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That Old Guy


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I didn't say it was christians, I just mentioned the Pope. Also, I don't hate all religions, I just dislike some people in them. :) But don't you think it, because he has so many followers etc, that he has the responsability of saying things like "use a condom" etc?


Sorry, not all of my post was directed at you. (I know you didn't say it was christians. :))

It was just a collection of thoughts that popped in my head as I read the thread.


I pretty much think that there should be a two-tier approach for the condom thing:


i) Don't have sex before marriage, don't have sex with anyone except your partner. If you do have AIDs/HIV (not sure of the correct term) then it's probs a good idea to not have sex at all.


ii) If you do the sex thing outside of marriage, then you're going to hell, so you might as well wear a condom you muppet.


Not sure how well thought out this post is.

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People are exaggerating, its like no other pope said similar things.


No-ones saying they haven't, thats part of the point. They shouldn't be saying things like that.


Mr_Odwin - I see what you're saying, the pope is saying that people should only have sex when married etc, and thats fine. But in a continent like Africa thats just not going to happen at the moment. The pope should have realised this along time ago and should at least be saying it's "ok to use a condom". At least then he's done his bit.

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The quote from you doesn't show that the pope said it was the biggest obstacle to world peace, just one obstacle on the road to peace.


Roman Catholics follow the pope, not Christians.


Catholicism teaches those in Africa to abstain from affairs and pre-marital sex; that would prove effective in preventing tyhe spread of aids. (Maybe not as effective as condoms.) It's weird/dumb as hell that they chose to follow the "no condom" thing but are happy to break the "no sex except in marriage" part. Makes me think it's more cultural than a religious adherence.


Saying religion is evil is just a throw-away exaggerated comment. The majority of religions encourage their followers to only do good and love others.


I'm not Catholic and don't believe that the pope is a part of God's church.


What "branch" of Christianity are you a part of Odwin?

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What does the catholic church know about marriage?!


It's an institution where it's members aren't allowed partners of any gender, at all. Somehow i don't think it best for them to be preaching stuff about something they nothing about, but then again, isn't that what Catholicism is all about?!

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What "branch" of Christianity are you a part of Odwin?




What does the catholic church know about marriage?!


It's an institution where it's members aren't allowed partners of any gender, at all. Somehow i don't think it best for them to be preaching stuff about something they nothing about, but then again, isn't that what Catholicism is all about?!


Members of the church are of course allowed to marry and procreate - you're refering to its priesthood, I believe. But I don't know much about that. You can know something is wrong without doing it. (Murder, rape, bullying, etc, etc - not everything must be learned by experience.)

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Members of the church are of course allowed to marry and procreate - you're refering to its priesthood, I believe. But I don't know much about that. You can know something is wrong without doing it. (Murder, rape, bullying, etc, etc - not everything must be learned by experience.)


But if you're preaching about it, isn't it ideal to have some first hand experience?!


In my mind, the catholic church is a pile of shit. It's only real use is to provide free advice and support to members of it's parish to help them through time's of difficulty and even then it's hit or miss as to wether you get a nice guy, a guy who doesn't care or a child abuser (cheap shot but hey ho). The real 'church' is in people's own personal beliefs and theological ideas. The church should not be all about telling you waht to do, it should be about giving you examples and saying, this and this happened, what do you think?!


This is the case in some christian denominations however it's not apparent in the catholic church.

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But if you're preaching about it, isn't it ideal to have some first hand experience?!


I would say so, but I'm not a Catholic, and think that their views on members of the priesthood and having no marriage/relationships is wrong.


Personal beliefs don't come into it with the Catholic church - the Pope is God's spokesperson - your own views should be in line with his or you're not right. Therefore, the church is all about telling you what to do because that's the job of God's spokesperson.


If the pope didnt say that wouldnt he be banned from being pope?


To disagree with a previous pope would be to say that he wasn't acting in the name of God. To me that would break the church. "Yeah, he was speaking for God, but he was wrong." Makes no sense given their doctrine.

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I just think religion is utterly old fashioned in it's views, especially on homosexuality. It needs to realise people are gay, simple. They need to just realise it's not an obsticle of world peace, it's someones life style choice. Thats it.


Thats why i'm agnostic, I like to leave the option open there might be a god, But I don't want to belong to any religion that has views I don't agree with.

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But what if there is a God and your views are wrong? What then?

(Just throwing it out there.)


Well then, for lack of better words, fuck that. Something like murder, there's only one view on that, it's wrong. Something like Homosexuality, there should be only one view on that too, it's perfectly ok. I mean, unlike murder, you don't have a choice as to whether you become attracted to the same sex, but a muderer has the choice whether to become one or not.


Thats why I find it wrong that religions can preach about homosexuality being wrong, when it's not someones choice to be that way, it just happens.


Also, if there is a God, and he believed my views were wrong, would I not be in a grave somewhere, or be being burned by some religion at the stake? (Extreme example, but you catch my drift).

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People should leave the nicey nicey catholics alone *looks in mirror* and concentrate on the pope, i dislike him tbh, and he looks like evil, and yes he was in the hitler youth, when it was the same standard/level as the boy scouts.


Please don't associate every catholic with your stereotypical views of them.

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Guest Stefkov
Then we're all going to hell.

*children chering*

I don't understand why people believe God is all loving when he sent the plagues in Egypt, killing thousands of children aswell as adults. Sends a flood to kill everything and leaves Noah to start afresh. I don't remember everything from R.E class in High school but something along the lines of if you didn't do everything good in your life he would send you to hell. The sheep and the goats was it?


The Pope does scare me though. Those Germans, next he'll say all but blonde people will go to hell.

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But what if there is a God and your views are wrong? What then?

(Just throwing it out there.)


Then we don't spend eternity with the evangelists, Jehovah's Witnesses, or any of the millions of others who claim they are "right"?


That's a good thing in my book.


I personally like the Pope, the bounty on his head gives the GLA hit squad's something to strive towards.


The Pope should probably be put on trial for manslaughter by negligence for every Catholic who dies of HIV/AIDS in Africa from this day forth, because, well, he is ultimately responsible.

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The Pope should probably be put on trial for manslaughter by negligence for every Catholic who dies of HIV/AIDS in Africa from this day forth, because, well, he is ultimately responsible.


Exactly. He has the responsability of telling people to wear and condom, but because he doesn't, people are dying. I mean, where in the bible does it say "thou shalt not wear latex around ones penis"?

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Please don't associate every catholic with your stereotypical views of them.


Stereotypes are generally untrue, but what is being said here is not. Oh, and surely the head of the religion should be representative of the views of it's followers?


Exactly. He has the responsability of telling people to wear and condom, but because he doesn't, people are dying. I mean, where in the bible does it say "thou shalt not wear latex around ones penis"?


If your both mad and power-hungry enough, you can bend the bible to mean whatever you wish, pretty much.

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Who cares about anything that old geezer says anyway (except for way too fanatic christians)?






I think he looks more like Saddler. And he's small-time.


Mate. I love you long time.


The pope is a ****, ironic, because he probably never has had a **** in his entire life, the fucking ****. ****!!!!!

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