling.


I personally prefer surface piercings to microdermals because they are new whereas surfaces aren't. Plus imo microdermals aren't lasting as well as surface piercings, even though surface don't generally last very long.


You should get a rook, very nice piercing!


SSS should always be recommended by a piercer, people seem to come back from piercers with all sorts of things to whack on their new piercing, it really does scare me because there is no need whatsoever.


Plus alot of the time people seem to assume things are infected, go grab anitbitiocs which infact all they need is some tlc..it's a strange world the piercing business.


I'd have no bother getting it done, just my wrists swell when i have bad arthritic-ness, and i imagine that would put stress on the skin where the piercing is, and push it outwards..


I find with enough care to piercings they don't generally go wrong.. Even my spotty nose is getting there with a bit of extra tlc :heh:

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haha mine are the opposite, generally when you feel worn down so do your piercings and I'm feeling the effect, my new conch is doing good but both my eyebrow and second tragi arent doing well because i've been having to sleep on them.


boo >_>

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@ shorty; double lip piercing - way to go!! Snakebite style i presume? *thumbs up* I would get that done, but 1) i had hell with my first one, 2) I'm beginning to wonder if I'll look daft with the double nostril and a double lip.... aha.

Actually I want the second one on the right, just a few millimetres apart from the other one. When I first decided I wanted this, I'd never seen anyone else with it, but in the last couple of months I've seen two people v_v, still, I want to do it.


Damn right it does you should see me in mine :yay:


*pictures soag in his bikini*







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Ouchies, your hip doesn't look very happy with you letty! Was it growing out or something?


It only started getting sore and bleeding when I took them out! Nah, they weren't growing out too badly, I just got bored of them.


New anti-eyebrow!!




edit - haha, wtf am I doing with my face? :D

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It only started getting sore and bleeding when I took them out! Nah, they weren't growing out too badly, I just got bored of them.


New anti-eyebrow!!




edit - haha, wtf am I doing with my face? :D



My fiancee used to have that beneath her left eye, freaking loved that thing but sadly it grew out :(

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It only started getting sore and bleeding when I took them out! Nah, they weren't growing out too badly, I just got bored of them.


New anti-eyebrow!!




edit - haha, wtf am I doing with my face? :D


Nice Letty. :smile:

Nice odd face photo as well. :p

Look like your lips are trying to move off your face. :p

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I have to say it looks great letty, I'm jealous I'd really love one. Shame about the hip piercings, my mates boyfriend has had his for a year now without much trouble! Hopefully your anti-eyebrow will be able to last longer ^.^


I'm really tempted by double nostrils haha boo

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My girlfriends back/neck piercing grew out finally. Really did not like that.


She has a flesh tunnel in her ear which im not a big fan of either.....big holes in ears :( But I deal with it just about. I Just hope she doesn't stretch it any bigger to what I see some people have cos to be honest they look horrible. Other than that she has a couple of bars in her ear and her belly button pierced which is sexy.


She also has these crazy circles tatooed on her back which may look weird to some but they are infact very sexy. She has 5 altogether with each one getting bigger from bottom to top and every other one a different thickness. Sexy back :)

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I decided today if I were to ever get a tattoo it would be of a cartoon drawing of a snail with the line "Snails see the benefits, the beauty in every inch." Because its such a lovely line that looking at it would make me smile.


(Not that I ever would as I'm already bored of the haircut I got a few weeks ago)

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Heh, just found this site on general searches through the web. There are some fantastically geeky tattoos on there. Maybe I'll go get something geology or palaeontology based like Calymene blumenbachii or a crinoid. :grin:



these geeky tattoos are great!


I still want a tattoo, I have been mulling it over for a couple of years now, and i think i'm getting close to a design I could go with. Not drawn it yet, but I have a good mental image. I am think of a deciduous tree including root system on the inside of my left arm, with birds flying off the top of the tree, spiralling round up to my elbow.

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I'm laughing at impulsively getting a Bjork tatoo. Just a tiny one of one of her symbols or something. I doubt I'll ever stop loving her music, maybe it won't be listened to as much in 20+ years, but to be honest, it would always remind me of my teenage years/seeing her live.


This is Bjork's tattoo on her left arm;




I really like it, as it's some pagan rune people used to "use to find their way home". Obviously i'd never copy hers, but i like that idea.


I've seen someone get a tiny one of these ducks behind their ear too. It's too cutesy though.



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