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Wii Beats Xbox360 In UK And DS Beaking Records Sales..


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Elitist and idiotic? It's the truth! Read any mutliplatform console magazine and see how highly they rate 360 games in comparison to the Wii.


The sun rises. The sun sets. This is an example of a truth.

People who prefer the Wii over the XBOX 360 have bad taste. This is an example of a minority opinion not backed up by statistics (see thread title) made purely to get a rise out of people.

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Actually I wouldnt agree with your puraches - Halo 3 is insanely overrated and while the orange box is an AMAZING package I would still choose Metroid 3!! Sorry.


No problem about Metroid Prime 3, I'll decide for myself honestly which of the two is better when I buy the game next week, but to get 5 fantastic games in one for only a ten pound higher price tag, I think I made the right move... and I am a real whore for Valve games.

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The sun rises. The sun sets. This is an example of a truth.

People who prefer the Wii over the XBOX 360 have bad taste. This is an example of a minority opinion not backed up by statistics (see thread title) made purely to get a rise out of people.


I'm not trying to get a rise out of anyone I'm merely expressing my own beliefs.


Fine I'm going to quote some scores from Edge probably along with Gamestm one of the best video game magazines you can buy.



1.Super Mario Galaxy: 10

2.Twilight Princess: 9

3.Zack and Wiki: 8

4.Metroid Prime 3: 7

5.Wii Sports: 7

6.RE: the Umbrella Chronicles: 7


Xbox 360:

1. Halo 3: 10

2. The Orange Box: 10

3. Call of Duty 4: 9

4. PGR 3/4: 9

5. Forza 2: 9

6. Gears of War: 8


I literally read through my own copies on the magazine to get these scores so I don't have an online source for them but I'm sure anyone else who reads Edge on here can see I'm telling the truth.


Now I'll quote Gamerankings, a website that compiles reviews from many websites and magazines for every game released to show the best rated games made in the past 10 years.


Here are the Wii titles in the top 50:

Super Mario Galaxy (no.2)

Twilight Princes (no.35)


Here are the 360 titles in the top 50:

The Orange Box (no.4)

Bioshock (no.14)

Call of Duty 4 (no.27)

Oblivion (no.33)

Rock Band (no.47)

Halo 3 (no.49)


I think I have now provided enough evidence to back my opinion up.

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Here are the 360 titles in the top 50:

The Orange Box (no.4)

Bioshock (no.14)

Call of Duty 4 (no.27)

Oblivion (no.33)

Rock Band (no.47)

Halo 3 (no.49)


I think I have now provided enough evidence to back my opinion up.


I've highlighted the 360 only games in your list! How does this prove the 360 is for gamers again???

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I've highlighted the 360 only games in your list! How does this prove the 360 is for gamers again???




McMad you are joking. That is your 'evidence' :) That is hilarious!!


Fine prove me wrong then, I've produced evidence to back up my stand-point on the 360 vs. Wii argument, why don't you do the same for your own.

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Surely using one reviewers scores is the exact same as using what I'd rate them, seeing as well, it's their reviewers opinion vs mine? (And I'm a journalist for a video game site who are members of GameRankings.com too).


I would point out all 6 of those games are second year games for the 360, and so while we like the present and it's great at the moment it is a bit of a harsh comparison for the Wii.


You're trying to make out that the quality of a video game isn't subjective anyway, which is absolutely rediculous. I'm sure there are millions of people who would much prefer to play Wii Sports then Halo 3 (and these are the sort of people who don't work in the games press industry), why is their opinion any lesser then mine our yours?

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McMad's method of showing the best games is a sound one. Its certainly the way we do it to analyse quality of games and the relationship to sales.


The key point is that on the Wii quality really doesn't matter, theres very little correlation between review score and sales of a title. For the 360 it's very important, better games have much better sales and the correlation is quite distinct.


All of this shows that there are very different overall consumer bases for the two machines. One with the hardcore gamers who want to play the best a machine has to offer, and one with a casual userbase who aren't really that interested in critical success, they just want to have fun.

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Fine prove me wrong then, I've produced evidence to back up my stand-point on the 360 vs. Wii argument, why don't you do the same for your own.


OK, firstly, you made a very readable and intelligent response and that's cool.


Yes, if you're a gamer who has bags of time and cash on their hands, I can totally empathise with preferring the 360 over the Wii. If you're a non-gamer who has little time and is conscious of spending money, I can empathise with preferring the Wii over the 360 (I'm actually a bit of both).


I think Will summed it up just now in a quite brilliant post. To put it another way: There are Wii owners enjoying Wii Sports just as much as 360 owners are enjoying Halo3. Gamerankings and Edge will tell you Halo 3 is the better game, but this is the opinion of a very narrow section of the total gaming audience. Wii owners from different sections would argue the reverse. There is nothing that makes your opinion more valid than anyone else's.


Dang, and there's me condescending essay writers. Over and out.

