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Wii: Good playing with a Small TV?

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Its fun to play Wii with a Small televisor from the size of my Computer Screen?


Or i need to have a big television to make enjoyable the Wii?


A girlfriend once said to me once that the bigger the size the better. But I've always thought it's not the size of something that counts but the fun you having with it.


The same applies to the wii my friend. Great fun whatever size you have :heh:


Thank you :)


But my TV is so small that im afraid of not liking it.


Can't wait, my mother is coming with the NINTENDO WII :D


My little brother is playing Wii on a small 13" tv, while I'm playing on a 42" hdtv, and yeah it does make a difference imo.


Before I bought my big tv, I was always on a small 13" tv as well, and all I can say is boy am I glad that I did buy the big tv.


Especially for parties, Brawl raves anybody? :heh:

A girlfriend once said to me once that the bigger the size the better. But I've always thought it's not the size of something that counts but the fun you having with it.


The same applies to the wii my friend. Great fun whatever size you have :heh:


What absolutely bollocks you speak! The wii will be less enjoyable to the same extent of any other console played on a small screen.


I used to have my Wii next to my PC on a little 14" TV and it was still fine to play, however it does feel kinda weird playing with the Wii-mote when your cramped up, however my Wii is back downstairs cause i got RE:UC and the gun shell :P


I've personally never really been fussed about TV size. I used to play my gamecube on a 14" crt in my room. Now, when I go on an old Gamecube game on my large HDTV, the game doesn't feel any different.


I used to have my Wii on my 2nd monitor, which was, I think, a 17" LCD TV, an old Samsung model. It was just as fun to play as it is now.


I can imagine doing a diemetrix and playing on a huge projector screen is a different story, however ;)


I play single player games on my small TV in my room which is just fine, but when I have friends over I move my Wii to the lounge, where we play the multiplayer games on the big TV. Much better as you don't have to squint to see your character or have such a small portion of the screen for your gameplay area, but no real diffrence's to single player mode in my opinion

A big TV helps, yah, but a smaller one will do just fine. I do well enough on my little 15" combo anyway.


Thats what she said!


Oh wait that jokes already been made damn.


Oh I play it on a 14incher and would love it to be bigger but you know you gotta be happy with what god gives you!


It really depends how close you are. If your sitting as far from a computer monitor (or TV of equivalent size) as you would normally sit from it if you had it hooked up to a computer than that size of TV/Monitor is fine.


I play mine on a small TV and everything still looks great! :) and sometimes better than the TV downstairs, on some games as i don't have the component cables to improve the quality on the HD TV. :D


But i rarely use it downstairs anyway so it would be a waste of money for only a slight difference in my (not so good) eyes.


I'm a whore. Its 20" or above for me... and it has to be atleast 480p.


Yes, i'm that much of a whore.

I'm a whore. Its 20" or above for me... and it has to be atleast 480p.


Yes, i'm that much of a whore.



Actually, I agree. Anything below 480p looks like someone smeared the screen. And I actually find you embrace motion controls when infront of a bigger screen more than a smaller setup. I guess it just feels like your truly in control of what goes on.


I've played wii sports on a pub wall and in a gym both running from a projector, and the level of immersion is fabulous.

I'm a whore. Its 20" or above for me... and it has to be atleast 480p.


Yes, i'm that much of a whore.


Bleh, never noticed a diff between 480i and 480p really. As long as it's in widescreen, I don't care about the resolution while playing on the Wii.


I normall play on a 14inch at uni :/ wouldn't say u miss out on much but it'll feel better playing on a larger screen.

Im home for 3 weeks :p i'll make the most of the 42inch tv in the living room.


I say you make good use of what you got. Not everyone can afford an all singing dancing TV with LCD/HD etc etc.


I play on a 19'' size screen. Would I like a bigger screen? Yes. Can I afford a bigger screen. No. So I'II make use of what I've got and be happy I have a Wii at all.

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