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Smallvile - Legion


Getting rid of Rosenbald was one of the best things this show has done. It's almost as if it's an entirely different show, I see no reason why it can't go on for seasons to come. This was an awesome episode, and it's only mid-season. Smallville has always been able to crank up the awesomeness as seasons progress. So, i'm looking forward to seeing what's next.


Legion really was a brilliant episode. I wouldnt agree though that getting rid of Lex was the best thing the show has done. For me hes probably been the one great and consistant thing throughout the crappier seasons. The new creative team that are pushing it more towards Superman are definately the reason its been so great.

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Legion really was a brilliant episode. I wouldnt agree though that getting rid of Lex was the best thing the show has done. For me hes probably been the one great and consistant thing throughout the crappier seasons. The new creative team that are pushing it more towards Superman are definately the reason its been so great.


Yeah, but how many fecking times could they do the whole "I'm Fighting my evil inner demons, there is still good in me, believe in me Clark". The way they ended things last season was awesome, it just took far too long for it to go down.

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It may have taken a while to get there but I liked the slow progression of Lex to proper villian from where he began in the show.


Its just a shame Lana had to return to the show, even if it is just for a bit. Now theres a character thats just been annoying ever since season 3.


Yeah, at least she'll be gone soon. I never realized how hot Erica Durance is, she's a bit of alright.

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Sometimes I wish there was a thread where I could generally ramble about anything, but I know...that would defeat the purpose of threads yada yada.


So the wire has got me hook, line and sinker. Anyway I just wanted to say the scene when McNulty and the other guy go and check out the apartment of the 'shorty' who was killed by D, well it's just good. They're looking at the scene of a murder which is horrific, but it's also comical and genius. I loved it. kthxbai


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Sometimes I wish there was a thread where I could generally ramble about anything, but I know...that would defeat the purpose of threads yada yada.


So the wire has got me hook, line and sinker. Anyway I just wanted to say the scene when McNulty and the other guy go and check out the apartment of the 'shorty' who was killed by D, well it's just good. They're looking at the scene of a murder which is horrific, but it's also comical and genius. I loved it. kthxbai


Word. Its a genuis scene and its like....yeah. It gets better though.

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Derren Brown: Two of his Live Shows


Excellent stuff. :grin: He amazes me and leaves me speechless! :o


The Simpsons: The Burns and the Bees


It sounds like a bit of a ridiculous plot but I feel they managed to pull off both parts of the story very well. I enjoyed the Billionaires handshake. It wasn't the funniest of episodes but it all seemed to work and there were few jokes that felt forced or lame. :D Plus I liked it focused on Mr. Burns as we hadn't for a while, though it had elements of Monty Can't buy me love!


Hannah Montana Season 3: Episode 1 and 2


Episode one had a good twist though it was the "it's all a dream" and episode teo was fun to see Miley get arrested! :) Though the new style of Hannah looks odd. They all look so much older now!

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Glad to see you're enjoying The Wire, Molly. I'm a touch evangelical about the whole affair so I'd be a little offended if you weren't :heh:
Yeah it's a winner, I need to watch more! Is it wrong that I'm attracted to McNulty? Maybe I should put him in the mancrush thread. Not because I'm a man, but because he is.
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Battlestar Galactica - Season 3 - Disk 1


Started watching this again.


The bit where Boomer walks onto the president's ship and says, 'Adam's back.', I was like FUCK YEAH HE IS! WOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!



Glad there was no one else in the house.


I'm saving Season 4 until it gets near the end on TV so I can watch it in the space of a couple days.

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..........You seem to imply that you don't even plan to watch it Molly? Are you mental?


I'll be watching it when its all out and finished on account of never having heard a single bad word against it.


I wouldn't say its unusual to be attracted to McNulty. He is basically the coolest person in the world.

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Dexter has improved a little. I liked the one where he nearly got caught, that was cool. I also like that they've caught the wrong Ice Truck guy, though i knew it wasn't him. I still dont get what the killer wants with Dexter, they must know him somewhere. I was thinking its maybe his real dad?

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Dexter has improved a little. I liked the one where he nearly got caught, that was cool. I also like that they've caught the wrong Ice Truck guy, though i knew it wasn't him. I still dont get what the killer wants with Dexter, they must know him somewhere. I was thinking its maybe his real dad?


Dexter is awesome.

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I've started The Sopranos.


God help me, I can feel the snare of HBO in me already. Top class writing, acting, filming and pacing again.

It's not as good as The Wire- I think The Sopranos feels more like..um, television. That probably sounds stupid, but The Wire feels more convincing as a portrait of something larger and more substantial than just a drama about a set cast of characters. The Sopranos, by comparison, feels considerably more contrived.

Still, it's brilliant. I'm definitely in to it.

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My Name is Earl: Season 4 Episode 1


I forgot how funny I find this show. I haven't watched Since Season 1 but will be tuning in next week. Tis a good way to kill half an hour.


Prison Break Season 4 Episodes 15-16.


I managed to get round to watching these today. :D Excellent stuff and I love the fact that will be coming to conclusion soon. Lots of twists and turns like usual. :)

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..........You seem to imply that you don't even plan to watch it Molly? Are you mental?


I'll be watching it when its all out and finished on account of never having heard a single bad word against it.


I wouldn't say its unusual to be attracted to McNulty. He is basically the coolest person in the world.

Maybe I am mental. I don't even know what it's about, well a galactic battlestar I guess, but hmm. It's not in my near future plans to be honest, but plans do change.

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You should watch it. The Sci Fi genre tag does it a disservice by association: what you really have from the show is one of the best, darkest and most politically charged dramas on television. I love it long time.


and you know I have the best taste on the forum, right? :heh:

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You should watch it. The Sci Fi genre tag does it a disservice by association: what you really have from the show is one of the best, darkest and most politically charged dramas on television. I love it long time.


and you know I have the best taste on the forum, right? :heh:

lol, well you certainly have good taste, I won't commit to the best! :heh:


Maybe I'll watch it, but at the moment I'm watching The Wire, 24, Heroes, ER, Lost from next week, scrubs when I get around to it, that's already too much TV for one person!

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