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1.Super Mario Galaxy: 10

2.Twilight Princess: 9

3.Zack and Wiki: 8

4.Metroid Prime 3: 7

5.Wii Sports: 7

6.RE: the Umbrella Chronicles: 7


Xbox 360:

1. Halo 3: 10

2. The Orange Box: 10

3. Call of Duty 4: 9

4. PGR 3/4: 9

5. Forza 2: 9

6. Gears of War: 8

Those 'statistics' support your opinion. But since they're based on opinions they are far from gospel.


Here's some more statistics for you that are also not gospel...


You left out my favourite Wii game, RE4: Wii Edition, which got a 9 in EDGE.


Halo 3 and Gears Of War are overrated, I would give them an 8 and 7 respectively.


Metroid Prime 3 was underrated, probably a result of being buried under Halo 3's hype - which just happened to be reviewed in the same issue. EDGE seem to have a habit of doing that, like the time they awarded Saints Row the somewhat unfair score of 6 when running an article on GTA IV in the same issue.

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This is a ridiculous thread. It all comes down to the stupid argument of which console is better... How can this be a meaningful discussion?


To be honest, I see the 360 has a quality lineup, but I don't understand the people saying that the Wii sucks at all - although it lacks the sheer quantity of 360 FPSes does not, does not, mean it isn't worth it. Get real.

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At the end of the day, this argument is simply down to opinion. Which console do you prefer? Which game do you prefer? Personally, I'd choose the Wii if I had to only play one console. I'd choose Metroid over Bioshock, Mario over Halo and Battalion wars over Warhawk. But that's me.


A console's success will ultimately be viewed in terms of it's commercial strengths and weaknesses. For example, last generation I would have chosen the Gamecube, then an XBOX then the PS2. However it will always be remembered the other way around.


I would choose to argue that with Metroid Prime and the superior version of RE4 that the GC had THE best software in that generation (have a loook at the top ten of all time on Gamerankings).


However all arguments are pointless, the Gamecube was the least successful of the three, and it will always be remembered that way.


People can crow all they want about the PS3s upcoming exclusives, or the 'bargain value' of the console when you take into account it includes a Bluray palyer, but if it sells like shite then the public have spoken, and it will be remembered as a flop.

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I'm not trying to get a rise out of anyone I'm merely expressing my own beliefs.


Fine I'm going to quote some scores from Edge probably along with Gamestm one of the best video game magazines you can buy.



1.Super Mario Galaxy: 10

2.Twilight Princess: 9

3.Zack and Wiki: 8

4.Metroid Prime 3: 7

5.Wii Sports: 7

6.RE: the Umbrella Chronicles: 7


Xbox 360:

1. Halo 3: 10

2. The Orange Box: 10

3. Call of Duty 4: 9

4. PGR 3/4: 9

5. Forza 2: 9

6. Gears of War: 8


I literally read through my own copies on the magazine to get these scores so I don't have an online source for them but I'm sure anyone else who reads Edge on here can see I'm telling the truth.


Now I'll quote Gamerankings, a website that compiles reviews from many websites and magazines for every game released to show the best rated games made in the past 10 years.


Here are the Wii titles in the top 50:

Super Mario Galaxy (no.2)

Twilight Princes (no.35)


Here are the 360 titles in the top 50:

The Orange Box (no.4)

Bioshock (no.14)

Call of Duty 4 (no.27)

Oblivion (no.33)

Rock Band (no.47)

Halo 3 (no.49)


I think I have now provided enough evidence to back my opinion up.


How is that evidence, it only proves that there is variation in Wii titles (correct me if I'm wrong but none of the Wii titles are of the same genre) whilst 2/3 of the 360 games are shooters, the other 1/3 being driving games, which sums up the 360 and why I prefer my Wii.


And if you want to get childish about things, check the top three best games of all time on Gamerankings, and half of the top 10. ALL of them are available on Wii.

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This is a ridiculous thread. It all comes down to the stupid argument of which console is better... How can this be a meaningful discussion?


Its not really meaningful at all as it all comes down to what games you like.


Im sick of having this same argument crop up time and time again on the forums in various threads. The fact is alot of people prefer the 360 to the Wii and alot of people prefer the Wii over the 360. If someone says they dont like the Wii/360/PS3 or that it has no good games then fine let it be its their own opinion. You cant argue to change how someone feels about what games they like.


Regardless how much a game scores in a magazine or website it still wont change the mind of someone who doesnt like the genre.


We dont mind healthy discussions on the forums but what is going on at the moment is just getting out of control. If it keeps up then everytime a topic gets posted about the sales figures of any of the consoles it will be locked.


So in conclusion whatever console you prefer whether it be the Wii/360/PS3 hell even the N-Gage handheld ( well maybe not that ) aslong as you like it and enjoy playing it then why should you care what other people think? If someone says the Wii is gimmicky then so what and has no good games then so what? You enjoy playing it right so why care? If someone says that the PS3 has no decent games and is a flop. big deal? You bought one and your happy with it.


Bottomline is that you dont have to agree with other peoples opinions but just respect them and see where they are coming from.



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