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Its not really a valid excuse for it though. I can't steal a nice car and get away with it under the argument "Well sorry but I wasn't going to buy it legally so its not really theft". At the end of the day publishers would make more money if the only way to obtain a game was through legal channels' date=' piracy does effect the industry and you can't argue that certain parts of it are ok.[/quote']


indeed. or "i was only trying the car out and i will buy the real one in time officer"

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Dear o dear it seems my fellow Dutchmen do not like buying games.. they rather download it.. I find this sad very sad because it seems they forget that if they dont buy games the developers have less money to develop better games and the pirates get more money to get those chips out cheaper and easier..


well my opinion is that i will never NEVER download games! but what is your vision about it?



Its not really a valid excuse for it though. I can't steal a nice car and get away with it under the argument "Well sorry but I wasn't going to buy it legally so its not really theft". At the end of the day publishers would make more money if the only way to obtain a game was through legal channels' date=' piracy does effect the industry and you can't argue that certain parts of it are ok.[/quote']



Not even close to being the same thing. Games can be duplicated an infinite amount of times, a car needs to be made from materials, and transported.


Completely different in peoples modern warped sense of ownership. Taking a car and downloading a copy of a game are still both theft. Just because one is easier for people to live with doesn't make it any different.


The difference is that a car costs a fortune and a game 50€, which makes people give more value to the car. Also, if your stealing a car, you're more likely stealing from its current owner, unlike games that you steal directly from the big anonymous corporate. Both are crimes, with different punishments.

well shot... no, heavily punished.. yes. just let them pay for every game they downloaded and don't own the original of.


Shooting someone in the gut once for every game they have downloaded is a heavy punishment.


Even if you weren't going to buy the game anyway, you may actually have decided to buy it if you didn't download it illegally. Anyway, I hope mikey gets an infraction for this, it is against the rules to talk about piracy positively.

Shooting someone in the gut once for every game they have downloaded is a heavy punishment.


Even if you weren't going to buy the game anyway, you may actually have decided to buy it if you didn't download it illegally. Anyway, I hope mikey gets an infraction for this, it is against the rules to talk about piracy positively.

But it shouldnt be. Some elements of piracy are positive. We had a lecture at uni from a producer at the BBC, he said "Downloading dosent harm the industry half as much as we would like you to think" Granted thats in TV/film. Also if nintendo got it together and released games close to each other, there wouldnt be a problem, i.e. when everyone but us is playing brawl, you can download it/import it on your modded wii, but alot fewer people would do this if the release schedule wasnt retarded.


ok that i steel a van Gogh painting the production of that was prob less than 50,-... Guys this is utter bull because steeling stays steeling even if it is candy from a baby, a game, car or Boeing 747. the thing is there are maybe 5000 cars stolen each year but in the same time millions of games are illegally downloaded in that same time costing the games industry (especially the small developers!!) more than those cars that get stolen. (note i don't own any official numbers) but we did some pols on Hyves (a very popular community site in the Netherlands. and 30% downloaded games for the Wii another 30% thought of modding their Wii so the can download games and only 40% dint download and dint want to do so in the near future)


downloading a game you do not own is stealing because you simply dint pay for it while the ones who made it clearly let you know that you do need to pay for it!



Even if you weren't going to buy the game anyway, you may actually have decided to buy it if you didn't download it illegally. Anyway, I hope mikey gets an infraction for this, it is against the rules to talk about piracy positively.


hah, no it isn't.

It's against the rules to discuss access to ROMs and other things like that. He's just saying he doesn't think piracy is harmful that's not against the forum rules.


the wii will win the console war. therefore all games will go dirt cheap a few months after launch (as was the case with most ps2 games.) ...even the good quality games as this is about economies of scale.


My point is that nintendo gaming should be affordable this generation. Therefore, you should not support terrorism or those that harbour terrorists. I say we should invade the netherlands to disarm them.


There is no excuse for piracy at all in my eyes. Whilst I object to the patronizing adverts on dvd's that say "you wouldn't steal a car...." why I should I be delivered such a message when I've paid good money for the dvd!

Shooting someone in the gut once for every game they have downloaded is a heavy punishment.


Even if you weren't going to buy the game anyway, you may actually have decided to buy it if you didn't download it illegally. Anyway, I hope mikey gets an infraction for this, it is against the rules to talk about piracy positively.


lol, fuck off will you.


Completely different in peoples modern warped sense of ownership. Taking a car and downloading a copy of a game are still both theft. Just because one is easier for people to live with doesn't make it any different.


If game companies had their own way, they'd make it illegal to buy used games. Would you then consider it stealing to buy a used game from a friend just because you don't have "permission" to own it?


