That Guy Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 Finally back in my own house! Downloaded the update for the new store and loving the new look and feel of it! Might get both of the new expansions for Warhawk today, or atleast the first one. Really in the mood for some Plane action! Agree with that, new store is excellent. Much better than before. Motorstorm is weird. I find it repetitive, frustrating and rage inducing, yet at the same time it's addictive and I keep putting the disc in my PS3. The rubber banding is the one thing I do really hate about that game though. Was playing Resistance yesterday. I can't really be bothered with it in single player but a mate came round and spent a couple hours going through it in co-op (Actually the reason I bought it, I love local co-op.). Was a lot more fun, especially the bit in the jeep! Better than the warthog imo. I loved smashing through stuff. Also played UT3 today. Campaign is so much better when you active the option that lets other people jump in and play. I'm really loving it. The controls are perfect. My only minor gripe is turning 180 quickly, I wish there was a quick way of doing it. Any news on it being updated to do split screen like the 360 version? I hate the single player campaign. There are some multiplayer games I just don't want to play and in single player you obviously have to play them. Some drag on for ages as well.
Daft Posted April 20, 2008 Posted April 20, 2008 First trailer came out and it looks silky smooth. I don't plan to get it, UT on consoles just doesn't work for me. I didn't think I'd like it this much but I keep pulling off shots I'd only expect to do on the PC version which has allayed my initial concerns completely. I'm really annoyed they took Facing worlds (or whatever its called, the one with the two towers, you know the one I'm talking about :p) out of space. It looks lame in a jungle. I hate the single player campaign. There are some multiplayer games I just don't want to play and in single player you obviously have to play them. Some drag on for ages as well. Yeah, I found that the other day but now that I've switched it to LAN campaign its not just me doing ALL the leg work like when I only have bots on my team. Plus the online is seamless. I'm really impressed. I'd still like a split screen option.
LegoMan1031 Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Daft, last month in this thread we were talking about changing the online pic on the PS3 and we couldn't find out how to do it. Well i have now worked out how! (took me long enough!) Go to account management, then profile management, one of the many options on that page is to edit your profile or something (i can't remember the link names exacly but its along them lines). It then takes you through the stages again of like when you registered for the first time and the first option is to change ur pic! It seems pics get added by what games you play. I got loads of ones that were there that was not there when i got the console. I changed mine the other day to a ratchet and clank one.
Daft Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Lol, cheers Mike! I figured this out the other day as well. My slight OCD even led me to delete my Burnout save so I could change the picture on the license! :p
Hero-of-Time Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Metal Gear Beta delayed! Stick a fork in it, this beta's almost done. Konami have just issued a statement on the Metal Gear Online site, which reads: ...we regret to inform you that due to extraordinary levels of traffic from all around the globe, we have been unable to run the service to the level we expected. As a temporary measure, we will be deferring the start of the US public beta test until we are able to stabilize our server. We would like to apologize for all inconveniences as well as confusion caused. As a result, the beta's start date - which was meant to be today - has been postponed, with an announcement on a new date expected on Tuesday (Europe: "we will be suspending the European public beta test and restart it once we stabilize our server"). To compensate for this, the beta will be run for another week, and is now due to end on the 11th of May, rather than the 6th. Good thing Konami are doing all this now, such a loooooong time before the game's due for release, because if they left it to the last minute (like, a month and a half before release, say), people might start to worry! From Kotaku
LazyBoy Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 So I bought a PS2 today. Games: SotC ICO MGS3 FFVII FFX FFX2 Tales of Destiny Kingdom Hearts Kingdom hearts 2 God of War God of War 2 Rouge Galaxy Onimusha 3 Soul Caliber 3 Tekken 5 Ratchet and Clank Silent Hill 4 Silent Hill Origins and others GTA3 San Andreas Apart from GTA3 never played any of them before, so should be fun. Was going to buy a PS3 but thought otherwise. Any other games you guys recommend?
S.C.G Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Devil May Cry 3 Metal Gear Solid 3 Xenosaga trilogy Ecco? (I liked it )
ReZourceman Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 So I bought a PS2 today. Games: SotC ICO MGS3 FFVII FFX FFX2 Tales of Destiny Kingdom Hearts Kingdom hearts 2 God of War God of War 2 Rouge Galaxy Onimusha 3 Soul Caliber 3 Tekken 5 Ratchet and Clank Silent Hill 4 Silent Hill Origins and others GTA3 San Andreas Apart from GTA3 never played any of them before, so should be fun. Was going to buy a PS3 but thought otherwise. Any other games you guys recommend? Disgaea + Disgaea 2. (Mandatory purchases....unless you have a PSP for the superior version of Disgaea.)
Domo Kun Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Metal Gear 2, Sega Mega Drive Collection, Pro Evo, Devil May Cry
LegoMan1031 Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Lol, cheers Mike! I figured this out the other day as well. My slight OCD even led me to delete my Burnout save so I could change the picture on the license! :p Lol. I can't understand why i didn't notice it before! I'm sure i remember looking at all them options as well! Oh well...
Daft Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Lol. I can't understand why i didn't notice it before! I'm sure i remember looking at all them options as well! Oh well... I know. When I came across it I felt incredibly dumb! Edit: Are there any good games out or coming to the PSN? (Not big ones like Warhawk) I keep looking at XBL and there are loads of things constantly coming out for it but the PSN is a little empty.
flameboy Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Has MGO been delayed again or something? Yep read in the MGS4 thread...Konami couldn't handle the high volume of users and traffic...
flameboy Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 It's a terrible shame for the Beta because means I won't play it half as much as I would have done, because of GTA
Hero-of-Time Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 It's a terrible shame for the Beta because means I won't play it half as much as I would have done, because of GTA Same. I cant see me touching the beta at all now that its getting released next to GTAIV.
flameboy Posted April 25, 2008 Posted April 25, 2008 I heard the MGO beta is running now, this true? yep apparently, read plenty of impressions from people on other forums. Only 3 servers running though.
Daft Posted April 25, 2008 Posted April 25, 2008 Just had a clean out at work and I got a free copy of: FFXII FFVII: DoC Kindom Hearts 2 FF Tactics for the PSP a couple FF T-shirts and a load of other tat!! WOOHOO!! :p Edit: Just got some random game called Valkerie Profile 2...whatever that it.... I love free stuff.
Domo Kun Posted April 25, 2008 Posted April 25, 2008 I'm playing MGO right now! I'm not impressed... It'll be a great game in single player, but it doesn't translate to online deathmatch style play... Oh well. Awesome playing Metal Gear 4 (sort of) though.
Pit-Jr Posted April 25, 2008 Posted April 25, 2008 Its got potential, though i wish my guy (Voldo) moved a little faster and could jump. On the plus side, i like the character customization, skill points, voice pitch etc, and the interface and servers were pretty smooth.
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