RoadKill Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 better audio? This is a common misconception, and the reality is the opposite, if any difference at all. The table speaks for itself, the most important thing to note being that Dolby TrueHD is mandatory on HD-DVD, this gives multi channel lossless sound. The interactivity on HD-DVD is far superior - all HD-DVD players can overlay secondary video onto the existing video - early blu-ray players have nothing like this functionality, not to mention early blu-ray discs tended to be encoded in old school MPEG2 and there were many reviews comparing the MPEG2 blu-ray and VC1 HD-DVD versions of the same film, always favouring HD-DVD. In summary, although blu-ray has a slightly higher total capacity on paper, in reality, it is more expensive to produce, and in the early days at least, it was undoubtedly inferior to HD-DVD - today, though, many of the issues are being cleared up (at the expense of making your older blu-ray players obsolete) and HD-DVD and Blu-ray are ultimately pretty much the same from the standpoint of someone wanting to watch high quality video. Blu-ray has the advantage currently in marketshare, but HD-DVD has the price advantage by far - not only are the discs cheaper to produce, the players have been plummeting in price. The major studios also have been showing indecisiveness in which direction they choose. Blu-ray looks like the most likely candidate to win based on marketshare in all honesty; but I think anyone with all the facts would see that HD-DVD is in reality the better choice in all but storage size; from a technical and economical view. Anyone here talking about the size of the discs is in a world of irrelevance - what wins out as a storage format for data, and what wins out as a video format for the public are two very different things. Honestly though? I don't have either and I'll just stick to downloading DVD rips; but if I had to put my money down for one right now, I'd buy the HD-DVD addon for the 360.
Ramar Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 HD-DVD vs Blu Ray Blu Ray holds more data which means the porn industry is more likely to embrace this technology.... and we know what this means. I was under the impression Blu Ray had said they weren't allowing porn on their format. Edit- Shit, Daft beat me. Teaches me for not reading the whole topic. I thought the porn industry preferred HD-DVD?
Caris Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 A big porn company went blu just before Christmas, can't remember the name though.
Hero-of-Time Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 In this months EMPIRE they say that HD-DVDs are outselling Blu-Ray 11-1 in europe.
Caris Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008
Caris Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 Mabey the January sales, i know blu-ray out sold HD-DVD in Dec aswell...
Fresh Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 Depends where you read, people can manipulate statistics to say anything.
Kirkatronics Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 do ps3's count as blueray players in the statistics?
gmac Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 not always most of the time it is only dedicated players that are counted, the argument being that the ps3 may not be being used for films
DCK Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 Yeah it never really counts PS3 sales. From what I've seen it nearly always does. They usually count the 360 HD DVD player too. This war would probably have been over if the 360 had been equipped with a HD DVD drive.
fex Posted January 3, 2008 Author Posted January 3, 2008 From what I've seen it nearly always does. They usually count the 360 HD DVD player too. This war would probably have been over if the 360 had been equipped with a HD DVD drive. As long at the 360 was a the same price point. i.e. the HD-DVD drive didn't bump the price up £50. Then I would agree with you to a certain extent and HD-DVD would have alot more dominance than it has now. Yeah it never really counts PS3 sales. But why, please don't tell me people buy the PS3 for its catalogue of games
Mokong Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 I don't have a HDTV so i'm not too bothered, and even if i did i'd prolly still just wait it out and be happy with my DVDs. Although i kinda am pulling for HD-DVD, mainly cuz i don't like Sonys "PS3" tactics, I question how much they view the system as a games system and how much they view it as a trojan horse filled with Blu-Ray instead of Greeks, trying to sneak it into homes off the PS brand. Plus I just think it would be pure comedy if they pulled another "Beta" But with more studios using Blu-Ray exclusively I think it's got the advantage.... of course it helps most of those studios Sony own part of , plus Disney is a big advantage. But it'll prolly be a long time yet, as been mentioned earlier HDTV penetration is very small, until the standard TV in homes is HDTV the "winner" will not be found.
mr_bogus Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Anyone know how accurate Michael Bay's rant last month was? He was going on about Microsoft pushing the worse format for the sole purpose of stumping BR's growth, so that they could later rise out of the ashes of the format war with digital downloads...
fex Posted January 3, 2008 Author Posted January 3, 2008 Anyone know how accurate Michael Bay's rant last month was? He was going on about Microsoft pushing the worse format for the sole purpose of stumping BR's growth, so that they could later rise out of the ashes of the format war with digital downloads... Yeh but digital downloads are going to be 5 / 10 years away at least before the mainstream grabs hold of it, And thats if it takes off. Personally I like having a hard copy of everything, it makes it real. My problem with anything legally downloadable is the DRM. I find it hard to think that digital download will become the norm anytime soon.
Emasher Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Yeh but digital downloads are going to be 5 / 10 years away at least before the mainstream grabs hold of it, And thats if it takes off. Personally I like having a hard copy of everything, it makes it real. My problem with anything legally downloadable is the DRM. I find it hard to think that digital download will become the norm anytime soon. If you want it to be on a physical disk just burn it.
That Guy Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 But it looks crap in the rest of your collection. I don't think you understand how us nerds think. People complain about Wii Sports coming in a cardboard slip rather than a proper case because it doesn't fit in with everything else. I don't want all films on hard disks anyway. I like music doing it because the iPod made it all easy to carry it around with you. I wont be doing that with my films. I like having a DVD/HD/Blu Ray collection. I can carry them around, take them to peoples houses etc. I'm against that and games becoming download media as well. Although I like those small games for XBLA and PSN as downloadable but they're not really the same thing.
Emasher Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Movies I'd rather download, Games I'd rather buy though because you would loose them all if your console broke unless the companies allowed us to back them up somehow.
Jasper Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 From a marketing point of view, Blu-Ray will win. It's much easier to remember than HD DVD (wich takes twice as long to pronounce). AFter CD, people looked for the new name. DVD got that, and now we need a new name. VCD didn't make it either (although it's not technically the same, off course). Now I'm looking from a marketing standpoint, never forget that. But Blu-Ray is marketed by Sony, who can pull huge strings on the movie industry thanks to Sonys own film companies. A lot of films are being made by Sony, and the real big films are made by choosers of blu-ray. I'de place my bet on Blu-Ray, like with DVD, thansk to PlayStation's unsurpassed name in Media. It made DVD big, it'll make Blu-Ray big - if digital download doesn't do that before them.
Nintenchris Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 From a marketing point of view, Blu-Ray will win. It's much easier to remember than HD DVD Put it this way, my dad hasnt a clue about any of this HD stuff and he asked me if it was HD DVD's he had to buy to watch on a HD tv... that right there says to me that even stupid people can make the connection between HD tv's and HD DVD. Mention Blu-Ray and hes lost
Jasper Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 In term's of marketing, Blu-Ray is better. Because it's much more surprising. HD DVD is too long, says to much (and therefore passing curiosity away from the user). Blu-Ray can pull this attraction from users because of it's high-priced curiosity. Also, HD DVD is starting with too low prices, way too early in the war. HD is still something that's supposed to cost a lot of money - not because it has too, but because it's an awesome buzzword that will only become popular when the heat settles down. Most people don't buy into the buzz - they wait it out and see afterwards. But HD DVD is already within their price range, and is therefore not really a part of the buzz anymore - but the problem is that they're supposed to be buzz. People look at HD DVD as if the buzz without HD. Sounds logical anyone?
AshMat Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 Movies I'd rather download, Games I'd rather buy though because you would loose them all if your console broke unless the companies allowed us to back them up somehow. The same bloody thing could happen if the Hard Drive your movies were on broke.
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