Downloading a copied file, and taking something physical are completely different, simple as.

Downloading a copied file, and taking something physical are completely different, simple as.


Different methods of stealing, but stealing none-the-less.


If game companies had their own way, they'd make it illegal to buy used games. Would you then consider it stealing to buy a used game from a friend just because you don't have "permission" to own it?


Well most pre-owned games have come from trade-ins that allowed someone to buy a different game that they otherwise wouldn't have. Which is money in the pockets of publishers for a legal product. Its still contributing to the industry, unlike piracy.


To all the people out there who are bitching at pirating video games, can you honestly say you've never downloaded music? Never even an album?


That's why I find piracy so hard to argue against, and it's best to just let people make up their own mind on what they want to do. If people are going to chip their consoles and not buy games, fine, but they can **** off if they try and complain that a game isn't finished, or that there arn't enough new IP's, or that companies arn't innovating.


I buy all the games I own and feel that only aids my enjoyment, if you're given the opportunity to play every game for free you soon start to lose the appreciation factor they give you. It becomes bland and unrewarding, so for me I pity anyone who pirates, because chances are they've forgotten why they enjoy games in the first place. With music it's a bit different, I will happily download albums to find out which bands I like, but once I know they're worth of my cash I'll add their album to my collection of over 300 CDs.


So er, what was the point of this post? Basically people, stop being hypocrits.


p.s. I saw someone say Cars were worth more then computer games, that's a hard point to argue seeing as some games can cost in excess of $30 million+ to develope, and I'm sure all the employees who go rendudant are just as effected as the guy who had his car stolen.


if you go to confession, god will FORGIVE... so that should be enough. REPENT


ps there is no law agzainst possesing a pirated game... well you might want to check that. but i think you are not breaking any law by streaming movies etc


pps possesses posessses two double sesses

hah, no it isn't.

It's against the rules to discuss access to ROMs and other things like that. He's just saying he doesn't think piracy is harmful that's not against the forum rules.


Quoted for truth.


i don't have any film, music game or any thing else. as for game music i have a huge collection of it but i also own the games i have the music from. and i try as hard as i can to get the original soundtrack but that is often mission impossible because most OS are only for jappan only. and yes it is then (and only when i also own the game) that i download the game music.


so indeed i do not download when i can buy the real thing.


To own the game is to own the sound track though as you have to be able to listen to the music to play the game. At least in Canada anyway. I think its the same in the UK isn't it?


I pirated mine, but that's just to keep me playing games.


I'm a poor student, and I don't have the money for games. If I wouldn't have pirated it then I'd have to stop Nintendo gaming in general. Let's face it, I'd rather be bad than without. I'm not proud of it, and I'm not trying to defend it, but I guess I fell for it.


Rest assured, my study and other activities give me little time to play games at all. My grand total of downloaded games is one...

if you're given the opportunity to play every game for free you soon start to lose the appreciation factor they give you. It becomes bland and unrewarding, so for me I pity anyone who pirates, because chances are they've forgotten why they enjoy games in the first place.


That's the best answer to this argument.


Everyone is individual afterall, and who are we to say who is right and wrong? Only by your own morals can you cast an eye of judgement and so rather than do that...Just enjoy the software in front of you - Safe in the knowledge that YOU contributed to an industry which brings joy to millions upon millions of people from all walks of life.

I pirated mine, but that's just to keep me playing games.


I'm a poor student, and I don't have the money for games. If I wouldn't have pirated it then I'd have to stop Nintendo gaming in general. Let's face it, I'd rather be bad than without. I'm not proud of it, and I'm not trying to defend it, but I guess I fell for it.


Rest assured, my study and other activities give me little time to play games at all. My grand total of downloaded games is one...


I wouldn't feel bad about it, they're not losing any money from you downloading games, they're just not gaining any.


That's the best answer to this argument.


Everyone is individual afterall, and who are we to say who is right and wrong? Only by your own morals can you cast an eye of judgement and so rather than do that...Just enjoy the software in front of you - Safe in the knowledge that YOU contributed to an industry which brings joy to millions upon millions of people from all walks of life.


I buy all my games, as I like to reward a job well done to the developers, but that's just me.


I buy all my games, as I like to reward a job well done to the developers, but that's just me.


that reminds me of the old shareware slogans... "if you find this useful, please pay for a license fee" why cant we have something like that for games. Many games are released as unfinished turds dont deserve any rewards.


I had a flash card for my GBA when it was my only console. I think there are only about 10 games that I would have payed for. I guess I did contribute beacuse when I was older and richer, I bought all my games for my GBASP and these were mostly sequels of my old faviourites.

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